![Get ready for a winter walk with your baby](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/get-ready-for-a-winter-walk-with-your-baby-1.webp)
One of the best ways to toughen up your child and make him immune to disease later in life is to take regular walks. It is also recommended in winter, but only in the case of weather when the temperature is not lower than -8 or -10 degrees. It is true that children who spend more time outdoors have better immunity in adulthood. For a winter walk with a baby, you need to prepare in advance.
Of course, a means of transport for the child is required – a baby carrier or a stroller. Walking is one of the ways to ensure its proper development, the implementation of which should be started about a month after birth. In the case of a winter birth, you can gradually prepare your baby for the first time outside by first putting him in his crib by the open window, of course dressing him in advance as if he is going for a walk.
We are gradually extending the time of such “veranda”, which at the very beginning may last only a few minutes. Three weeks after such adaptation, you can go out with your baby for a walk, preferably when the temperature does not drop below minus five degrees, it is not windy, it does not rain and the weather is generally quite nice.
What you should take care of before going for a walk with a baby:
- Rub your baby’s face before going out protective cream. This type of protection is used not only when it is warm. In pharmacies and stores you will find special protective creams for the winter.
- It’s best for a walk truckin which it is much easier to wrap the baby tightly. A blanket should be placed on the mattress, as it will provide additional protection against heat loss, as well as a quilt that you will cover your baby with, as well as a thicker winter sleeping bag. In winter, it is good to put a rain cover in the stroller.
- Clothing must be warm onion. Put on the baby one by one rompers, jacket, overallsas well as gloves and a warm hat.
- Time of day should also be considered. In winter, it is best to go for a walk at noon, because then the sun is at its highest, but it is not a rule. Adjust the time of the walk to the rhythm of your child’s day, the time of feeding, sleeping, changing etc. The place of the walk is also important – it’s better not to be too crowded, full of passing cars. The best will be parks, forests, a quiet housing estate. You should also avoid the wind by driving the stroller in the opposite direction (“upwind”) so that it does not make it difficult for the baby to breathe.
Of course, walks will strengthen the baby’s immunity only when he is not sick. Going outside when a child has a cough, a fever or a cold can only strain the already weakened immunity and thus worsen his condition. The situation is different in the case of a runny nose, because fresh air can constrict the nasal mucosa and make breathing much easier.