Geyser coffee maker: reviews

The first geyser-type coffee maker was produced in 1933 by the Bialetti company and was intended exclusively for making coffee on a gas or electric stove. The company’s slogan, translated into Russian, read: “espresso at home, the same as in a bar.” More than 80 years have passed since then. Progress did not stand still. And now electric analogs of that first coffee maker have appeared on store shelves. However, the main question remained open: is it possible, given the modern variety, to independently prepare a fragrant drink that is not inferior to the creations of professional baristas? And what do you need to know when choosing a geyser coffee maker? Let’s try to figure it out. First of all, it is worth understanding the principle of operation of a geyser coffee maker. Potable water is poured into the lower tank. It is covered with a metal filter, the funnel of which is filled with ground coffee. Then the structure is closed and placed on a fire or electric stove. After the water boils, steam begins to evolve, which gradually displaces the boiling water through the funnel and filter, which contains the ground coffee. As a result, a hot aromatic beverage is collected in the upper tank. The principle of operation of an electric geyser coffee maker is similar to a conventional one. But a significant plus is that this modern version is equipped with an auto-off function after preparing a drink, which is so important in our rhythm of life. In order to determine which option to give preference to, it is worth carefully studying the reviews on the geyser coffee maker on the Internet. They will also help you determine what to look for when choosing this product. Here are just some of the most important recommendations:

1. First of all, determine how much finished coffee you need. Already in accordance with this, choose a coffee maker that prepares 1, 2, 3 or 6, 9, 18 portions of a hot drink at the same time.

2. Please note that the portions of Italians are different from ours. Therefore, it is better to multiply the volume of a European cup by two at once.

3. Check that the handle of the coffee maker is made of insulating material.

4. If you have opted for an electric geyser coffee maker, first of all, you should pay attention to its power. It is not advisable to take a large volume coffee maker with low power.

5. Before buying a geyser type coffee maker, make sure that it can keep the coffee hot for at least 20 minutes.

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