Gestures can say a lot, gestures can express your attitude better than any words.
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Gesture — body movement, especially hand movement, accompanying speech to enhance its expressiveness or replace it.
What can be a gesture? Good question… Turning the body — yes, once upon a time it is a strong gesture. Head tilt — yes, and it can be a gesture. A victorious wave of the hand is, of course, a gesture. Thoughtful wiggling of fingers, as if bills are rustling — a finger gesture.
Why gestures are needed
Gestures are not an extra decoration, hands should not be “done”, but used in the most active way. Gestures are the strongest weapon with the most powerful energy potential. Strong gestures — strong energy. Beautiful gestures — energy, penetration
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giving any protection. See Gestures of a Successful Person
Gesture catalog
It is hardly possible to make a catalog of even the most common gestures, but some selection may be of interest. See Gesture Catalog
Development direction
The main direction of development of the gestures of a successful person is from mastery of space to restrained inner strength.
In children, gestures are usually free, but most of us leave school with no gestures. Further development (restoration) of gestures proceeds according to the Law of the embryo: in successive stages, similar to how an embryo develops into an upright person.
Stages of development of gestures:
- Mastering the space, increasing the volume of gestures
- Replacing the conquered volume with its qualities. Initially, the constrained gestures are replaced by bright, wide and free gestures.
- The transition from external brightness to the strength of an internal gesture.
- Grabbing gestures (towards oneself) are replaced by giving gestures (away from oneself)
Initially, if a person is unsure of himself and muscularly tense, his whole body tends to shrink into the position of the embryo: the arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the body, the hands are bent inward, the fingers are pinched.
And also, accordingly, bent. At the same time, many read an additional desire to bend their legs, pick up their knees to their chest, shrink into a ball and close their eyes (“here I am gone”).
At the first stage of development of freedom and expressiveness of movement, the elbows come unstuck from the body.
On the second hand, they gradually unbend and begin to move: freer, wider, more expressive!
Only then the hand unbends, and only after this, the fingers slowly begin to straighten and unstick from each other. The compressed bud opens into a beautiful flower.
And where is the limit, what should you strive for in this liberation of your gestures? Let your marker be an asterisk. Open your palm and spread all your fingers as far as possible: this is exactly it — your star. Star palm up — giving to the world. The vertical star is cutting through space. The star, palm down, affirms your position.
In the street version, when someone’s star begins to play with rays, this is called fingering. And you know it works.