GIF has withdrawn two series of Calcium Polfarmex syrup used in calcium deficiency

The Main Pharmaceutical Inspector withdrew two series of Calcium Polfarmex strawberry flavored syrup that replenishes calcium deficiencies in the body.

The reason for the recall is the wrong smell of the medicinal product. The GIS decision concerns the Calcium Polfarmex syrup with the batch numbers: 060518 (expiry date 05.2020) and 011118 (expiry date 11.2020).

GIF informed that the Inspectorate received a request from the MAH to recall certain product batches due to non-compliance with quality requirements due to bad smell.

Calcium Polfarmex, containing calcium in the form of easily digestible organic salts: glubionate and lactobionate, replenishes calcium deficiencies in the body.

Calcium plays many important functions in the human body. Among other things, it takes part in the conduction of stimuli in skeletal muscles and the heart, and in the process of blood clotting. It is essential for strong bones and healthy teeth.

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