Girl or boy: can we really know the sex of the baby?

Nausea, a sign of a girl?

Warning sign of pregnancy, the frequency of nausea would, according to some, detect baby’s sex. According to the legend, if we did not have one during the first trimester, we prepare to welcome a little guy. On the other hand, if the morning sickness were very severe, it is very likely that we are waiting a little girl.

The baby’s heart rate:

According to legend, if the fetal heartbeat is over 140 beats per minute, it would be a girl. If it is inferior, of a boy.

Find out the sex of the baby by observing the libido:

During pregnancy, sexual desire experiences real upheavals. According to some beliefs, when the libido decreases, it is the sign that we are expecting a girl. On the contrary, if it increases, a little boy might just point the tip of his nose.

Know the sex of the baby by trusting his maternal instinct:

Mother’s intuition about child sex is often the right one. Almost 71% of expectant mothers’ predictions are still correct, unlike the feelings of the husband or other family members. So for you, it’s a girl or boy ?

The weight of the future dad: a sign that speaks volumes?

See if the brood watch your companion! According to a belief, if the dad gains as much weight as the mother-to-be during pregnancy, it would herald the arrival of a boy. On the other hand, if her weight remains stable or decreases, it’s a girl! Finally, know that knowing the sex of the future baby would help men to become a father.

Find out the sex of the baby by observing the moon:

The lunar cycle would also play a role on the sex of your child. If the baby was conceived between a full moon and a white moon, it will be a girl. On the other hand, if the conception took place between a white moon and a full moon, it will be a boy. Another legend not scientifically supported.

Hair and skin during pregnancy, a sign of the baby’s gender?

If your hair has taken on red highlights or if you have lost volume, you are probably expecting a girl. On the other hand, if your leg hair is growing faster than usual, or if your hands are very dry, it will be a boy. We are no longer close to a belief!

In video: What if I am disappointed with the gender of my baby?

Acne, dry skin and pregnancy: a sign of a little girl?

Even though skin changes are often linked to hormonal disturbances in pregnancy in general, some predict a girl will have an acne breakout. Is your face rounded? Is the skin on your face drying out? Are you waiting for a girl ! The same if the whites of your eyes are slightly yellow. On the other hand, if it is really white, it is a boy. Also expect to welcome a little guy if your nose has widened… It’s beautiful the imagination!

Pointy belly, boy in sight?

If the brown pregnancy line exceeds the navel, it would be the sign that one carries a girl. Otherwise, it’s a boy. About the belly shape, if it is high and pointed, it is certainly hiding a little boy. On the other hand, if it is rather round, wide and low, it would be a girl. Remember, however, that the shape of the belly also depends on the physique of the expectant mother, the position of the baby and the number of pregnancies. For a first-time mother (a mother who is expecting her first child), the tummy tends to be pointed, with the abdominal muscles not yet relaxed.

The desires of a pregnant woman according to the sex of the baby:

Pregnant, analyze your meals! There is a popular saying that if you are crazy about salty foods, meats and cheese: it’s a boy. On the contrary, if you constantly crave sweets, you will have a baby girl. Some also claim that future mothers who prefer crust to breadcrumbs will have a boy. On the dairy side, know that if you consume it often, it announces the arrival of a little boy. If you don’t eat more than usual, it will be a girl. Likewise, if you eat a lot of fruit. However the specialists are clear, there is no link between the sex of the baby and food cravings., the latter varying according to nutritional needs and individual tastes.

The interest of legends?

For Dr Roger Bessis, vice-president of the French College of Fetal Ultrasound (CFEF), these beliefs are positive: “The imagination is very important during pregnancy. Next to the very objective discourse of doctors, it is good that families can fantasize about the future child. “

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