Ginger Slimming Video Recipes

Ginger Slimming Video Recipes

Ginger root is used not only to add spicy taste and pleasant aroma to dishes. Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent; it is used to eliminate nausea during toxicosis of pregnant women, improve digestion, and as a tonic. The properties of ginger also make it possible to use it for those who seek to get rid of extra pounds.

How does ginger help you lose weight?

The root of ginger contains biologically active substances that increase blood circulation and improve metabolism. Ginger helps to flush out accumulated toxins, and boosting metabolism helps the body burn fat more efficiently. When added to meals, ginger makes them taste fuller, which helps to satisfy hunger faster. Even if the consumption of ginger increases the appetite, it does not lead to overeating.

Ginger is an excellent tonic to help strengthen the body’s resistance and reduce susceptibility to stress

Therefore, ginger will be useful for those who tend to “seize” stress, overeat in a moment of nervous tension.

Losing weight with ginger is a long process, but the effect will be more persistent than after strict short-term diets. Regular use of ginger helps to lose 10 or more kilograms without additional effort during the year, provided that you do not overeat or abuse sweet and fatty foods. … The results, according to reviews of those who were able to lose weight with the help of ginger, usually become noticeable after one and a half to two months.

Ginger tea allows you to maximize its beneficial properties. Start drinking half a glass of tea daily, gradually increasing the amount to 1-2 liters per day. You can start by drinking ginger tea before meals and then replacing it with regular tea and coffee. Making tea is very simple.

For one serving you will need the following ingredients:

  • a piece of fresh ginger about 2 by 2 centimeters
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 lemon circle
  • 1 cup boiling water

Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices or grate. Pour boiling water over the ginger, and when the tea cools down a little, add honey and lemon – in too hot water they can lose some of their beneficial properties.

You can drink this tea both hot and cold.

For a more noticeable effect, you can make ginger tea with garlic – add finely chopped or crushed garlic clove to chopped ginger, pour boiling water, then add lemon and honey. With regular use of such tea, the process of getting rid of extra pounds will go faster.

The taste of ginger tea can be made even more pleasant by adding a little dried or fresh mint, a pinch of ground cardamom or cinnamon.

For fasting days, a salad with ginger is perfect.

You will need:

  • 1 small beetroot (boiled or oven baked)
  • 2 small fresh carrots
  • 100 grams of celery
  • zest of one orange
  • 4 tablespoons grated ginger
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • olive oil

Finely chop the beets, celery, lemon and carrots and mix with the ginger and orange peel. Season the salad with oil. Those wishing to lose weight are recommended to use kefir with the addition of ginger and cinnamon.

Such a drink not only perfectly refreshes, but also satiates – you can drink it both on an empty stomach in the morning, and replace it with snacks during the day or dinner during fasting days.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of low-fat kefir
  • 0,5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 0,5 teaspoons ground ginger
  • ground red pepper on the tip of a knife

Whip kefir with spices well. It is advisable to drink such a drink chilled.

Rules of use, selection and storage

It is advisable to choose as young and fresh ginger as possible. To be sure of the freshness of the root, ginger is sometimes tried to grow at home. If you are not ready to waste time and energy, choose roots with smooth and light skin without eyes, growths and thickenings. Old ginger is more fibrous and tastes more pungent.

It is best to store the roots in the refrigerator or in a dry, dark and cool place for a week. Ground dried ginger can be stored for up to six months, but for weight loss it is better to use it fresh.

In no case should you eat spoiled ginger, even if you are sure that you have cut off all the rotten places – toxic substances accumulate in spoiled ginger

Excessive use of ginger can lead to heartburn, dryness and irritation of the oral mucosa, nausea. Before using ginger for weight loss, consult your doctor – for some chronic diseases, for example, hypertension, allergies, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcer, use of ginger contraindicated. Contraindications are also increased nervous irritability, late pregnancy, breastfeeding. If you suffer from insomnia, do not drink ginger tea in the evening. Chewing ginger in its pure form can adversely affect the condition of the tooth enamel.

Losing weight with ginger

When preparing ginger tea, calculate the amount so that you can consume the drink in one or two doses – the tea should not be stored for more than 3 hours at room temperature and for more than 6 hours in the refrigerator. After this period, it will become useless.

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