Ginger helps control glucose levels in diabetics

Used for centuries in Chinese medicine, ginger not only alleviates the symptoms of colds and helps with digestive system ailments. Australian scientists have found that ginger extract can also be used to control type 2 diabetes. They report their conclusions via the Planta Medica magazine.

During experiments on laboratory-grown muscle tissue cells, scientists from the University of Sydney observed that ginger rhizome extract increased glucose absorption by muscle cells independently of insulin. The ingredients playing a key role here are gingerols (biologically active compounds belonging to the group of polyphenols), especially 6-gingerol and 8-gingerol.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, the ability of skeletal muscle to absorb glucose is impaired by an abnormal insulin signal transduction pathway. Gingerols increase the amount of GLUT4 protein on the surface of muscle cells, which enables the transport of glucose inside them, explains Prof. Basil Roufogalis.

We hope that these promising results will be confirmed in human clinical trials, he adds. (PAP)

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