Get Fit and Lose Weight: How Many Calories Does Housework Burn

It’s not for nothing that we get so tired, putting the apartment in order!

The main reason why many of us cannot sign up for the gym in any way is the banal lack of time. After all, you need to wake the children up, cook breakfast, send (or even see them off) to school, run to work, then home, and there cleaning, cooking, dinner … Well, what kind of gym is there, to get to bed. However, experts say that housework may well replace exercise. We’ve compiled a list of household chores that burn the most calories and work every muscle in the body.  

 Let’s make a reservation: the number of calories burned will depend on how much you weigh – the more kilograms, the more calories are spent, because they “burn”, even if you just sit on the couch and watch the series. Our calculations are for an average woman weighing about 60 kilos.  

 1. Sweeping and mopping

This is a very effective exercise because it engages the muscles in your upper shoulder girdle, abs, and legs. If you wield a mop and a broom, you will burn about 156 calories in an hour. If you follow your grandmother’s behest, which says that a truly clean floor can only be cleaned by hand, then you will spend much more: about 180 calories in half an hour… And as a bonus, you will simply get sparkling cleanliness in the house. For comparison, about the same number of calories can be burned in a five-kilometer walk at a brisk pace.

Tip: when washing the floor by hand, do not sit down on the lower leg, keep the “fifth point” on the weight – so you can additionally work out the back of the thigh.

2. Cleaning the bathroom

Cleaning a tile, a bathtub, a sink, a shower curtain or partition or glass in a shower stall is very energy-intensive. The muscles of the shoulder girdle, chest, even the armpit area are most loaded – traditionally problematic in women. In just 15 minutes cleaning the bathroom, you will spend about 90 calories – so much is contained in one banana. But you are unlikely to do it in 15 minutes. Usually you have to spend at least half an hour, and this is already 180 calories – all the same 5 km at a brisk pace.

Tip: watch your posture when you wash the tiles, try to keep your back straight and your abs tense so as not to overload your lower back.

3. Vacuuming

It would seem, well, what kind of load is there – stand yourself, and hold the handle of the vacuum cleaner. But experts have calculated: these simple body movements burn up to 170 calories at one o’clock. But if there are children and pets in the house, then you have to vacuum literally every day! Even better – twice a day, but then you just have to do this.

Tip: dance or take a wide lunge instead of striding when vacuuming. This will help build the muscles in your thighs and buttocks.

4. Washing windows

Here the opinions of experts differ: some believe that washing windows and mirrors leaves 140 calories an hour, while others talk about 300 calories… Apparently, it depends on the washing technique: if you just spray the glass washing liquid, and then remove it with a special scraper, this is one thing. And if you wash it completely by hand, carefully wiping every square centimeter, it is completely different. There is only one thing in common – no one likes to wash windows.

Tip: so that there are no streaks on the windows, you need to wipe the glass with unidirectional movements, for example, strictly from top to bottom. At the same time, you will pump the muscles of the body and even the press.

5. Cleaning the closet

This is not the most energy consuming business. But on the other hand, it is very calming: taking things apart is akin to meditation. To sort through the kitchen cabinet, you will spend 85 calories in an hour. For parsing a wardrobe – about the same. And as a bonus, get rid of a bunch of unnecessary things or expired products.

Tip: Stand on tiptoes to work out your calf muscles.

6. Cooking dinner

Peel, cut, reach for the cabinet, stand at the stove, continuously stirring the cooking dish – in conditions of high temperature and humidity, our body will burn about 150 calories per hour. And here the main thing is not to eat them all right there and back.

Tip: Shift from foot to foot, if you stand at the stove for a long time, this will relieve tension from your legs and reduce the risk of developing problems with blood vessels.

7. Washing the dishes

It’s good if you have a dishwasher – it will save you time, energy, and even water. But if not, it’s also not bad in terms of weight loss. Spending half an hour cleaning up after dinner and doing the dishes by hand will save you 180 calories. A lot, you must agree – that’s why it tires us so much.

Tip: do not leave dirty dishes until morning. Popular wisdom says that this is a very bad omen. But it is better to load the dishwasher at night – it is more economical.

8. Work in the beds

It is still too early to talk about it, but the summer cottage season is about to begin. Weeding, planting seedlings, watering, loosening – all of this burns about 250 calories per hour. Rake cleaning of garden beds or lawn – 24 calories per hour. And if you add to this digging the beds, then this is an additional 450 calories per hour. Maybe it’s better to instruct your spouse to swing a shovel?

Tip: while weeding, try not to kneel. If you squat, you will burn much more calories. And you will save your knees.

9. Rearrangement

If you are suddenly tired of the interior and passionately want to update something in the environment, you can always start a rearrangement. And burn 400 calories per hour! But in the process, you will also have to wipe the dust and wash the floor – consider that a full-fledged fat burning workout is provided to you.

Tip: if you start to move something very heavy, do not push or push the object with your hands – this can easily tear your lower back. Put your back on what you want to move, and push off with your feet – and the process will go easier, and your back will be intact.

10. Chatting on the phone

The energy costs for this are comparable to cleaning kitchen cabinets – 90 calories per hour. So if someone is outraged that you have been talking with your friend for too long, feel free to answer that all this is in the name of a healthy lifestyle!

Tip: this trick will only work if you are talking not lying on the couch, but walking around the room.  

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