Gin: 3 recipes at home

Gin is a specific and multifaceted drink. It is believed that gin has its own soul, but in order for alcohol to get it, it is necessary to “fill bumps” in production and recipe.

Shakedown suggests taking the easy route and making gin using one of the recipes below.

Find out what is sloe gin + recipe at home.

Plymouth gin recipe


  1. Double distillation moonshine (40-45 degrees) – 2 l

  2. Common juniper berries – 25 g

  3. Lemon and orange peel – 3-5 g each

  4. Violet root powder – 2-4 g

  5. Angelica root – 2-3 g

  6. Cardamom – 1 g

Method of preparation

  1. Attach a metal colander to the neck of the distiller, fill it with vegetable ingredients and pour moonshine through the mixture.

  2. Start the unit, starting with a low temperature. Select 15-20 ml. head fraction and raise the temperature to medium.

  3. Cut off the tail fraction at 65 degrees in the jet. Dilute the finished product to a fortress of 47 revolutions.

  4. Keep the result for a week in a glass container.

gin cocktails

jeniver recipe


  1. Barley – 2 kg

  2. Common juniper berries – 25-40 g

  3. Lemon zest – 15 g

  4. Coriander – 15 g

  5. Fennel – 10 g

Method of preparation

  1. Make grain mash with the addition of juniper.

  2. Distill it by ferry without separation into fractions.

  3. Distill again with steam, separating 100 ml. “head” and cutting off the “tail” at 39 degrees in the jet.

  4. Add other components to the distillate and leave for 7 days.

  5. Dilute the tincture to 25-30 revolutions.

  6. Overtake, cutting off fractions according to the previous sample.

  7. Dilute to a fortress of 45 degrees.

  8. Before use, insist for 2 months in an oak barrel or glass jug with oak chips.

London dry gin recipe

We offer a basic recipe for homemade London dry gin. At the same time, each of you, like Charles Tanqueray, Felix Booth or James Barrow, will be able to diversify it to your taste by adding additional components or changing the proposed proportions.


  1. Grain alcohol – 2 l

  2. Common juniper berries – 40-45 g

  3. Fresh orange peel – 5-6 g

  4. Fresh lemon peel – 2-3 g

  5. Whole coriander seeds – 8-10 g

  6. Cinnamon stick – 2-3 g

  7. Violet root powder – 2-4 g

  8. Licorice root – 1 g

Method of preparation

  1. Herbal ingredients are poured with alcohol and infused in a warm, dry place for 7-10 days.

  2. Alcohol is filtered and diluted with cold clean water to a strength of 30-35 degrees.

  3. The resulting liquid is distilled (preferably in a distiller with a dry steamer) at an average temperature. At the same time, 20 ml is allocated to the head fraction, and the tail fraction starts from 50% in the jet.

  4. The finished product is diluted to a strength of 45-48 degrees (at lower speeds, your gin will lose citrus notes).

  5. The drink settles for a week. The result obtained is recommended for making cocktails.

what you need to know about gin

Relevance: 02.03.2016

Tags: gin, gin recipes

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