Ginkgo biloba

Health Benefits and Uses of Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Description of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a unique relic species, which is the only one preserved over many millions of years of the planet’s development. It belongs to the primitive gymnosperms of the dioecious type. The reproductive cells of a plant are divided into female and male. Male trees produce pollen, while female trees produce seeds. They are pollinated by air currents. This deciduous tree has a shiny, smooth grayish-brown bark. It can live up to two thousand years.

Instances growing in Europe do not exceed 18 meters, and trees located in their homeland reach 40 meters. Plants easily tolerate cold and are resistant to various insects – parasites, viruses and phytopathogenic fungi. They easily survive even in the heavily polluted atmosphere of any large metropolitan areas. Ginkgo biloba has a pyramidal shape with a weeping or columnar crown. All male trees tend to be quite slender, while female specimens are more stocky. The crown of female trees has a spherical crown.

The presented trees have branches without leaves, on which dwarf outgrowths are placed with interesting bunches of fan-shaped long-leaved leaves of a bluish-green color. These wiry, leathery leaves exhibit varying degrees of segmentation and lobation. Their reproductive structures include female buds and male microsporangia. Male cluster-shaped flowers have a yellow-green hue and numerous stamens.

While the female flowers are arranged on very long stalks with unusual branching at the ends. They always end with a seed germ. The powerful Ginkgo Biloba often blooms in May. Immediately after pollination and subsequent fertilization, small ovules turn into plum-like yellow fruits. They consist of large dihedral kernels resembling nuts and are covered with pulp. Reproduction of this plant is carried out vegetatively and with the help of seeds.

Such unusual trees can be found in Japan and France, and the species is also cultivated in South Korea.

Health Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

To date, only the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. They are harvested in autumn during the growing season. Linalool esters and phenylpropane derivatives have been found in leaves as well as in seeds and wood. The composition contains special sesquiterpenes and tricyclic diterpenes. The roots of Ginkgo biloba contain a unique ginkgolide. In various preparations, the content of ginkgolides varies significantly.

Due to the exceptional specific substances, the plant tends to dilate blood vessels, easily increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, Ginkgo biloba is excellent at fighting all sorts of different inflammatory processes, since inhibition of the activation factor is possible. Due to this factor, drugs are indicated for arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis.

An important component can also be noted and irreplaceable flavin glycosides, which have a surprisingly powerful antioxidant property. The strong therapeutic effect exerted by the plant on the human body includes lowering cholesterol levels, reducing edema, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and normalizing metabolic processes.

It has also been shown to be beneficial in preventing lipid peroxidation and in normalizing blood pressure. It should be mentioned that numerous drugs can have a beneficial effect on human thinking and memory, improving the speed of processes in the brain. To restore the processes of blood circulation, Ginkgo biloba is used very often by many modern doctors.

Application of Ginkgo biloba

Due to the proven antioxidant and angioprotective properties of the plant, its leaves have been widely used in medicine. Various pharmaceutical preparations are primarily indicated for all kinds of manifestations of cerebral atherosclerosis. Ginkgo biloba also has a positive effect on the aging body, including behavioral and psycho-emotional disorders. They are usually accompanied by obstruction of cerebral vessels.

It should be noted the benefits of funds for serious visual and hearing disorders. Regular intake of the prescribed drug for a long time not only improves memory and excellent concentration, but also eliminates dizziness and headaches. Ginkgo biloba is effective for intellectual activity, vein disease and obliterating arteriosclerosis, as it improves the rheological properties of blood and reduces thrombosis.

Additional benefits in the treatment of diseases can be noted anti-inflammatory effect and vasoregulatory effects on the human body. Often, drugs are prescribed for dangerous systemic diseases, accompanied by serious circulatory disorders. These include, in particular, diabetes mellitus.

Ginkgo biloba leaves

The long-leaved leaves of Ginkgo biloba contain large amounts of flavonoids, procyanidins, diterpenoids, as well as bilobalide and ginkgolides. One of the presented alkaloids is a rather powerful antioxidant that binds all substances that provoke vasoconstriction and the inevitable appearance of blood clots.

Ginkgo biloba leaf tincture. This tool is a unique pharmaceutical product, which is characterized by many useful properties. The spectrum of its therapeutic action is wide, it is due to the amazing effect on all metabolic processes occurring in the cells of any human body. When using this remedy, you can expand blood vessels, restore neuron metabolism, significantly reduce cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure.

