Ginger with lemon and honey for immunity

Ginger with lemon and honey to boost immunity

Vitamin bomb of ginger, honey and lemon for immunity can be prepared in many ways. The main properties of the mixture do not change from a slight variation in the amount of ingredients, so everyone can try several options and choose the optimal ratio for themselves individually. For some, the type of honey or even the type of lemon may be important.

Recipe for ginger with lemon and honey

Despite the wide variety of recipes offered in various sources, a mixture of honey, ginger and lemon is prepared according to several general principles:

  • Approximately the same number of components is always taken;

  • First, ginger is mixed with lemon, then honey is added;

  • The mixture is stored in a glass, earthenware or ceramic container with a tightly sealed lid.

The process of preparing the healing mixture is quite simple:

Ginger with lemon and honey for immunity

  • Take two lemons and 250 g of ginger root and honey. It is advisable to take liquid (linden) honey to make the mixture more homogeneous, but you can use any, again, depending on personal preferences.

  • Ginger root is rubbed on a grater with a fine mesh. The peel from the golden roots does not need to be peeled off – it consists of solid plant fibers, which are very useful for self-cleansing of the intestines. Of course, because of the peel, the process of grinding ginger can be delayed. If there is not enough time or patience, you can simply cut the roots into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.

  • Lemons are also consumed with the peel. They need to be crushed, so we also cut the fruits into small pieces and turn them into a homogeneous mass using a blender or meat grinder.

  • Ginger and lemon masses are mixed in a separate bowl, then honey is added. Mix again, more thoroughly than the previous one.

  • Choose a container for storage. The easiest option is a glass jar with a threaded lid. We shift the resulting mixture into it and twist it tightly. We place the jar in the refrigerator, and in a day the cocktail is ready for use for its intended purpose.

As part of the experiment, various spices can be added to ginger with lemon and honey. For example, a teaspoon of turmeric or cinnamon, a few clove sticks.

You can make the healing mass as savory as you like!

Useful properties of ginger with lemon and honey.

The main component of the healing mixture is ginger root. It has long been used to increase the overall tone of the body, as well as an antiparasitic and detoxifying agent. Modern research proves that ginger root, in addition, accelerates the exchange of oxygen in muscle cells, helps to successfully fight the feeling of nausea and gives a pleasant smell to the breath.

Here is a list of the main vitamins found in ginger root:

  • Retinol (A) – enhances the barrier properties of the mucous membranes, stimulates the activity of non-specific immunity factors, ensures the restoration of the epithelium after injuries and irritations, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals;

  • thiamine (B1) – responsible for the processing of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy;

  • Riboflavin (B2) – necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and maintaining the health of epithelial tissues (skin and mucous membranes);

  • A nicotinic acid (B3, or PP) – important for the functioning of metabolic chains of protein synthesis and breakdown, as well as lipid metabolism.

Ginger root gives the body the fiber necessary to optimize peristalsis, and is also rich in mineral components.

Lemon, as you know, is remarkable not so much for its content of vitamin C, but for its significant reserves of phytoncides, organic acids, flavonoids and carotenes. Thanks to this citrus fruit, many people quickly and painlessly had colds and other diseases. With the help of lemon, they stimulate immunity, normalize hormonal balance and delay the aging process – these properties are unique and necessary in the fight against any disease.

It is difficult to find a replacement for such a unique product as honey, which is extracted by bees from flower nectar and pollen. In addition to the intensive energy supply, which gives a high content of fructose and glucose in it, many plant active substances determine its antiseptic, tonic and immune-strengthening properties. Thanks to honey, the immune system synthesizes interferons faster, and the vessels are cleared of calcium and cholesterol deposits.

As you can see, each of the ingredients of the healing mixture supports the immune system, but, for its part. When combining their properties, synergy is observed, which many times increases the effectiveness of using the mixture compared to the separate use of each component.

A vitamin bomb of lemon, honey and ginger root turns into a real shield against any disease, which everyone needs during demi-season climate changes (spring and autumn). Avitaminosis, which leads to frequent colds, can be quickly and effectively overcome only thanks to this environmentally friendly and natural product for the body.

Cold drink – ginger, lemon and honey

Ginger with lemon and honey for immunity

Imagine the situation: in the afternoon, symptoms such as a sore throat, chills and redness of the eyes appear and are aggravated by the evening. Many are familiar with a similar condition, often accompanied by various variations of symptoms: someone has a fever, someone suffers from a headache, lips dry up, etc.

