Losing weight up to 16 kg in 2 months.
The average daily calorie content is 1120 Kcal.
Ginger has long been known as an aromatic spice that enriches various dishes with a unique taste. And healers from Asia suggested using it not only to improve the taste of food, but also to treat many diseases, including obesity. This is how the ginger diet was born, which attracted residents of the post-Soviet space with its simplicity and effectiveness.
The main secret of this technique is as follows. The ginger added to the diet contributes to the fact that a person begins to eat much less food, and, therefore, excess weight leaves the body. You can follow the ginger diet for up to two months. In this case, as a rule, it takes about 1,5-2 kg weekly. With noticeable excess weight, the plumb lines will be more noticeable.
Ginger diet requirements
As for the rules of the ginger diet, you will surely be pleased that it does not provide for strict restrictions on the choice of foods consumed. The only thing that is recommended to refuse (or at least minimize in the diet) is from a simple type of fatty food containing carbohydrates. Still, you can not abuse pickled, too salty food and various smoked meats.
It is necessary to control the daily calorie intake so that it does not exceed 1600-1800 calories. If you want a faster and more noticeable weight loss, this figure can be lowered for a certain time, but not less than 1200 energy units. Otherwise, the metabolic process is threatened with a slowdown, and instead of losing weight, you will get the exact opposite result, or the weight will simply stall in place.
Of course, it’s best to skip sweetening your drinks. But if this is problematic for you, then at least use cane sugar. Better yet, use honey with white sweets, which is a much more useful addition to the diet.
It is most correct to plan meals so that there are 3 main meals and 2 snacks. A very important rule, which, in general, supplies ginger to the body, is to drink a drink made from it (the recipe is given below). On a day, in order for the diet to be effective, it is recommended to consume 1,5-2 liters of this miraculous liquid. In addition to the ginger drink, you should drink plenty of plain clean water. The use of various teas is also encouraged (it is best to drink green), juices from fruits and vegetables (they should be drunk between meals).
Dinner is not limited to a specific time, but it is better that she was no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. And it is desirable that dinner more often consisted of foods that saturate the body and at the same time are easily digested (for example, low-fat fish, seafood, dairy and sour-milk products, non-starchy vegetables). The most high-calorie food, on the contrary, eat at the beginning of the day, ideally for breakfast or a snack between breakfast and lunch.
It is also very good to exercise with a ginger diet. Any physical activity will allow you to mobilize metabolism, which will already accelerate from the introduction of ginger into the diet. This tandem of nutrition and sports will allow you to achieve even faster weight loss and the acquisition of the desired physical forms. It is especially good if you introduce an aerobic type of exercise into your routine.
It is not necessary to take a vitamin-mineral complex in parallel with a ginger diet (although this is not at all prohibited). But the use of adaptogens is very desirable. For example, tincture of ginseng or lemongrass, which is recommended to be taken in the morning in the amount of 20-30 drops, can be excellent as this drug.
Our main ginger drink is prepared as follows. It is necessary to grind about 20 g of ginger root, then pour 1,5 liters of boiling water over it, add a teaspoon of honey and a little (pinch or two) cinnamon. You can also, if you do not mind a spicy taste, send a pinch of pepper to the contents. And for lovers of a softer taste, it is not forbidden to add a little mint, lingonberry leaves, lemon balm, lemon juice to the drink. Experiment. Pour the drink into a thermos and drink: a glass – in the morning, as soon as you woke up; a glass – 1-2 hours before a night’s rest; the rest of the contents – during the day, between meals.
Approximate diet of the ginger diet for a week
Day 1
Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in water, with the addition of a handful of your favorite berries and a teaspoon of honey.
Snack: a small apple and a cookie (or a small piece of another favorite high-calorie food).
Lunch: a portion of pea soup; boiled beef in the company of a salad of non-starchy vegetables seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: about 100 g of low-fat curd or a glass of kefir / homemade yogurt.
Dinner: boiled or baked fish and stewed zucchini.
Day 2
Breakfast: an omelet of two eggs with herbs; fresh cucumber; grain loaf.
Snack: banana.
Lunch: fish hodgepodge; a slice of rye bread; grilled beef and cucumber-tomato salad.
Snack: a glass of ryazhenka.
Dinner: low fat cottage cheese with a handful of fresh strawberries.
Day 3
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge cooked in water; a piece of hard cheese; several cookies.
Snack: apple and orange salad dressed with natural yogurt.
Lunch: chicken breast stewed with onions and carrots; a glass of chicken broth; boiled rice and broccoli, baked with a little sour cream.
Afternoon snack: a few tablespoons of cornflakes drenched in milk or low-fat kefir.
