Sprouted wheat is the most useful type of sprouts, referred to as “living food”. A grain is a dormant organism, hiding under its shell the energy for procreation. At the moment of germination, a new plant appears with a supply of valuable nutrients necessary for the development of life.
Recently, scientists have discovered that wheat germ has a cleansing function in the human body. They dissolve gluten, which is formed in the intestines, and protect against the occurrence of a dangerous disease – cancer. [1]. In addition, cereal grains are a source of zinc, vitamin E, and vegetable fiber, which are necessary for cell regeneration, fighting free radicals, and normalizing the gastrointestinal process. It is a powerful biological stimulant with antioxidant properties.
Unsprouted grains are of no benefit to humans.
Interesting Facts
Sprouted wheat is a natural supplement with a balanced composition that ensures maximum absorption of the product. Thus, the material immediately enters the body, ready for assimilation. He does not need to break down mineral compounds, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, since they are already in an easily digestible form. While pharmaceutical preparations burden the body, requiring the breakdown of synthetic material.
At the time of germination, the protein substances concentrated in the grains break down into amino acids, and subsequently into nucleotides. In this case, starch becomes maltose, and fats are transformed into valuable fatty acids. All components that are not digested by the human body are re-cleaved into bases from which nucleic acids are built, which serve as material for genes. Together with these transformations, mineral compounds, vitamins, and enzymes are actively synthesized.
Interestingly, sprouting increases the amount of nutrients in the grains, increasing the health of the product. [2]. So, the content of fats increases from 2,2% to 10%, proteins – from 20% to 26%, fiber from 10% to 17%. At the same time, the level of carbohydrates is reduced from 64% to 34%. In addition to fortifying the body, regular eating of cereals increases free energy.
Eight Reasons to Eat Sprouted Grains:
- In terms of enzyme content, cereal is 100 times superior to fresh vegetables and fruits. These compounds are protein catalyst molecules that accelerate body functions. By consuming more essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids from sprouts, the body will work much more efficiently.
- With the germination of wheat grains, the quality of the protein in them increases. In particular, this applies to the amino acid lysine, which is necessary to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent the occurrence of herpes.
- Increases the amount of fiber. Dietary fiber helps break down fat, remove toxins and fats from the body, promote weight loss.
- The content of essential fatty acids in the composition of the cereal increases.
- The content of vitamins B, C, E is increased.
- The absorption of mineral compounds is improved, since they are in an easily digestible form.
- The amount of energy reserves contained in the grains of germinated cereals increases.
- Wheat sprouts alkalize the body by binding excess acid, which in 80% of cases leads to the development of diseases, in particular cancer.
Cereal grains are a common, cheap and very useful product. They can be germinated at home and be sure that they do not contain harmful additives and pesticides.
Chemical composition
The highest concentration of nutrients is concentrated in grains with a sprout length of 1-2 mm. 100 g of germinated wheat contains 198 kcal. Proteins account for 7,5 g, fats – 1,3 g, carbohydrates – 41,4 g, water – 47,75 g, dietary fiber – 1,1 g.
The composition of the cereal does not include sugar, which makes it attractive to people suffering from diabetes. The energy ratio B:W:U is 15%:6%:84%.
Name | The content of nutrients in 100 g product mg |
Vitamins | |
Tocopherol (E) | 21,0 |
Niacin (B3) | 3,087 |
Pyridoxine (B6) | 3,0 |
Ascorbic acid (C) | 2,6 |
Thiamine (B1) | 2,0 |
Pantothenic Acid (B5) | 0,947 |
Riboflavin (B2) | 0,7 |
Folic acid (B9) | 0,038 |
Macronutrients | |
Phosphorus | 200,0 |
potassium | 169,0 |
Magnesium | 82,0 |
Calcium | 70,0 |
Sodium | 16,0 |
Trace Elements | |
Copper | 261,0 |
Hardware | 2,14 |
Manganese | 1,858 |
Zinc | 1,65 |
Selenium | 0,0425 |
Nutritionists recommend including sprouted grains in the diet of overweight people. The product cleanses the body, helps with bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Seed sprout starts processes that stimulate metabolism and fat burning [5].
Indications for use
Sprouted grains of wheat improve metabolism and the proper functioning of organs, increase immunity, improve the overall tone of the body, fill the body with energy and strength. [6].
In what cases is the product useful:
- with stress, prolonged depression;
- in exhaustion, after illness;
- with violations of sexual function and the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with high cholesterol;
- with metabolic disorders;
- in inflammatory processes [7];
- in the presence of neoplasms [1];
- with poor eyesight;
- with diabetes mellitus [8].
With prolonged use, sprouted wheat grains have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce pressure, cure impotence, promote the resorption of polyps, myomas, cysts, fibromas.
Soluble fiber, which is part of the cereal, removes cholesterol and absorbs bile acids, and insoluble fiber binds and utilizes toxins, radionuclides, toxins, relieves constipation, stimulates the digestive tract [9].
