Get rid of cellulite

In the course of polls, 89% of women admitted that they cover their imperfect hips with pareos on the beach. You, too, cannot imagine yourself at sea without a pareo? This means that the problem of cellulite has also touched you. Where does cellulite come from, is it dangerous or simply ugly and, most importantly, how to overcome it – was looking for an answer from specialists.

Cellulite is a disease!

Cellulite is a real disease known in medicine as gynoid lipodystrophy. Its target is adipose tissue. Daily stress, bad ecology, unhealthy diet, love of alcohol and cigarettes – all this in a short time leads to disruptions of the most important processes in a woman’s body – the production of female hormones. As a result, fat and water-salt metabolism is disturbed.

Under the influence of uneven production of female hormones, adipose tissue begins to change, forming dimples and tubercles. From the outside it looks like an “orange peel”, but from the inside, under the skin, like a chain-link mesh, filled with fat and resembling a honeycomb.

In Colombia, Brazil and Argentina, the use of anti-cellulite products is a real ceremony.

Gradually, the fragments of this mesh (that is, capsules with fat and liquid, where the body “drives” all toxins and slags) increase in size. When the capsules grow significantly, they gradually begin to squeeze the vessels and nerve endings, and blood flow is disturbed. There is a cyanotic skin tone, flabbiness and soreness appear when pressing on the problem area.

If you start the process, then in the future such complications as scaly hardening are possible, i.e. “Ball”, purulent abscesses requiring surgical intervention, infection of the muscles adjacent to adipose tissue, cessation of lymph outflow with the development of lymphostasis (elephantiasis of the legs) or even necrosis (tissue necrosis).

The 3-step anti-cellulite complex CELLOPLAZA in tests showed an efficiency 10-12 times higher than any analogy.

How to treat?

Scientists Research Institute of Naturotherapywho became famous for their invention turpentine baths и endodermal creams, could not ignore such a serious problem for women all over the world. Moreover, an effective way to treat cellulite has long been known. A scientific expedition was organized to Colombia, Brazil and Argentina, during which scientists thoroughly studied the method of treating gynoid lipodystrophy using coffee grounds.

In these countries, the use of anti-cellulite products is a real ceremony. The procedures are carried out before bedtime. Freshly harvested coffee beans are crushed, ground in a mortar, poured with a solution with medicinal extracts and left for 2 hours.

Then squeeze out the thick and thoroughly cleanse the skin with the resulting solution. The very thick is used to massage the thighs, buttocks and wraps. IN Research Institute of Naturotherapy recipes obtained during the expedition were studied and processed. When creating a new anti-cellulite complex, the developers took as a basis natural active alkaloids from coffee and a 3-stage method of their use.

The result of the work was a three-stage anti-cellulite complex CELLOPLAZA, which, when tested, showed an efficiency 10-12 times higher than that of any other known analogs. The highlight of the complex was molecular caffeine… Due to its small size and low molecular weight, caffeine easily passes through the skin barrier, carrying with it other active substances, and acts directly on the processes occurring under the skin – in the layers of connective tissue and adipose tissue.

The highlight of the complex is molecular caffeine – it easily passes through the skin barrier, carrying with it other active substances.

Under the action of the components of the complex, water-salt metabolism is normalized, toxins are removed. By opening the pores and increasing blood flow, the level of delivery of active anti-cellulite substances that break down fats increases.

Thanks to its unique 3-step technique



  • Reduces the amount of fatty deposits, shapes the figure.
  • Has a pronounced tightening effect, stimulates the production of collagen fibers.
  • It actively fights against the phenomenon of bumpy skin, preventing the formation of new fat cells.

Effect: smooth, even, firm, velvety skin.

This unique complex has been tested by the Serge Arsua beauty laboratory and the results have been truly stunning. For several courses, 87% of women had cellulite formations significantly reduced, the skin became taut and elastic.

Now, not only Hollywood stars, but every Russian woman can model her figure at her discretion and always look perfect. Moreover, the beach season is just around the corner!

You can get full information about the newest means of fighting cellulite and consult a specialist on the website

or by phone (495) 790 7696.

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