Such a drug is often prescribed for serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, for multiple sclerosis and intermittent claudication syndrome, as well as for complaints of tinnitus. It is also indicated for diabetes and hemorrhoids. Together with the main therapy, Ginkgo biloba has a positive effect on the treatment of migraines, deafness, bronchial asthma, impotence and toxic shock.

It has been proven that it can prevent the development of such extremely dangerous conditions as heart attack and stroke. Ginkgo biloba tincture can be used in any age category. After a week of regular intake, it will be possible to observe positive dynamics. This powerful stimulant of attention, memory and mental potential is striking in its effect on the human body.

To prepare the product at home, you need to take vodka and pour the leaves of the plant at the rate of: 1 part of the leaves per 10 parts of vodka. After steeping for two weeks in a very dark place, the Ginkgo biloba tincture should be carefully strained. You can use the medicine in 10-15 drops, diluted in 100 grams of water. In this case, the course of treatment should not be less than one month. Modern experts advise conducting three full courses per year. This treatment regimen gives positive results that last for a long time.

This tincture can also be used as an excellent external remedy for facial rejuvenation.

Ginkgo biloba extract

Ginkgo biloba tree extract has long been used by ancient Chinese healers. It improves not only memory and thinking, but also has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of a person. To date, this tool is part of many pharmaceuticals that are used for effective prevention and effective treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

The extract from the presented plant is indispensable for violations of the blood supply to the brain. The steroids of the extract are directly involved in important cell growth processes, having a beneficial effect on the overexpression of the PBR type. The drug is indicated for the destruction of life-threatening cancer cells, and is also used for prophylactic purposes in the treatment of complex forms of various malignant neoplasms.

Modern doctors have proven the benefits of Ginkgo biloba extract in diseases of the lungs and heart, in bronchial asthma, due to the unique anti-spastic properties. It is often prescribed as an anthelmintic and can be used externally. In the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease, the drug significantly slows down the decline in all mental abilities. In addition, it has a vasodilating effect, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and has an antihypoxic effect.

How to take ginkgo biloba? For use, the drug is recommended to be diluted in water and strictly follow the prescribed dosages. As a rule, the dose does not exceed 20 drops. The course of treatment is from 30 to 40 days. If necessary, after 3-4 months, the treatment can be repeated.

Ginkgo biloba seeds

Ellipsoidal seeds are no more than 3 cm long. They have a rather fleshy outer shell. Ginkgo biloba can be easily propagated using seeds. Before sowing, they must be thoroughly cleaned of the fleshy pericarp, and then sown to a depth of about 5 cm. As a rule, germination time can be about 30 days. Since the plant is considered fast-growing, already in the first year of its life, all seedlings will grow by 15 cm. They quickly form shoots and give active shoots, from the stump to the very root.

It should be mentioned that seedlings do not tolerate transplanting very well. After such a procedure, they will not grow for a very long time.

Ginkgo biloba tea

Delightful tea based on Ginkgo Biloba is famous for its incomparable medicinal value. It can also be included in special drinks along with honeysuckle. The combination of roots and leaves of the plant greatly enhances the healing effect of tea. After a 30-day course of treatment, you will be able to notice a unique increase in your immunity. In addition to a general improvement in well-being, mental reactions will intensify, and memory will become more flexible.

Ginkgo biloba tea promotes improvement in all organs and systems, it restores blood circulation in all blood vessels, increases blood flow to the brain, and also protects cells from numerous free radicals. It delays the aging of the body, preventing strokes and heart attacks. In elderly patients, there is a slowdown in platelet activation.

It is enough to replace the usual morning tea with this drink to replenish the supply of vitality and well-being.

Ginkgo biloba for kids

Various preparations based on this plant are not prescribed for children under 16 years of age, since there is no reliable information on the safety and effectiveness of the use of these medicinal products.

Ginkgo biloba oil

The incomparable oil based on Ginkgo Biloba is considered an incredibly powerful restorative agent. When applied externally, it has a beneficial effect on split ends and weakened hair. The oil perfectly strengthens the hair roots, restoring the hairline. By strengthening the functionality of the follicles, your hair will become shiny and thick. This cosmetic product has also long been used in everyday skin care. It is able to cure eczema, ulcers and other serious skin diseases.

Ginkgo biloba contraindications

The main contraindication for the use of various preparations containing Ginkgo biloba is the period of pregnancy and lactation. In case of excessive sensitivity to active substances, the treatment started should be stopped immediately.

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