Get rid of facial hair. Video
Removing unwanted hair is a very delicate problem. After all, hair can be completely inconspicuous, light and thin, or, conversely, it can be dark, hard and noticeable, especially above the upper lip and on the chin. You can get rid of them using folk remedies.
Getting rid of facial hair
In women, the appearance of facial hair can be caused by an excess of male hormones, heredity, prolonged use of poorly suitable hormonal drugs, a previous illness or prolonged stress.
These problems, of course, can be eliminated only after visiting a doctor and prescribed treatment. But if you are faced with the cosmetic problem of hair removal, use home remedies.
Folk remedies for removing facial hair
One of the easiest and most affordable home remedies to remove upper lip hair is to use plants that contain large amounts of iodine. For this purpose, a green walnut is perfect. Cut it into 2 parts and rub the problem areas of the skin with the juice that comes out overnight. So that excess vegetation no longer bothers, as a rule, 3–7 procedures are enough.
If you could not find green walnuts, replace them with ordinary iodine: mix 40 milliliters of iodine with 20 milliliters of medical alcohol, 3 milliliters of ammonia and 5 milliliters of castor oil. With the resulting composition, wipe the skin 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. This procedure is contraindicated in the presence of acne or open wounds on the skin.
In addition, iodine is capable of coloring the skin in a yellowish tint, so it is better to carry out the procedure to get rid of excess facial hair during your holidays.
A more gentle option is to use ash from walnut shells and pine cones. In the first case, burn a few shells along with the inner partitions and mix the ash with warm boiled water. Apply the resulting gruel to problem areas of the skin and hold for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for 1-1,5 months, after which you will forever get rid of the hated facial hair.
This product can be stored for several weeks in the refrigerator in a glass container.
In the second case, make a decoction: put 3 large cedar cones in an enamel bowl, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cool. Lubricate problem areas of the skin with the resulting product before bedtime. After 2-3 weeks, you will completely remove the mustache on your face.
You can also remove hair at home using fresh wild grape juice. Rub it into your skin several times a day until you achieve the desired result. This usually takes 10-14 days.
You will read about the makeup basics that every woman should know in the next article.