Get rid of the weeds forever

Get rid of the weeds forever

In the spring, on the fertilized land of the personal plot, not only garden crops, but also weeds, sprout well. Moreover, they grow much faster, taking moisture and nutrients from the ground. How to destroy weeds and get rid of them forever – this problem torments gardeners from the beginning of planting and throughout the season until harvest.

How to permanently get rid of weeds by chemical method

The chemical method is the fastest and most effective. The herbicide is selected depending on the type of weed that needs to be destroyed.

The most reliable but time consuming way to get rid of weeds permanently is to dig up by the roots and burn before the seeds appear.

There are two types of herbicides on the market:

  • systemic;
  • contact.

Systemic herbicides, falling on leaves or stems, are spread throughout the plant, after which it dies from the root system to the very top. Contact act exclusively in the area of ​​application of the drug.

Poisonous chemicals affect vegetation in different ways, distinguish between selective and continuous drugs. Selective herbicides kill parasitic plants without harming garden crops. It is enough to select the required chemical and determine the required dosage. The drug of continuous action kills not only weeds, but also everything that grows in the garden. It is well suited for getting rid of uninvited undergrowth in a wide area intended for sowing.

How to get rid of grass permanently using folk methods

Simple table salt, dissolved in water, when it gets into the ground, prevents the development of weeds. It is enough to water the area with a saturated saline solution or simply sprinkle it at the rate of 1,5 kg of salt per 1 m², over time it will dissolve and seep into the ground. This method has a significant disadvantage – the site will be unsuitable for growing other plants for a long time. For this reason, it is used mainly not in the garden, but to cleanse the area for the lawn or paths.

Vinegar is a good substitute for chemicals. To prepare the vinegar solution, you will need the ingredients that can be found in every home:

  • water – 2;
  • vinegar – 2 tbsp.;
  • citric acid – 1 pack;
  • alcohol – 30 g;
  • dishwasher – 2 tsp.

It is necessary to treat the site with such a solution carefully – it can destroy not only weeds, but also harm the crops that gardeners so tenderly protect. Vinegar contains alkali, which negatively affects all living organisms.

All of these methods will not help to permanently get rid of such weeds and herbs as wheatgrass, quinoa, dandelion, plantain, as well as other hardy parasitic plants. The most reliable but laborious way to get rid of them is to dig them up by the roots and burn them before the seeds appear.

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