Gingivitis in children
Not always a visit to a pediatric dentist involves the treatment of caries. You, for example, have probably heard about gingivitis in children. But how dangerous this disease is – perhaps you don’t suspect

How often do you look into your child’s mouth? Many parents are sure that it is enough just to control that the child is not too lazy to brush his teeth before going to bed and in the morning. And some don’t make it. Otherwise, adults follow the logic: since the child does not cry and eats ice cream with a wide smile, then everything is fine.

But, for example, gingivitis in children can be almost painless. At first. But if the sore is started without paying attention to it, there is a risk of facing very, very unpleasant consequences – up to the loss of teeth!

Let’s figure out what kind of ailment this is, how to detect and cure it.

Symptoms of gingivitis in children

Gingivitis in children is an inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue adjacent to the teeth and located in the spaces between them. Remember: have you ever noticed blood on your toothbrush? This is just one of the first symptoms of gingivitis. This also includes: redness and swelling of the gums, pain during brushing, gum hypertrophy (overgrowth), high fever.

– There are five types of gingivitis: catarrhal, ulcerative necrotic, hypertrophic, atrophic, desquamative, – lists children’s dentist Suleiman Ibragimov. And each has its own symptoms. For example, catarrhal gingivitis may not manifest itself in any way, except that when brushing your teeth, weakened gums begin to bleed. With other variations of the disease, everything is more serious.

During ulcerative necrotic gingivitis gums itch and hurt. In addition, the temperature may rise, the lymph nodes become inflamed. The process is accompanied by general malaise and increased salivation, and after a while ulcers appear and gum tissue begins to die.

hypertrophic gingivitis in children, symptoms: the gums increase in size, bleed heavily, the pain develops into a permanent one. Hypertrophied tissue gradually grows so much that it “creeps” onto the teeth. Well, under it is the kingdom of pathogenic microflora, which is extremely difficult to fight.

Atrophic gingivitis in children, it manifests itself in the fact that the teeth become very sensitive, since the gums seem to be depleted, reduced in volume, the necks of the teeth and even the roots are exposed. According to Suleyman Ibragimov, at this stage, the disease passes into the most difficult stage: it is no longer gingivitis, but practically periodontitis, that is, the process passes to the jaws.

About appearance desquamative gingivitis purulent vesicles on the surface of the gums testify, since the upper layer of the mucosa is destroyed.

Treatment of gingivitis in children

“In children suffering from gingivitis, as a rule, we find a thick layer of plaque and hard deposits, as well as caries that affects many teeth at once,” says Dr. Ibragimov.

Plaque bacteria play a key role in the development of gingivitis. In addition, infections (such as SARS or chronic tonsillitis, for example), allergic diseases, hypovitaminosis, diabetes mellitus, problems of the digestive system, and so on contribute to the appearance of sores. If your child has an overbite, avoiding the toothbrush or brushing their teeth incorrectly can also contribute to the occurrence of gingivitis.

Have you noticed red gums in your baby, slightly swollen? This may already be the first call. And coupled with a high temperature indicates a serious inflammatory process. Urgently to the doctor! Up to this point: bed rest, drinking plenty of water, if necessary – antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

– It is necessary to treat gingivitis comprehensively, taking into account the individual characteristics of each small patient. To begin with, find and eliminate the cause: for example, cure caries, tonsillitis (other common diseases), or deal with bite pathologies, – says Suleyman Ibragimov.

Only then – the actual treatment of inflammation of the gums. It is carried out in stages:

  • removal of soft plaque and hard dental deposits;
  • a course of anti-inflammatory procedures: rinsing the mouth with antiseptics (for example, Miramistin) and herbal decoctions (eucalyptus, sage or ordinary chamomile will do). Rinse your mouth after every brushing your teeth, twice a day. For the smallest (who do not yet know how to rinse their mouths, and there is still nothing to clean there), the doctor will prescribe applications with a gel containing salicylate in the composition of cetalkonium and choline, plus treatment of the oral mucosa with antiseptics.
  • optional: vitamins, limit carbohydrates, enough fruits and vegetables.

“The duration of treatment depends on the form and severity of the course of the disease,” explains Suleiman Ibragimov. – In the initial stage, the development of gingivitis in children can be stopped in 5-7 days. A severe form of the disease will have to be treated for about a month.

Prevention of gingivitis in children

We have already found out how terrible gingivitis can be in children. Prevention – it is she who will avoid complications, long-term treatment and, in general, such an unpleasant experience.

So, simple rules:

  • Follow daily hygiene procedures.
  • Teach your child how to properly brush their teeth, rinse their mouth – and be sure to do this twice a day.
  • Make sure that the child withstands the time allotted for hygiene, does not press hard on the brush and makes the right movements. Select the paste and brush according to age, and replace them in time.
  • Before the appearance of the first teeth, the gums of babies can be treated with special wipes or soft silicone brushes that are worn on the finger.
  • Proper nutrition. Sweets, soda, pastries, and snacks should be kept to a minimum. And be sure to add foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, fluorine to the diet.
  • Mandatory: follow the schedule of professional examinations at the dentist, plus – professional hygiene at least 2 times a year (some are supposed to do this 3-4 times a year).

Popular questions and answers

Can gingivitis be treated at home?

You can, but first you need to consult with a pediatric dentist.

What age children are at risk?

Especially often gingivitis affects children under 10 years of age. The disease develops due to the increased susceptibility of the periodontium (tissues surrounding the teeth) at this age. But gingivitis can develop at a much younger age. Two out of 10 visits to the dentist are for children under 4 years old, the remaining eight are children aged 6-10 years.

Can gingivitis appear if the child does not have teeth yet?

Yes maybe. Gingivitis is often found in infants, which is explained by the appearance of wounds on the gums during teething. An infection gets into the wounds, as a result – an inflammatory process.

Can teeth fall out if the disease is triggered?

If the problem is ignored, inflammation will quickly spread to the bone tissue and lead to periodontitis or periodontal disease, which can provoke loosening, up to the development of abscesses and loss of teeth.

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