Dinner: white cabbage stewed with potatoes and mushrooms; for dessert – an orange.
Day 4
Breakfast: corn porridge cooked in skim milk or doused with it; carrot and apple salad, which can be seasoned with homemade yogurt or a small amount of sour cream of minimum fat content.
Snack: a glass of homemade fruit jelly and a baked apple.
Lunch: vegetable soup without frying; a slice of bran bread; boiled or baked fish; ragout with mushrooms, bell pepper, zucchini, onions.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir and a handful of fresh raspberries.
Dinner: hard pasta with a little cheese; salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and various greens.
Day 5
Breakfast: muesli with nuts and dried fruits, seasoned with low-fat milk or dairy products; a slice of pumpkin baked with sour cream.
Snack: a couple of peaches.
Lunch: beetroot; a slice of rye bread; boiled buckwheat with baked lean beef fillet; eggplant stewed with tomatoes and bell pepper.
Afternoon snack: a glass of homemade yogurt.
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese baked with pear; fruit and berry jelly.
Day 6
Breakfast: rice porridge with low-fat milk and a handful of raisins or other dried fruits; an Apple.
Snack: a few slices of melon; muesli bar or lean cookies.
Lunch: vegetarian pickle; a slice of whole grain bread; red beans stewed with mushrooms and tomatoes and a slice of baked turkey.
Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt and kiwi.
Dinner: solid pasta with seafood stewed in low-fat vegetable sauce; sauerkraut.
Day 7
Breakfast: granular cottage cheese mixed with herbs and bell pepper; pancake with your favorite berries, seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir and a couple of plums.
Lunch: vegetarian borscht; a slice of rye bread; a steam cutlet based on lean beef; boiled rice; salad of cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, carrots and greens.
Afternoon snack: half a cup of low-fat homemade yogurt and 2 tangerines.
Dinner: squid stewed in the company of carrots, celery stalks and onions; serving of vinaigrette.
Contraindications to the ginger diet
- The ginger method of losing weight is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems, in the presence of serious diseases, for pregnant women, lactating mothers and the age group under 18 years old.
- Of course, you cannot sit on a ginger diet with an existing individual intolerance to this product.
- Also contraindications include a tendency to bleeding. If you have blood vessels close to your skin, it is often not recommended to use ginger.
- Foods and drinks that are packed with ginger can raise blood pressure. If you have this problem, you must consult a doctor before starting to lose weight with ginger.
- People who often experience allergic reactions to citrus fruits should be treated with extreme caution in the proposed diet.
Benefits of the ginger diet
- You can lose weight without giving up your favorite products. You can create a menu based on your taste preferences.
- The technique does not call for losing weight, experiencing hunger pangs, but offers you a comfortable and stable weight loss. Thanks to the acceleration of metabolism, if you do not forget about the principles of rational nutrition, you will be able to keep the result obtained and admire the newly acquired figure for a long time.
- Many nutritionists and doctors support this diet, as it allows you to eat in a balanced way, without depriving the body of useful elements and without causing stress (as is the case with many other methods of improving the figure).
- Also, speaking about the benefits of ginger weight loss, one cannot but pay attention to the beneficial properties of the most crown product involved in the diet. The pluses of ginger include the rich content of various vitamins and substances, in particular, such as phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chromium, germanium, caprylic acid, etc. The composition of this product and a large number of different amino acids (tryptophan, borneol, cineole, zintral, bisabolic), which must be present in the correct amount in the body for its full functioning.
- Summing up the beneficial qualities of ginger, we can highlight the following main properties:
– beneficial effect on the digestive system;
– antiparasitic action;
– improving the condition of the skin (reducing the number of acne, acne and similar beauties);
– reduction of joint pain;
– removal of puffiness;
– prevention of thrombosis and stroke.
Disadvantages of the ginger diet
- Perhaps the only but (in addition to the mentioned contraindications), which can stop those who want to lose weight in this way, is that weight loss is not happening too fast. For those who want to get a quick result, this diet will not work.
- Also, not everyone likes the taste of ginger right away. If so, as recommended above, indulge your ginger liquid with natural taste softeners. Look for your option.
- Sometimes ginger is very invigorating, thereby provoking insomnia. If this happens to you, consume the drink in the morning and do not drink it in the evening. In a situation where this practice is not suitable, and you still have trouble sleeping, you should give up the diet.
Re-doing the ginger diet
If you want to repeat the ginger diet again, it is advisable to take a break for at least 2-3 months from the time it ends. To speed up your metabolism and increase the chances of not regaining excess weight, you can use ginger (both with drinks and with food) and during a diet break, just not in such large quantities.
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