Get on your skis!

Want to finally master skiing or snowboarding? We talked to the instructor and found out what newcomers need to take into account first of all.

You have firmly decided to embark on skiing (or snowboarding). Is it worth it to buy equipment right away? Should I go to study? And how to prepare for the first trip to the mountain resort? Alpine skiing instructor Elena Rogalskaya answers our questions.

There can be many reasons for such a decision. Someone decided to find something to do in order to live a few months of winter more fun, someone doesn’t want to drop out of a company that is passionate about skating, and someone terribly lacks strong emotions and sports drive. The only thing to keep in mind is that skiing and snowboarding are extreme sports. “We are moving at speed along the slope, surrounded by other people with different levels of training and different ideas about how to ski,” says ski instructor Elena Rogalskaya. – That is why a few lessons in a school, group or individually will help you feel more comfortable. As a rule, five lessons of two hours are enough to learn how to ski confidently and go down the slope of medium steepness. Then everything will depend on your tasks and ambitions. The technique can be improved further.”

What do you need to be prepared for during training? To the falls. “At the initial stage, skiing usually falls less often than snowboarding,” notes Elena Rogalskaya. “That’s why I would recommend that not very athletic girls or those who are already 35 years old start with skis, and only then, if they want, switch to snowboarding.” Which, it should be noted, is very popular today. There is an explanation for this: snowboarders seem to be more relaxed, careless, unconfused … Another reason: it is more difficult to get on a snowboard than on skis, but once you catch your balance and master the technique, you can ride quite successfully, but with skis it’s the other way around: it’s easy to go, but to advance, learning to ride for real is not easy. “For beginners, it’s better to take care of protection – which one, the instructor will tell. As for the helmet, both boarders and skiers, even those who have been skiing for a long time, need it: collisions with other road users are possible on the slope, and it is better to protect yourself,” adds Elena Rogalskaya. In this case, you should not buy all the equipment at once. For the first time, ordinary winter clothes are enough (as if you are going sledding down a hill), and everything else can (and should) be rented. Consider this a precaution: you might just not like it. On the other hand, if you have tried and are determined to continue, it makes sense to buy your equipment.

Question: are there people who are completely unable to get up on skis / snowboards? “I haven’t met such people,” Elena Rogalskaya answers. – There are those who are afraid, or uncoordinated (in this case, they just need to study longer), or not motivated enough – they went to the resort for the company … Prepared ski slopes (both in Russia and abroad), modern sports equipment allow you to stand on skiing or snowboarding for each of us. Another thing is that for some it will turn out faster, for others it will be slower. ” Physical fitness is of great importance: it will be difficult for those who do not play sports at all. In this case, you can first try to learn on a special Skytec ski simulator and only then go to the real slope. You also need to prepare in order to feel better in the mountains, where an additional load will appear – a low oxygen content in the air. “By the way, you can study at mountain resorts. Although it is better, in order not to waste precious time, it is better to start training in familiar climatic conditions, recommends Elena Rogalskaya. – You will have to master new movements, and at a height it can be a little harder or take longer. It’s better to go to the mountains, having an idea of ​​​​how to stand on skis / snowboards, and enjoy skiing. ”

Another story is trauma. They often occur in people who are impressionable, emotional, motivated for exploits, with poorly developed skating technique, not prepared for physical exertion or fearless, too self-confident. “Such people are dangerous both for themselves and for others,” says Elena Rogalskaya. – To minimize trouble, choose a resort more carefully. Be sure to find out if there are enough trails for beginners – they are marked in green or blue (the next level is red, then black). Take into account other nuances, for example, temperature and humidity.

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Union of ski and snowboard instructors SNOWPRO

tel. (916) 603 12 43

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