In the cycle of affairs, we forget to pay attention to ourselves and our well-being. For example, we often don’t get enough sleep, and we don’t consider this to be something special: “I don’t sleep much, but it’s okay — everyone is like that.” Try to get enough sleep once and you will wake up a different person! What is needed for this?
If a person wants to get enough sleep, in most cases he can adjust his own sleep schedule — the main thing is to realize that this is necessary and affordable. There is a lot of information about how important it is not to tone yourself up during the day (do not drink coffee, tea in general, and not just at night), be sure to turn off all gadgets before going to bed, sleep at least 8 hours a day, fall asleep and wake up at the same time. the same time…
But if, instead of reading recommendations on how to learn how to sleep, we spend the same time on sleep, there will already be a great benefit. But seriously, sometimes a little effort is enough to change everything.
Causes, effects and treatment
There are several purely physiological factors that do not allow a person to sleep through the night with pleasure.
Respiratory failure
Due to shallow breathing, not enough oxygen enters the blood, the brain begins to experience oxygen starvation — and sounds the alarm: the person wakes up. In some cases, simply opening the window is enough to normalize sleep. And in some — to adjust the work of the body so that you have the opportunity to breathe deeply.
How to do it? Contact a specialist. Breathing can be disturbed due to an overstrained diaphragm, against which the amplitude of its movement is reduced and the breath turns out to be “small”, superficial. With the help of manual osteopathic techniques, it is possible to relax the diaphragm, and breathing (and, as a result, sleep) becomes deep.
Another example: snoring. As a rule, it occurs against the background of the so-called sagging of the palatine wall.
It is worth pulling it up, and everything again falls into place. A logical question: that is, how is it to pull up? It’s so simple — take it and pull it up? Why, then, do millions of people snore and do nothing for themselves? We have to admit: because they do not know that this is possible.
Osteopathy considers the human body as a single system: everything in our body is connected. As osteopathic practice shows, by acting on the muscles of the neck, soft tissues and bones of the head, we can indirectly act on the tissues of the larynx and tighten the palatine wall so that it does not interfere with breathing during sleep. Is it logical? Quite.
Pain of any origin
When a person has something in pain, he cannot fall asleep and sleep through the night normally. It is obvious. However, for many, this becomes apparent only when the pain goes over 6-7 on a 10-point scale. And if it hurts for two — everything is in order.
We easily learn to ignore a slight pulling pain, say, in the back. But as soon as our volitional abilities weaken, which is exactly what happens in a dream, the body reacts to pain — and we wake up.
The conclusion is simple: make adequate demands on your body.
If something hurts you, this is not a normal situation, you do not have to wait until it resolves itself. You need to find the source of the pain and deal with it. In 80% of cases, the cause of back pain lies in unbalanced muscle tension (and only 20% are the consequences of this tension, in particular, herniated discs).
If you relax the overstressed muscle (with the help of an osteopath or a good massage therapist), sleep will return. Although, of course, there are pain syndromes that are more difficult to cope with, but believe me, this must be done, and it is better to start as early as possible.
Problems with digestion
Difficulties with digestion can be suspected if a person regularly wakes up around 4-5 in the morning: during this period, our body (mainly the brain) tries to put things in order in digestion. While we are sleeping, no conscious processes interfere with «conducting» the work of the gastrointestinal tract — and it is at this time that certain difficulties are revealed that make themselves felt with pain or discomfort.
In this case, literally any little thing can help: giving up coffee, for example. Coffee has a destructive effect on the gastric mucosa, it is worth removing it from the diet, and the quality of sleep will increase. Or refuse food with preservatives. Or start eating regularly. Or, with the help of osteopathic procedures, restore mobility to the thoracic and lumbar spine.
If we imagine that the body is in motion all the time (and the way it is — every second there is a metabolism in it, old cells die, new ones are formed in their place), then this movement, contrary to pessimists and cynics, is always directed to the best — to health.
If there is an obstacle in the way of this movement, the movement slows down
And over time, disease can develop in this place. If we remove just one barrier, one disease-causing factor, we can return the body to the path of self-healing. All osteopathy works on this, and it seems to me that an adequate approach to a healthy lifestyle is based on this.
To restore health to the digestive tract, there is no need to eat only vegetables and cereals (any “healing” distortions are harmful). If your digestive tract is only making it difficult to sleep (rather than putting you in the hospital), try starting small: remove one harmful factor.
Will not help — the second and third. And soon enough, after sleeping all night, you will understand how the body is supple and grateful for any small steps towards you.
Psychological problems
For example, heavy thoughts in your head that make you toss and turn half the night, or even until the morning … This problem can also be neutralized through work with the body: good physical activity regulates the hormonal background in such a way that stress is easier to bear, and the level of anxiety decreases.
Autogenic training helps to neutralize stress — for example, meditation
Some use alcohol for this, but, as practice shows, meditation is both cheaper and more useful. As the famous Buddhist joke says, “when you peel potatoes, think about potatoes” — go to bed, tune in to sleep. Five minutes of meditation before bed will help to cope with many problems.
It is believed that even divorce can be avoided if both spouses get enough sleep. This is partly true: we don’t know (even) ourselves very well while we live in conditions of sleep deprivation. And how do you know that you finally got enough sleep? Very simple: in a good mood in the morning.