If at this moment there is a jar with a ready-made mixture of lemon, ginger and honey in the refrigerator, it is enough to eat two teaspoons of the product at the first opportunity, not forgetting to drink it with hot water. In the evening, you need to take in addition another spoonful of the mass, dissolving it in tea. It is important to ensure that the temperature of the drink to which the mixture is added does not exceed 50 ° C in order to preserve all the healing substances.

In the morning you will feel more cheerful, despite the usual deterioration. To consolidate the effect, two more tablespoons of ginger medicine are immediately eaten, and one hour after waking up and one hour before bedtime, tea is drunk with one spoonful of the remedy.

On the second morning, the disease does not make itself felt. You need to maintain your healthy state for another week by drinking tea with a mixture of ginger, honey and lemon once a day for the purpose of prevention.

Ginger with lemon and honey produce a strong diaphoretic effect, so for its intensive use it is better to choose days when you do not have to leave the house

Ginger, honey and lemon to boost immunity in children

Due to the naturalness of the components, ginger medicine with honey and lemon can be taken by children, but only from the age of two. The digestive, immune and endocrine systems of infants and toddlers under this age are not yet ready to process such an intense drug.

The benefits of ginger mixture with honey and lemon for children are obvious:

  • It supports developing immunity, protecting it from major childhood diseases;

  • Prevents frequent infections with viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract;

  • It streamlines the work of the gastrointestinal tract, on which the resistance of the body’s protective barriers depends on 65%.

At the first signs of illness in children, it is not recommended to use the mixture in its pure form – it is better to give only a health drink. In most cases, a sufficient dose is 200 ml of a tea drink with a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C and a teaspoon of a healing agent twice a day.

There is also a recipe for a special ginger drink made from similar ingredients. As in the mixture, ginger with lemon and honey is taken. The difference lies in the fact that ginger and lemon should not be ground into gruel, but juice should be extracted from them.

So, to prepare a ginger drink for children, you need to mix:

  • a teaspoon of ginger juice;

  • A spoonful of honey;

  • A teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

This mixture can be dissolved in hot water or consumed in its pure form with warm water.

Ginger lemonade

Ginger with lemon and honey for immunity

From ginger, honey and lemon, you can prepare not only a concentrated medicinal mixture, but also a healthy health lemonade that can be served on the table for holidays and other events.

Like the mixture of ginger with honey and lemon, it is also very simple to prepare:

  • 100 g of ginger root, peeled and cut into circles.

  • Chopped ginger is poured with a glass of water and boiled for 3-4 minutes;

  • All the juice is extracted from the lemon using a juicer;

  • Ginger broth is filtered into a container for lemonade (a jug or other suitable vessel), all the resulting lemon juice is added there;

  • Lemonade is sweetened to taste with honey (2-3 teaspoons), and the remaining volume is supplemented with cold boiled water.

By adding a mixture of ginger, honey and lemon to various foods, you can prepare delicious and healthy cookies, ice cream, cereals and other dishes for children.

Wellness blend of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss

The well-known Indian medical school of Ayurveda calls ginger a product that kindles the inner fire. This refers to the ability of ginger to burn accumulated fat, which is realized due to the intensification of oxygen metabolism in the tissues of the body.

Of course, a cup of ginger tea won’t miraculously make you skinny or athletic. As with other natural remedies, a systematic approach is needed here, which gives, albeit not very fast, but firmly fixed results.

Ginger with lemon and honey for cholesterol

It has been proven that ginger is an excellent tool for cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. For this healing property, the substance gingerol is responsible, which can break down “bad cholesterol” into bile acids. Nicotinic acid, in turn, lowers the overall level of low density lipoproteins, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

In addition to ginger, spices such as cinnamon and turmeric help against atherosclerosis, which can also be added to a ginger vitamin mixture to enhance the effect of vascular cleansing.

Contraindications for use

All components of the mixture of ginger, honey and lemon have no special contraindications, except for individual intolerance (allergy) to any of them.

However, the effect of a natural vitamin bomb can be very strong for the body, so in some cases it is better not to take it:

  • With arterial hypertension, as pressure surges are possible;

  • With any bleeding, due to blood thinning;

  • With a stomach or intestinal ulcer, especially during an exacerbation;

  • During pregnancy and lactation, due to the risk of allergic reactions of the fetus and child to individual active substances.

When taking a mixture of ginger root with honey and lemon, listen to your own feelings and adjust your vitamin intake accordingly. Remember that the healing ginger-lemon mass with honey is a medicine, a biologically active cocktail, and not a flavor additive.

Green smoothie with ginger, lemon and honey

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