Getting out of binge and coding at home

Getting out of binge and coding at home

When alcohol begins to have a devastating effect on personal life and career, and a drunken frenzy lasts for several days or weeks, the issue of withdrawing a person from binge and his further coding becomes more relevant. How to do it right? How to help a person break this vicious circle and improve their mental and physiological state? How to return everything to normal and get rid of this addiction?

At the moment, there are 3 ways to get out of binge:

  • Folk (non-professional);

  • Rehabilitation clinic;

  • Departure of a specialist at home;

The folk method involves the use of improvised means and medicines to remove toxins and normalize the current state of the patient. These include:

  • Teas, mineral water, juices;

  • Dairy products, low-fat broth;

  • Multivitamin complexes;

  • Valerian extract, motherwort tincture and other herbal tinctures;

The folk method is not suitable for prolonged binges (from 3 or more days). When the human body is at its limit, there is a high risk of aggravating the situation and causing complications. And the percentage of relapses with this method is too high to be seriously considered as a working tool to combat binge drinking.

Rehabilitation clinic

Getting out of binge and coding at home

Quite expensive, but effective. Suitable for any type of binge, withdrawal is carried out by qualified personnel using a set of tools and preparations. Treatment is individual, when drawing up a plan and dosages, a whole set of factors is taken into account:

  • Current medical indications;

  • chronic diseases;

  • Allergy to drugs;

  • The duration of the binge;

  • The presence of injuries;

  • Drug addiction;

  • The psychological state of the patient, etc.;

Treatment in the clinic is carried out until the physical and psychological state of the patient, shaken as a result of prolonged alcoholization, is normalized.

Departure of a specialist at home

This method has absorbed the main advantages of the previous two: home visits are 100% confidential and convenient for the patient and his family, while the treatment is carried out according to all medical canons – by a highly qualified narcologist. In a rehabilitation clinic, the patient pays for every day spent, so the staff is not very interested in a quick and successful withdrawal from the binge. The treatment uses a minimum set of funds and only a doctor can decide to discharge the patient from the hospital.

What does a specialist who goes to the field do? He has the same diploma and the same experience as the clinic staff, only certified specialists work in our clinic. At the same time, he is interested in doing his job as quickly as possible and improving the condition of the “patient”. Among other advantages of professional withdrawal from hard drinking at home, we note mobility and efficiency – a specialist usually arrives at the address within 2-3 hours.

The next step is coding at home

Getting out of binge and coding at home

After getting out of binge, a reasonable question arises – what to do next? The most correct step is coding. Again: coding in the clinic and at home has no fundamental differences, all procedures are handled by a qualified specialist, he also decides on the possibility of coding (only after the written consent of the patient). First of all, you need to make sure that there are no decay products of ethyl alcohol left in the patient’s blood. To do this, you can put a cleansing dropper and immediately encode, or wait 3-5 days after the withdrawal from the binge. The ideal option is to cleanse the body, and after 3 days to perform the coding procedure.

After that, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to coding, including:

  • mental illness;

  • hypertensive and coronary heart disease;

  • pathology of the urinary system;

  • dysfunctions of the thyroid and pancreas;

  • stroke in the last 1-2 years;

  • acute hepatitis;

  • cirrhosis and other liver diseases;

  • allergic reaction to medications;

Types of coding at home

Getting out of binge and coding at home

To “reprogram” the body at the psychological or physiological level, time-tested techniques are used: double code, Torpedo, according to the Dovzhenko method (hypnosis). All of them pursue one goal: to create a feeling of irresistible aversion to alcohol and get rid of this destructive habit forever.

When using the first two methods (double code and Torpedo), the patient is given drugs based on disulfiram and naltrexone. Most often, Algominal is used, the patient receives two injections (intravenously and intramuscularly), an active substance is found in the body, which, when even small portions of alcohol are consumed, begins to destroy cells, causing terrible pain, dizziness, and vomiting. The more a person drinks, the more severe the symptoms. However, the ability of a person to adapt revealed a drawback of these methods: patients take alcohol in small doses, getting used to the pain, and then increase it until they again go into a binge. It takes 1-1.5 years to completely bypass the “block”, and then the moment comes for re-encoding using the “Torpedo”.

“Torpedo” or “sewing” is the most effective, but also the most dangerous coding method. A capsule with a medicine is sewn into a person, which gradually resolves (within 3-5 years). When alcohol enters the body, an attack begins, accompanied by withdrawal symptoms, nausea, vomiting and headache; at high doses, a heart attack is possible. Bypassing this “block” is much more difficult, since the level of the active substance does not decrease over time.

The Dovzhenko method is the safest, but also inefficient coding method. It can be used any number of times. A qualified specialist who goes to the call conducts conversations with the patient with elements of hypnosis, setting him up for rejection of alcohol. After the end of the session, the person experiences a persistent aversion even to the smell of alcoholic beverages. However, the weak point of this method is the environment and various events in life. As soon as a serious problem appears or persistent friends appear on the horizon, the patient can return to the bottle. The effectiveness of the Dovzhenko method depends on the mood of the person and the atmosphere created around him by relatives and friends.

Coding at home is a quick way to stop

Coding at home is a unique opportunity to forget about harmful alcohol addiction in a couple of hours. An experienced specialist arrives on a call within 2-3 hours and begins to act. At its discretion, the body is cleansed, and then one of the coding methods described above is implemented. No self-respecting organization will guarantee a full recovery, but we can say for sure that we will do everything that depends on us. With full adherence to the recommendations and a sincere desire to recover, the chances of success are really close to 100%.

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