Giarola (Джарола)

Sambuca lovers are used to seeing the words Extra or Belissimo (“Beautiful”) on the labels of various brands. But the owners of Giarola Savem have chosen a much more modest motto for their anise liqueur: Reale (“Real”). But in the old days, this word also meant “worthy of a king.” The brothers Gaston and Arrigo Jarola have always maintained that the Giarola sambuca lives up to its motto in both senses.

Sambuca “Jarola” is a colorless transparent liquor with a strength of 40% with an anise aroma. The soft sweet taste of the drink successfully combines notes of anise and candied lemon.

Historical reference. Signor Abel Jarola did not like to take risks. Having decided to engage in the production of alcoholic beverages, he was in no hurry to acquire a license for this type of activity. The merchant bought some necessary equipment and started making marsala (special dessert wine) right in the basement of his own house. Starting in 1918, Jarola sold marsala to everyone. The drink was good, the price was affordable, and Signor Abel soon had many customers from all over Northern Italy.

Giarola (Джарола)

The business turned out to be profitable, so Jarola built a distillery in his native village of Monticelli d’Ongino, in the Emilia-Romagna region, and in October 1919 he finally acquired an official license. True, his descendants still believe that Giarola Savem was founded in 1918.

Between 1924 and 1930, Giarola Savem’s products were awarded four gold medals at various exhibitions (in Milan, Bolzano, Rijeka and Tripoli).

During the war, production suffered greatly, but by 1947 the Jarol family had rebuilt the plant. Since 1950, the management of the company has passed into the hands of the sons of Signor Abel: Gaston (he became president) and Arrigo (took the position of executive director).

The Jarola brothers were determined to take the family company to the international level, and for this it was necessary to significantly expand the range. The company’s specialists have created several very successful liqueurs: amaro, fragolino, limoncino and sambuca, which gained immense popularity in the 60s. The company started producing rum, whiskey, grappa and grape brandy. Giarola Savem products were successfully sold not only in Italy, but also in many European countries, the USA and South America.

By the beginning of the 100st century, the company had already produced more than 8000 types of alcoholic beverages. In their activities, the Jarola brothers, whom the press referred to as “the kings of Marsala”, tried to combine loyalty to traditions with the introduction of new technologies. At the company’s plant, which occupies an area of ​​XNUMX m², all processes (bottling, packaging, shipment) are fully automated, except for the actual production of alcohol. Old copper alambicas are still used to make sambuca and other liqueurs.

Since 2015, the company has been headed by Stefano Giarola, grandson of the founder. Just like his predecessors, Signor Stefano is a principled opponent of artificial flavors. He believes that the use of high-quality natural raw materials is a necessary condition for the success of the company. Giarola Savem currently produces over 3,6 million liters of alcoholic beverages per year.

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