What to give your loved one on Defender of the Fatherland Day? WDay.ru presents ideas that will help you easily solve this problem and surprise your chosen one with a pleasant holiday surprise.
Gift for a man on February 23 – 55
Army souvenir
Such an army keychain will be appreciated even by those of the defenders who did not serve in the army. All you need to make it is some red felting felt, a thick needle, and a foam sponge (you use this as a work surface). If desired, the star can be decorated with embroidery or applique. If you attach a pin to the star instead of a key ring, you get a brooch or badge, and if you use a magnet, you will get a souvenir for the refrigerator.
Chef apron
Ваш избранник умеет и любит готовить? Тогда ему обязательно нужно подарить что-нибудь тематическое. Это может быть книга о новой, еще не изученной кулинарной традиции, казан или сковорода-гриль, о которой он давно мечтает. Беспроигрышный вариант для любого мужчины – переносной гриль или набор для барбекю, а также вот такой фартук с аппликацией, сделанной своими руками. Подобные комплименты разбудят кулинарный азарт даже в тех, кто не любит готовить.
Альбом с лучшими фотографиями
What gadget to give a man?
Original photo album
How long ago was the last time you printed photos? Surely all the travels and memorable events over the past year (or even more) you remember looking at the monitor screen. February 23 is a great reason to defeat laziness, and at the same time do something nice to your loved one. Make a selection of the best photos, print them and place them in an album, which you pre-decorate with an applique of red army stars, ties or valentine hearts.
Dream electronics
You are probably already convinced of the truth of the phrase: a man is a big child. Therefore, to please your big child, give him another “toy” – a new smartphone, a compact set-top box or something from household appliances. Such a gift, of course, will require self-denial from you: you will have to completely immerse yourself in the topic in order to choose the very thing, but the result in the form of children’s delights of your strong half is worth it.
Wine is a wonderful gift for a connoisseur of noble drinks.
Love drink
Бутылка хорошего алкоголя – подарок для любого мужчины (за исключением полных трезвенников) на любой случай. Главное – правильно его преподнести. А для этого существует масса декораторских идей. Одна из них – перед вами на фото. Предлагаем упаковать бутылку в красивый праздничный тубус, украшенный бумажными сердцами. Не забудьте про открытку с пожеланиями.
Practical souvenir
В продолжение предыдущей темы – еще одна идея подарка. Авторская пробка для вина. Для ее изготовления понадобится уже использованная пробка, которую нужно оформить, используя разные мелкие декоративные элементы. Это могут быть красивые пуговицы, игрушечные человечки или машинки, пряжки и бусины. Для прикрепления их к пробке используйте крепкую проволоку и клей.
How to decorate a pillow with your own hands?
Подарите любимому мужчине то, о чем он давно мечтал.
Such an unusual pillow-dummy will become a decoration of the bedroom and will remind your chosen one of your warm feelings every day.
Счастливый билет
A ticket for a football, concert, performance, plane (underline as required) is a gift that needs to be planned in advance. After all, it will be a shame if your chosen one is busy on the right day. If you can’t figure out the future, replace the ticket with a gift certificate (to a clothing store, a Thai massage, a parachute jump, a drumming workshop, etc.). Guide to action – the tastes and interests of your chosen one.
How to decorate a wall clock dial?
The hobby of a beloved man can become the theme of clock decor.
Watch for car enthusiasts
An old bicycle tire and a colorful poster transform an ordinary wall clock into a real work of modern art. Your friend simply cannot help but appreciate such a gift, as well as the fact that they are made with your own delicate hands.
A man will appreciate a handmade gift.
Dinner is a traditional and win-win gift for a man.
Mug in clothes
To keep your beloved’s tea warm while he is getting ready for work, give him a “shower jacket” for your favorite mug. You can knit it or crochet it and decorate it with a button, or you can cut it out of felt or faux fur. By the way, knitted covers are one of the most fashionable themes in interior decor; not only mugs and teapots, but even vases and flower pots are now decorated in a similar way.
Festive dinner
The shortest way to the heart of a defender of the Fatherland is a festive dinner! According to the survey results, the list of men’s food preferences looks like this: meat comes first, and in its most natural form (the larger the steak, the better). Then comes the fish. In third place (oddly enough) – cheese. Tips of the stars on the signs of the zodiac will help you to develop a festive menu in more detail.