Gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy
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What is the threat of diabetes mellitus for the health of mom and baby, who is at risk and why it is impossible to go on a diet, said the Samara obstetrician-gynecologist.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that usually develops in old age. However, obstetricians and gynecologists are often faced with the so-called “gestational diabetes”. It is detected in pregnant women, starting from 16 weeks. According to the classification of the World Health Organization, “gestational diabetes” indicates a violation of the body’s perception of glucose against the background of changes in hormone levels.
“This problem is registered with a frequency of about 7% of all pregnancies (from 1 to 14% in different countries),” says Elena Romanova, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Expert Center for Pregnancy Management at the Mother and Child Clinic – IDK. – There are several reasons for the incidence of gestational diabetes. This is a late age of pregnant women, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which was not previously identified, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet oversaturated with carbohydrates, or a genetic predisposition. “
Who is at risk of gestational diabetes?
The risk group includes women over the age of 30 who are overweight over 20% of the ideal. It is also worth paying attention to heredity. If among close relatives there are at least two suffering from diabetes, this increases the likelihood of the disease. Pregnant women with a “complicated history”, that is, those who had miscarriages, a dead fetus was born, glucose in the urine or its increase in the blood was previously determined.
“You shouldn’t take ‘gestational diabetes’ as a verdict for the health of a mother or baby,” says Elena Romanova. – Currently, there are no problems with its diagnosis. The main thing is to know about this problem and follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Of course, it is better to learn about chronic diseases before pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to plan every pregnancy in advance. If violations of carbohydrate metabolism are identified, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give recommendations. And the future pregnancy will proceed smoothly, and the child will be born healthy. “
Why donate blood from a finger?
Now, when registering with an antenatal clinic, all pregnant women are required to determine the level of fasting blood glucose. They take it early in the morning from the finger.
If it is less than 5,1 mmol / l, a clarifying diagnosis is performed. The so-called “stress glucose tolerance test”. With its normal values, a woman is considered healthy. If the test shows a glucose level of more than 7 mmol / l, this indicates a manifest, newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. That is, it will most likely require medical correction with insulin.
If the fasting blood glucose contains 5,1 mmol / l or more, gestational diabetes is diagnosed. The patient, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, is monitored by an endocrinologist.
In 80% of women with diabetes mellitus, pregnancy is complicated. But if you constantly monitor your blood glucose levels, they can be prevented. Otherwise, it threatens the birth of a child weighing more than 4500 g, a patient with diabetic fetopathy (problems with metabolism and the endocrine system), with congenital malformations or stillbirth or polyhydramnios. Subsequently, these children are more likely than others to suffer from obesity and type 2 diabetes.
“Correction of gestational diabetes is primarily based on proper nutrition. Good effect on the normalization of blood glucose levels daily exercise for 30-40 minutes, with the exception of stress on the abdominal muscles, and walks. They are a good adjunct to treatment. By the way, it was noticed that in women who regularly played sports a year before pregnancy, the risk of gestational diabetes decreases. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes should not go hungry! But the patient needs to exclude confectionery and sugar from the diet. It is best for a woman to conduct frequent glycemic control on her own using modern home blood sugar measuring devices. Within the normal range, the indicator is 3,5–5,5 mmol / l. After delivery, the glucose tolerance test is repeated after 6–8 weeks. Then it is carried out once a year to assess the state of carbohydrate disorders. Breastfeeding of the child has a good effect on such mothers. “
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), pregnant and postpartum women with diabetes have twice the risk of postpartum depression than healthy women (about 20%). It should also be borne in mind that diseases that occur during pregnancy are more likely to develop in adulthood or old age. Analysis of data obtained from multiple studies shows that more than 50% of pregnant women with gestational diabetes develop true diabetes mellitus during their lifetime. Therefore, the recommendations received during the “interesting situation” should be followed later.
You can make an appointment by calling 8-800-250-24-24.