Ginseng plant, cultivation and care
Ginseng is a herbaceous, perennial plant that has healing properties due to its unique composition. Its homeland is the Far East, but by creating the necessary conditions close to natural, ginseng can be grown in other regions.
The healing properties of the ginseng plant
Ginseng is used in traditional medicine because it has a complex composition of various chemical compounds. In addition, it contains many macro and micronutrients.
The fruits of the ginseng plant are beneficial for health
Ginseng tones up, reduces pain, increases efficiency, and promotes the excretion of bile. When using the plant, the pressure is normalized, the sugar level decreases, the work of the endocrine system improves.
Ginseng has a strong sedative effect, so it is recommended to use it in case of overexertion, stress, anxiety, and neurological problems. It has a beneficial effect on male potency, but it should be remembered that caffeinated drinks should not be consumed while taking the medicine, this can lead to excessive irritability.
The plant does not tolerate flooding, even short-term, therefore the site must be protected from heavy rainfall and melt water. Also, ginseng does not tolerate open sunlight, artificially shade the area or plant it under the canopy of trees.
Basic landing rules:
- Preparation of soil mixture. Use the following composition: 3 parts of forest land, part of deciduous and old manure humus, part of sawdust, half of wood dust and coarse sand, 1/6 part of cedar or pine needles. Prepare the mixture in advance, keep it slightly damp and stir constantly. You can prepare a different composition, the main thing is that it is air and moisture resistant, of moderate acidity and contains fertilizers.
- Preparing the beds. Prepare your beds a few weeks before planting. Place them from east to west, 1 m wide. Along the entire length, dig the ground to a depth of 20-25 cm, lay out drainage 5-7 cm from river pebble or coarse sand. Spread the prepared soil mixture on top, level the surface of the garden. After two weeks, disinfect the soil, mix 40% formalin with 100 liters of water.
- Sowing seeds. Sow seeds in mid-fall or late April. Sow 4-5 cm deep, 3-4 cm between seeds and 11-14 cm between rows. Water the plant immediately after planting and cover with mulch.
Ginseng care is reduced to watering the plant once a week in dry weather, and less often during natural precipitation. Loosen the soil to the depth of the roots, weed from weeds. All this must be done manually.
Growing ginseng on your site is difficult, but possible. Put all your strength, care and attention into this work, and the healing plant will delight you with its seedlings.
Naitwa hamisi Athumani Ntandu, Facebook:hamisi Ntandu nauliza mbegu za mmea wa ginseng hapa Tanzania unapatikana mkoa gain?
Naitwa Ibrahim
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