Get ready for spring allergy. It is worth knowing about it
Start How to fight allergies?
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If you are an respiratory allergy sufferer, you know well that with the onset of spring, just like every year, allergy symptoms will appear. Maybe this time it is not worth waiting for them to develop and support yourself against the first symptoms? Find out what the earliest symptoms are, when to expect them and how to consciously prepare for the spring months.

Allergic diseases, including allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis) are considered diseases of the XNUMXst century for a reason. It is now believed that even every third Pole struggles with an allergyand there are nearly 500 million such people in the world. [1] As you can see, allergic ailments are extremely common and affect a significant part of the population.

Allergy symptoms are the result of an excessive, inadequate reaction of the immune system. It confuses a substance that is harmless to the body, such as animal hair or pollen, with a dangerous microorganism and attacks it. This is when the “side effects” of the immune system’s fight against the allergen appear, i.e. the typical symptoms of allergies.

Is a runny nose in spring always a symptom of an allergy? Allergy and colds – how to distinguish symptoms?

As we well know, the spring months are not only a time for allergies, but also for seasonal infections. However, there are some significant differences that allow for effectively distinguish between allergies and the common cold. [2]


– sneezing

– nasal discharge colorless, watery

Blocked nose, a runny nose that gets worse when you are outdoors

– watery and itchy eyes


– sore throat and muscles

– nasal discharge initially colorless, watery, green or yellow after a few days

– cough

– fever

– headache

When to expect the first symptoms of allergy?

The first common allergic symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose and watery eyes can effectively reduce quality of life. The best way to prevent them would be to avoid the allergen, but as we well know, this is not possible.

Spring is a particularly difficult period for people sensitive to airborne allergens (so-called airborne, inhalation, inhalant), which directly enter the respiratory tract and cause troublesome seasonal symptoms [3]. Plant pollen is one of the most common triggers of allergy symptoms. It is in the spring and summer period that the dust period falls, among others hazel, alder, poplar, birch or grass. Knowing what pollen we are allergic to, it is worth getting acquainted with the constantly updated plant dusting calendar. This way, we will find out when the first symptoms may appear and avoid them effectively.

Don’t wait for symptoms – overcome them before they appear

Must an allergy preclude you from playing sports and other favorite outdoor activities? Absolutely not! Even if you are allergic, you can enjoy being outside and no pollen can stop you.

For many people treatment of allergies with the support of dedicated antiallergic drugs it begins with its first symptoms. Of course, this is not a mistake, but it is worth doing it in advance. By the time the symptoms started, the histamine that is responsible for the typical allergic ailments has already been released and is slowly triggering the inflammatory process. It is much easier to prevent an allergic reaction than to try to stop it. [4]

While waiting, we risk more than just a little discomfort – once the full allergy symptoms are present, the complaints become more and more persistent. Taking medications alleviates symptoms and allows you to lead a normal life, but also prevents the consequences and complications of chronic rhinitis, such as nasal congestion, allergic sinusitis, otitis, and loss of smell [5].

The key to surviving the allergic season is good protection with the use of dedicated drugs. And since allergy, as every allergy sufferer knows well, it can completely exclude you from life, at best choose modern antihistaminesthat effectively treat the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis without causing heaviness, lowered concentration or slower thinking [6].


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