Get rid of stress: what is an energy detox?

Gloomy November and pre-holiday fuss can create serious stress for our body. All the experiences accumulated over the year suddenly come out of the background and are manifested by inexplicable anxiety and longing. How to dump this energy garbage and tune in to a positive wave?

In the Taoist tradition, it is believed that worries and worries are a direct path to wasting vital qi energy. While it is necessary for a person for a healthy, active and happy life, and its lack leads to a breakdown and even diseases.

Chinese doctors say that people spend most of their qi on empty experiences, and as a result, there is simply no strength left for the joy of life, except perhaps to maintain the basic functions of the body.

If a person is engaged in energy accumulation practices (for example, neigong) or sexual Taoist practices, then he does not face the problem of qi deficiency. Such techniques give access to a powerful and uninterrupted battery inside. For the rest of the people, there are two main sources of energy: sleep and food.

But it also happens that even on vacation or on vacation, where we only do what we sleep and eat, for some reason our strength is not restored. In this case, the reason is most likely in the accumulated energy debris, which does not allow fresh energy to enter the body.

What is energy waste?

In fact, there is no “bad” energy, it just happens that it is not in place and creates energy “clutter”. Imagine a plant in a pot: if the earth is inside, then it is the source of energy for the flower. And if you woke up by, then it became just garbage.

Getting rid of energy waste: an exercise

A situation from a joke: there is nothing to wear, nowhere to hang. It is the same with energy: before mastering techniques for replenishing qi or trying to “feed” yourself with sleep and food, you need to create free space for energy.

This ancient Tibetan exercise activates the hormonal and lymphatic systems and thereby releases the most important energy channels, where qi stagnates most often. It is done in several steps:

1. Sit or stand, rub your palms vigorously against each other so that their centers become warm.

2. Gently press your palms on the eyeballs (this and the following steps should ideally be done 30 times).

3. Just gently press your palms on your ears.

4. With the knuckles of the hands, intensively draw along the edge of the jaw from the chin to the ears.

5. Put your palms one on top of the other, bring them to your forehead and, without touching it, make movements with both palms from the right temple to the left and back.

6. Then, without touching the head, make movements with both palms (one palm rests on the other) from the forehead to the back of the head and back – passing through the crown of the head.

7. Without touching the head, run both palms from the right ear to the left and back – also passing through the crown of the head.

8. Put your right hand on the throat, and draw the left hand from the forehead to the lower abdomen, without touching the body. Imagine that you are opening a free path for the current of your powerful internal energy.

9. Cover the lower abdomen with your hands and start circular movements in one direction and the other 30 times.

10. Close your eyes and imagine your body as a “road map” of energy channels. Each route “paint over” in green, as in the navigator. Now all energy routes in your body are free!

Prevention of energy “littering”

We live in a world of information, where the task of the media is not to take care of the safety of our qi. How we react to the incoming news flow determines whether we create new energy junk or not.

If you feel that the energy has gone “in the wrong direction” – the pulse has quickened, it has become difficult to breathe, the jaws have clenched, the body has tensed – honestly answer yourself the question: “What state am I cultivating now?”

If you don’t like it, do one or more steps from the energy detox exercise. Or at least just “get out” of this state: sometimes for this you need to physically get up, leave the room, “ventilate” your head.

Whenever possible, refrain from social networks and news portals that use any informational occasions only to attract attention.

This is a healthy habit that can stop your brain from focusing on the negative.

After all, for every five brain cells, as many as four are responsible for anxiety. It’s an evolutionary mechanism that kept us alive, and right now our hormonal system still digitizes a lot of things as stress, even if it’s not dangerous.

Nevertheless, remember: there is still one cell that is responsible for harmony and inspiration, and it is worth capturing it with an alternative – focusing on internal harmonious energy.

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