Getting rid of ballast

Our figure is a model that allows you to assess the hormonal balance and the state of metabolism. The main sculptors of the female body, estrogens and progesterone, work tirelessly to sculpt seductive outlines – a thin waist and rounded hips. The fact that the level of sex hormones begins to decrease, long before the onset of symptoms of menopause, will tell the clothes that have become narrow in the belt.

Where are we going to make the waist?

Not only the very fact of weight gain is indicative, but also where exactly the fat is deposited. If its excess is mainly concentrated on the abdomen (such obesity is called abdominal or visceral), the risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases increases. The conclusion suggests itself unequivocally: it is necessary to get rid of fat ballast as soon as possible! However, not all so simple. Although overweight predisposes to age-related ailments, it helps to alleviate menopausal symptoms. Scientists have found that hormonal changes are easier in women of the Rubens type.

It turns out that excess estrogens are deposited in adipose tissue throughout life, and when the ovaries reduce their production, this is where old reserves come to the rescue. By the way, the joyful feeling of youth and lightness in the body that appears when parting with extra pounds is explained not only by weight loss, but also by the release of estrogen from the fat depot. It is better to get rid of surplus in advance, when the function of the ovaries is still “at its best”, and in no case strive for the ideal of a top model.

Only one out of 40 thousand women is able to meet the parameters of a super-slim figure – it is impossible to break the laws of genetics. In fashion models, the symptoms of menopause make themselves felt earlier than usual – low weight shortens the “woman’s age”. (By the way, among doctors there is an opinion that the menstrual function stops quite early in vegetarians.)

Scientists have calculated the ideal amount of fat that beautifies a woman and serves as a guarantee of her health during the period of age adjustment. This is approximately 12% of body weight.

Such a result, as a rule, corresponds to the normal indicator of body mass index (BMI) from 20 to 24. Do you have this indicator and are you over 30 years old? It’s time to take up the figure. In women who lose weight before menopause, the skin is naturally tightened due to the property of estrogen to maintain its elasticity. For those who have dramatically lost weight after menopause, it often sags in ugly folds on the face, neck and abdomen. The conclusion is simple: everything must be done in due time.

Where does that come from

In almost all cases, the reason for the appearance of excess weight is simple: those who have eaten more than the body needs for a long time have become fat. Some owners of magnificent forms are sincerely surprised: “I eat almost nothing, but I am getting fat.” Indeed, their breakfast, lunch and dinner are not more abundant than those of their slender friends. But on the other hand, in the intervals between meals, they eat so much that, as a result, they exceed the daily nutritional norm by almost twice. For a snack, all sorts of “little things” usually go – sweets, cookies, tea jam or a bag of pistachios, 100 g of which costs the body 700 kilocalories and increases the calorie content of the diet by about a third.

Give up the addiction of snacking between meals and use the recipe for keeping fit from the opera diva Galina Vishnevskaya. When the lightning on the concert dress stops converging, the singer switches exclusively to soups, eating a plate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ideal for such a diet okroshka on low-calorie fat-free (1,5-0,5%) kefir.

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Forget about salty, spicy foods and appetite-inducing condiments. Use greens instead – parsley, dill, mint, cilantro, fennel, cumin, tarragon, thyme … Replace the salt at least partially with lemon juice. Load up on vegetables and fruits, especially zucchini, gooseberries, kale and cabbage: they contain vegetable fiber that creates a feeling of fullness. But keep in mind: vegetarian food is digested faster, so sit down at the table at least 4-6 times a day, and at the same time.

Drink an anti-aperitif half an hour before meals. A glass of mineral water or a cup of vegetable broth will make your stomach feel full and make you settle for less food. Sweet, sour drinks and strong meat broths that whet your appetite will not work.

Start your lunch or dinner not with the main course, but with a low-calorie snack – for example, hard-boiled eggs, green salad, grated carrots, celery sprigs, cucumber.

There should be a lot of food on the plate. Prepare light meals that can be visually enlarged.

As you know, food is a pleasure. So stretch it out a little longer! Do not swallow in a hurry. Chew each bite well. If 10-15 minutes pass between changing dishes, you can easily refuse to continue lunch and feel full without sweets.

To eat less without feeling hungry, add food cellulose to your meals to make your stomach feel full. Place 5–8 tablets in each serving (100–150 g) of minced meat and fish, vegetable cutlets, mashed potatoes. Or you can simply take this dose of cellulose 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, drinking 1/3 cup of boiled water, juice or kefir. Drink at least 1,5 liters of liquid throughout the day, including drinks and first courses.

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Don’t eat high-calorie ice cream! Replace it with frozen fruit juice, which is equally tasty, but safe for the figure. If you buy fruit juices that are sure to add sugar, prefer fresh or natural fruit.

Common mountain ash will help to bind carbohydrates in the intestines, preventing them from passing into fats. Take 7 parts of dry rowan berries and 3 parts of nettle leaves or rowan and rose hips equally. Brew 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, keep it on fire for 10 minutes, let it brew for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup between meals 2-3 times a day. Prepare the drink daily.

Be guided by the principle “Movement is life”. Physical activity not only burns body fat (5–6 kilocalories are consumed per minute of brisk walking, and 10–11 kilocalories for jogging), but also distracts from thinking about food.

Check harmony with algebra

Standing in a relaxed state, measure your waist at the navel and hips at the widest point, and then divide the first reading by the second. Normally, the ratio of waist to hip circumference should not exceed 0,85. For those who do not fit within the framework of this indicator, the heart, blood vessels and carbohydrate metabolism are in danger.

To complete the picture, you need to know one more figure – the body mass index:

BMI = body weight (in kg) divided by height (in square meters)

Result: from 20 to 24 – norm

from 25 to 30 – overweight

over 30 – obesity.

For example: with a height of 170cm = 1,7m your weight is 65 kg, then BMI = 65: (1,7X1,7) = 65: 2,89 = 22,5

With a BMI over 24, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases 3 times, and the localization of fat on the abdomen increases this risk 10 times.

Fasting days

To lose weight, arrange them 1-2 times a week.

On a fruit and vegetable day treat yourself to salads and vinaigrettes from a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil, lemon juice or sour milk. In total, it is supposed to eat 1,5-2 kg of vegetarian food and drink 0,5-1 liters of fresh juices.

For apple day stock up on 1,5-2 kg of apples and eat them unprocessed, in salads with other vegetables, or bake them in the oven with raisins. Drink 4-5 glasses of apple juice or compote without sugar per day.

On a cucumber day eat 5-6 cucumbers (about 15 kg) in 20-2 meals. It is not necessary to use them in the form in which they grow in the beds. You can make salads with herbs. Don’t forget about fresh juices!

On curd day take 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 g of sour cream, 2 cups of milk tea without sugar and 2 cups of rosehip broth and divide into 5 receptions.

On kefir day drink 6 glasses of kefir, acidophilus or sour milk without sugar. And so that hunger does not torment, each time take 5-6 tablets of food cellulose, which creates a feeling of filling the stomach.

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