Gifts for Grandma’s and Grandpa’s Day – supplements and devices for health monitoring

Grandma’s and Grandfather’s Day is a special celebration, on the occasion of which we should especially take care of the health of our loved ones. It is worth trying to make our gifts speak for themselves that health is the most valuable. What to give grandma and grandpa on their holiday?

Easy-to-use pulse oximeter

Grandma and Grandpa’s Day is a great opportunity to give your loved ones something that will help them control their health on their own. Until now, a little known device, but recently more and more often used at home, is the pulse oximeter. This little one the device is used to measure blood saturationthat is, in other words the saturation of the blood with oxygen.

The pulse oximeter will be especially useful for people suffering from asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease or other respiratory diseases. The device can be extremely helpful in the case of people suffering from COVID-19 – the detection of a drop in saturation is a signal that specialist medical assistance is needed in the hospital.

Order an easy-to-use Duo Control Sanity Pulse Oximeter for a dozen or so zlotys cheaper now. The device has a readable LED display, is resistant to vibrations, and also allows you to measure the pulse.

In the fight against viral and bacterial infections

When faced with various infections, a lot depends on the condition of the immune system. The daily diet is also important, and it is worth enriching with substances that have antiviral and antibacterial properties. An example of an agent with such an effect is the dietary supplement Andrographis Extract 400 mg (now up to PLN 35 cheaper). The preparation available in a two-pack contains an extract of Andrographis, a plant that is a natural antibiotic. It also supports the body in the fight against colds and upper respiratory tract infections.

Give your loved ones a good night’s sleep

It is not uncommon to find it difficult to fall asleep or get a good night’s sleep through it. Often, the nervous system is responsible for this, which may be overstimulated by stress or other factors. Low life activity or disturbed day mode is also important. Therefore, it is worth trying before reaching for sleeping pills supplement the diet with the necessary vitamins and mineralsand also melatonin.

For a good night’s sleep, you can give your grandma and grandpa the Sleep Pro dietary supplement (buy now up to 25% cheaper), which provides the body with melatonin necessary in case of problems with insomnia. It also contains ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system – magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6.

Supplements for better memory

Another proposal for a health gift for Grandma’s and Grandfather’s Day are supplements supporting the work of the brain, improving memory and concentration. It is worth reaching for preparations based on medicinal plants, such as Japanese ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) or Bacopa Monniera. Ginkgo has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces the feeling of fatigue and strengthens memory, while Bacopa Monniera has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and improves concentration.

Order the Ginkgo Biloba Puritan’s Pride 120 mg supplement (now up to PLN 41 cheaper) in a package containing 100 capsules or opt for Bacopa Monniera (now you will pay up to PLN 40 less) (90 capsules per package).

Supplements to strengthen the heart

Taking care of the heart is an extremely important element of health prophylaxis. Especially our grandparents and our grandmothers should not ignore it. Although the most important thing is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, the diet can be supplemented with ingredients contained in the supplements important for the heart.

Choose a set of heart supplements for your loved ones (now cheaper by PLN 64), so that they can supplement their diet with potassium citrate (package of 100 tablets), magnesium (package of 100 tablets), B vitamins (100 capsules) and vitamin E (100 capsules) ).

Wrist blood pressure monitor – light and easy to use

Controlling the work of the circulatory system is important both in people with pressure problems and as a prophylaxis in healthy people. Instead of the commonly known blood pressure monitor with a sleeve, we can choose for grandma or grandpa wrist blood pressure monitor with a large display. It will be especially useful for people with hypertension and too low pressure who want to be able to take daily measurements.

We offer the Tensio control wrist blood pressure monitor, which is a small and light device that will be perfect as a gift. It is an easy-to-use blood pressure monitor with only one button. In addition, it offers the function of arrhythmia detection, is resistant to temperature changes and shocks.

Natural cholesterol regulation

Abnormal cholesterol is a health problem that can lead to dangerous diseases. It is therefore important to eat the right foods and ensure that your diet is rich in nutrients. Vitamins with antioxidant activity play a vital role in limiting the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Such antioxidants are vitamins A, E and C, which support the processes regulating the level of good HDL cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol.

On the occasion of the special day of our grandparents and grandmothers, we can therefore order a set of dietary supplements for cholesterol (now the price is 56 PLN lower), which will provide them with vitamins A, C and E important for regulating its level.

Vitamin C to strengthen immunity

They are a universal gift for improving health preparations with vitamin C., i.e. a universal ingredient that strengthens immunity, but also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, collagen production and absorption of iron. A good supplement to vitamin C supplements is also a routine that strengthens the immune barrier, hair, skin and nails, as well as bioflavonoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you decide to take a supplement with vitamin C, rutin and bioflavonoids in a two-pack, you will pay 25 percent. less. One package is 100 capsules of the preparation.

Vitamins to support eyesight, circulatory and immune systems

The importance of vitamins for our health is not limited to immunity – these ingredients present in the diet and supplements also affect, among others on eyesight and circulatory system. We can support these systems by reaching for the easy-to-administer ADEK vitamin complex in drops (up to PLN 49 cheaper). The preparation provides vitamins A, D3, E and K2 necessary for the proper functioning, and the liquid formula makes it easier to take the preparation.

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