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Coronary artery disease is the price of civilization progress. We live longer and longer, we eat poorly, we lead a sedentary lifestyle, we limit our movement to the necessary minimum. Added to this is stress and lack of rest. You don’t have to wait long for the effects of this.
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1/ 6 Incidence of coronary heart disease
The incidence of coronary heart disease increases with age. According to the data of the World Health Organization, about 2,5-5% of people suffer from it. women and men aged 40-59, 10 percent after 60 years of age and about 25 percent. over 75 years of age Every year, about 60-80 thousand patients experience a heart attack. In Poland, from 1 to 1,5 million people suffer from coronary heart disease, and about 50 dies within a year. The main risk factor for heart disease is too high cholesterol, but also smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, genetic predisposition, as well as overweight and obesity. It is estimated that over the next 10 years, nearly 500 men and 240 thousand women aged 30-70 will be hospitalized due to a heart attack. We suggest what symptoms indicate coronary artery disease and pay attention to alarm signals that should prompt you to contact a doctor immediately.
2/ 6 Chest pain behind the breastbone
Pain is felt as pressure, a feeling of weight, burning, burning or stretching. They can radiate from the chest to the lower jaw, throat, arms, back, hands and upper abdomen. Factors causing it are exercise, stress, but also low temperature and even a heavy meal. Pain usually lasts from 30 seconds to several minutes. If it lasts longer, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible (call an ambulance) as this may be a sign of a heart attack. Before the arrival of the ambulance service, the person suffering from pain should be placed in a reclining position and given aspirin.
3/ 6 Night Pains
Sometimes the pain is so strong that it causes nocturnal awakenings. It may indicate the presence of significant stenosis in the coronary arteries or spasm of the coronary arteries. But not only. Nocturnal pain is also characteristic of degenerative changes in the spine and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The post-coronary origin of the pain may suggest bone pain resulting from pressure or a change in body position. It is difficult to determine the nature of the pain yourself, so it is best to contact a doctor as soon as possible. If we are dealing with a person with risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease (high cholesterol, obesity, smoking, diabetes), an ambulance should be called as soon as possible.
4/ 6 Stress pains
Pain, depending on the severity of the disease, may appear during walking or even brisk walking. Discomfort can be felt when going uphill, up stairs, and when lifting heavy objects. Often the pain is provoked by cold or wind (leaving a warm room outside), a heavy meal, bending down or emotional stress. Characteristically, it clears up within 2-5 minutes after stopping exercise. Poor exercise tolerance may also be associated with other diseases, e.g. lung diseases, anemia, obesity or poor physical condition, therefore the diagnosis of coronary heart disease must be based on additional tests. Sometimes myocardial ischemia is not accompanied by pain, such as in people with diabetes.
5/ 6 Associated symptoms
Although the symptoms have a completely different clinical picture, they should not be underestimated. And they are often because they are not associated with ailments typical of ischemic heart disease. This means that they are often diagnosed at a late stage, often only after a heart attack occurs. Therefore, the alarm signal should be: shortness of breath, a feeling of clogging and lack of air, hand numbness, pain in the jaw, increase in blood pressure. Particular attention should be paid to the accompanying nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. They indicate ischemia and inferior wall infarction and require immediate medical attention.
6/ 6 Non-coronary pain
The ailments can resemble coronary pains and are often mistaken for them. What’s the difference between them? In non-coronary pains, the pain can be localized and has a variable character depending on the position of the body and the phase of breathing. It often has an atypical, asymmetrical location and is not related to the effort being made. Here are some examples: • epigastric pain accompanied by indigestion and drooling may be gastroesophageal reflux disease, especially if it occurs after consuming coffee, alcohol or spicy foods; swallowing disorders are typical of esophageal peristalsis disorders, • pain located in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the right scapula, especially if it is accompanied by indigestion and nausea, should raise the suspicion of biliary colic, • pain radiating to the back and increased blood pressure may indicate aortic dissection, • pain that is aggravated by coughing and inhalation and not associated with exercise is characteristic of pericarditis. Most often it resolves when sitting and leaning forward, • rapid heartbeat, pressure chest pain or prickling, shallow breathing, dry mouth and tingling and numbness in the extremities are typical symptoms of anxiety or affective disorders.