Ginger mask for hair and face: recipes. Video

Ginger mask for hair and face: recipes. Video

Over the years, the skin loses its former attractiveness, becomes dull and less elastic, and mimic wrinkles appear. Ancient women knew how to preserve the freshness of their faces with the help of plants, spices and other means bestowed by nature. Ginger has long been known as one of the most effective anti-aging agents in cosmetology.

Ginger hair and face mask

Effects of ginger on the skin

Ginger contains various vitamins, amino acids and several types of resins, and has an antiseptic effect. Ginger face masks, which can be easily prepared at home, can restore skin elasticity and firmness, even out tone, and improve complexion and skin condition in general.

Also, ginger helps to get rid of acne and pimples, makes the skin rested and is able to soothe it, relieve irritation. With the help of ginger, acne, wounds and boils heal faster.

Ginger in cosmetology is used together with other natural ingredients:

  • lemon
  • grenade
  • orange
  • honey
  • clay
  • various oils and dairy products

Also, ginger is an excellent remedy for strengthening weakened hair.

At home, grated and ground ginger root, its essential oil, ground dry ginger are used for cosmetic purposes. When using ginger for cosmetic purposes, it must be remembered that it is a hot spice, therefore there are contraindications for use – fever, especially sensitive skin, deep wounds or ulcers, pregnancy.

Depending on the problem, knowing the right combination of components, you can make your face healthy and youthful, with the help of face masks, in a matter of minutes, return it freshness in an emergency.

Ginger, together with its helpers, is able to eliminate the tightness of dry skin, moisturize tired skin, or, conversely, dry oily skin.

Here are some of the most effective and simple masks that can help in different situations.

Anti-aging. Peel and thoroughly grind a 3 cm long ginger root, take a quarter cup fresh mint and a glass of spinach. Crush and mix everything, add mashed banana and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Place the remainder in the refrigerator in a sealed container. It is still enough for one mask.

From skin fatigue. Grind the ginger, add 1 tablespoon each. natural yogurt and orange juice, 1,5 tbsp. honey. Stir and apply in a thin layer on face and neck. After 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water, pat dry with a towel.

For greater effect, such a mask should be done twice a week.

For sensitive skin. Mix chopped ginger in equal proportions with lemon juice and honey, mix everything and refrigerate for half an hour. As soon as the mask cools down, apply on the face and after 15 minutes rinse with water at room temperature. Do it twice a week.

For moisturizing and lifting the face, do not put lemon juice, but take honey and ginger 2: 1

Against acne. 1 tsp pour a glass of boiling water over the grated ginger root. When the solution cools down, wet cotton pads and apply on pimples, you can simply wipe. If you have problems, do this procedure every day, preferably at night, do not wash off, if there is no irritation and allergy to ginger. Prepare a fresh solution daily.

For oily skin. 2 tsp grated ginger, 1 tbsp. Stir white cosmetic clay, chamomile broth and / or green tea until creamy. Apply for 15 minutes. on the face, rinse with cool water.

Vitamin. 2 tbsp of mashed ginger root, mix until sour cream with pomegranate juice. Apply on face for 15–20 minutes, rinse with cool water, or better with weak green tea.

Ginger cream and hair mask

You can also make a great ginger cream at home that works for all skin types. It prevents cell aging and refreshes the complexion. For cooking, you need to take a 5 cm ginger root, half a glass of cocoa butter, 2 tsp each. sesame oil, apricot kernel oil, vitamin E. Grate and squeeze the ginger juice. Take 1/8 teaspoon of juice, combine with the rest of the ingredients and heat in a water bath until the cocoa butter dissolves. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, pour into a container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

Weak, dry and brittle hair will be perfectly revitalized with a mask with ginger. Take ground ginger, honey, beaten yolk in equal proportions. After mixing all the ingredients, saturate the hair and wrap it with a film, putting on a towel on top. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Masks with the addition of sesame oil help to reduce oily hair. Add 2 tbsp to a tablespoon of grated ginger. sesame oil, apply to hair for half an hour and rinse thoroughly. You can also reduce the oiliness of your hair with the help of ginger juice rubbed into the scalp. You can walk with such a mask for several hours, and then rinse. To facilitate the task, instead of grated root, you can take ground dry ginger and add it to any hair masks – egg, honey, cognac, sour cream – those that are suitable for the type of hair.

Ginger strengthens hair, stimulates hair growth, normalizes scalp oiliness, eliminates dandruff

Cosmetic and medicinal properties of ginger root

The cosmetic and medicinal properties of ginger are based on its ability to “warm up” the blood, to positively influence metabolic processes. Ginger fights against harmful microbes, thereby strengthening the body’s immunity. Acting as an antioxidant, it activates skin regeneration, tones it up and relieves inflammation.

The constant use of ginger with food has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole: it stimulates appetite, improves metabolic processes, and burns fats. It is possible to improve the general condition of the body, and therefore the appearance of the skin and hair, by using ginger in food in the form of additives to dishes and desserts, teas and other drinks.

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