GIF orders to stop radio advertising of the varicose veins preparation

GIF orders the company Aflofarm Farmacja Polska from Pabianice to immediately cease advertising of Rostil medicinal product which is inconsistent with the applicable regulations. What rules does the advertisement violate?

GIF orders the company Aflofarm Farmacja Polska from Pabianice to immediately cease advertising Rostil medicinal product that is inconsistent with the applicable regulations, directed to the public in the form of a spot broadcasted on radio stations. According to GIF, advertising may violate applicable advertising laws. According to GIF, there was a suspicion that the information read: «So what diagnosis? Leg pain, swelling and cramps indicate varicose veins. Apply Rostil. There are two causes of varicose veins: weakening of the veins and blood clots. And Rostil removes both of them. Combats both causes of varicose veins »can be misleading. Advertising does not present the product objectively and does not inform about its rational use.

Art. 56 points 2 of the Pharmaceutical Law, which prohibits advertising containing information inconsistent with the approved Characteristics of a Medicinal Product.

According to the Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate, the recipient of the advertisement of the Rostil product receives a message that the cause of varicose veins is weakening of the veins and blood clots. Meanwhile, according to the current state of medical knowledge, the mechanism of varicose veins formation is not fully understood. In addition, the indication for the use of Rostil is the treatment of symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities (varicose veins), pain, cramps, tingling, swelling, skin lesions against the background of blood stagnation.

The indication has the order of immediate execution.


Text: Katarzyna Wróblewska

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