Getting in shape: exercises to do on top of the hammock

Getting in shape: exercises to do on top of the hammock


If during your vacation you do not plan to move from the hammock or towel, Gloria Morales teaches you to continue toning your body without leaving the site

Getting in shape: exercises to do on top of the hammockPM3:48

Holidays were invented to disconnect, rest and do everything we like. For many it is synonymous with traveling, for others it means dedicating all their time to something that motivates them and, on the other hand, for the vast majority, what that work isolation lasts means lying on the couch, deck chair or on the sand and not doing absolutely nothing, except sunbathing, reading …

Taking into account that the subscriptions in the Gyms decline during the summer season, Gloria Morales, creator of Ballet Fit in Spain, proposes a series of easy exercises so that your body moves at least a few inches.

What does it consist of? In doing six exercises without leaving the site, yes, designed to work your entire body: buttocks, legs, abdomen, back and arms. «Remember to do them with the correct Ballet Fit body posture and always activating the abdomen, lengthening the internal musculature and coordinating the movements with the breath “, indicates the expert.

This stretching routine was recorded on Seaside Palm Beach Hotel on the island of Gran Canaria, specifically in the dunes of Maspalomas.

1 Exercise

Lying on your hammock, lengthen your body. We put the legs and go up calera. Inhale with leg up and exhale bending knees as we lower and raise the hips. In these repetitions we will strengthen our abdomen and gluteus. Repeat eight times with each leg.

2 Exercise

Keep your torso up and bring your legs all the time placing the tips down and the knees towards the chest. While the legs continue, we slowly raise and lower the torso while bringing the elbows together and taking off. We inhale rising and exhale lowering the torso to the hammock. Repeat this exercise eight times.

3 Exercise

Roll onto your side keeping your forearm and legs tucked up. Lie down on your forearm and lengthen from the waist up as we open and close the hips. First with the knee and then with the base knee we go up and thus we imply the work of the hip.

4 Exercise

Supported on one knee, we keep the other semi-bent leg in the air, as it appears in the image. We bring the hand to the heel and then stretch over the head.

5 Exercise

Face down in the hammock, fully stretched out, with arms above the head, we raise the right leg and left arm, so that we work on balance, coordination and crossed lines. Then we change leg and arm and we will end up raising both arms and both legs and when our limbs are in the air, we open them as much as we can to start over. We do eight full repetitions of this exercise.

6 Exercise

Lying face down on the hammock, with the legs stretched out and the arms bent to support the head, we raise the right leg by bending the knee. Then we stretch our leg in the air to make a descent with it elongated. We repeat eight times with each leg.

You can do this stretching workout daily to keep fit on the days you don’t exercise. The more times you repeat it, the greater the results.

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