The product improves metabolism, quickly saturates, suppressing the feeling of hunger for a long time. Sprouted grains do not contain sugar, stabilize the function of the thyroid gland, which makes them absolutely safe for diabetics. It has been established that with regular use (50-100 g per day) they improve eyesight, prevent the development of cancerous tumors, promote rejuvenation of the body (strengthen teeth, nails, hair and restore elasticity, healthy complexion).
Oil is prepared from wheat germ, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body and is used for cosmetic purposes to increase elasticity and even out skin relief, improve complexion, slow down aging, relieve inflammation and nourish the dermis. It has an anti-cellulite effect, accelerates hair growth, healing of wounds and abrasions on the skin, relieves acne, protects against stretch marks during pregnancy.
How to germinate
To obtain a valuable and nutritious product, only healthy grains are used without stains, pests and impurities. They are first separated from the chaff and washed. To do this, the grains are poured with water, kneaded between the fingers and the floating debris is drained. Interestingly, from one part of dry raw materials, two germinated ones are obtained. It is unacceptable to use dead, old, damaged grains. Most likely they will not sprout or will be weak and will not bring benefits to human health. For germination, dishes made from natural materials (porcelain, clay, glass) are used.
After washing, the raw materials are soaked for 5-8 hours, after which they are thoroughly washed under running water. The first liquid is always drained, because it releases poisons used in the wheat growing process and formed during the period of cereal activation before germination. During subsequent washings, water is not poured out. She is very helpful. It is used to nourish the skin when washing, watering indoor plants, cooking. When germinating, the grains are washed 3-4 times a day at regular intervals, which eliminates the possibility of mold growth and provides the cereal with fresh moisture. The product is considered ready for use after the sprouts have reached 1-2 mm in length. Interestingly, at night the germination process is much more intense than during the day.
How to “activate” the grain
Cover a deep plate with several layers of gauze, on top of which distribute the pre-soaked cereal. The grains should not fit snugly against each other. Therefore, make sure that the thickness of the wheat layer does not exceed 5 mm. From above, the grains are covered with gauze, poured with cool boiled water. The liquid should cover them slightly. The container is placed in a bright, warm place, avoiding direct sunlight. Periodically change the water. Remember, the grains must be kept moist at all times. If there is little water, germination will slow down or stop; if there is too much water, the wheat will begin to mold.
The rate of emergence of sprouts directly depends on the environment and the variety of cereal. As a rule, under all conditions, sprouts appear in 1,5-2 days.
How to use sprouted grain
The daily norm of a “live” product is 50-100 g. Wheat grain is recommended to be consumed immediately after germination in its raw form. Cereal is stored no more than a day in the refrigerator. The daily portion should be eaten at breakfast so that the body receives a boost of energy for the whole day. Sprouted grains can also be eaten at lunch, but in no case at night, since the product is considered a “heavy” food that will be difficult for the body to cope with in the evening. Do not overload the digestive tract. Sprouted wheat must be thoroughly chewed or ground in a blender until a homogeneous slurry is obtained immediately before use. Cereal is eaten as an independent dish or introduced into salads, cereals. It goes well with dried fruits, nuts and dairy products.
How is wheat germ eaten?
- Kissel. Cooking method: pass the grains through a meat grinder, pour water. Boil the resulting mass for 2-3 minutes, leave for half an hour. Kissel strain.
- Cookie. Pass dried fruits, nuts and germinated wheat grains through a meat grinder, form balls, flatten on both sides. Roll the resulting healthy cutlets in poppy seeds or sesame seeds, bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
- Rejuvelac is an Italian kvass. It is a soft drink obtained by fermenting sprouted grains. Rejuvelac is rich in active enzymes and beneficial bacteria that help improve digestion. To prepare a drink, 100 g of milled grains of sprouted wheat are poured into 1200 ml of pure water, covered with gauze, left for 3 days. Rejuvelac is prepared exclusively in glassware. Ready kvass is filtered. It has a sharp and tart taste, has a pale straw color, soft earthy aroma. Cake is used to prepare the second portion of the drink. To improve the taste, honey, salt, and spices are added to rejuvelac.
- Infusion. It is used to prepare soups, cereals and treat respiratory diseases (together with honey). Sprouted grains (15 g) are poured with boiling water (200 ml), left for 2 hours, then boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered. The resulting infusion should be used in between meals, 150-200 ml.
- Wheat milk. Sprouts (200 g) are poured with clean water (800 ml), raisins, nuts are added, beaten in a blender. Use ready-made milk as a cocktail, store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
- Bread. Pass the germinated cereal through a meat grinder, add water. In the resulting mass, add browned onions, nuts or ground seaweed. Shape into loaves, fry in olive oil until golden brown.
The shell and embryos of the grains are a natural source of tocopherol, thiamine, selenium, zinc, which are deservedly called the elixir of youth. These nutrients have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, promote the renewal of hair follicles, and improve the skin. Nutrients and antioxidants contained in sprouted grains alkalize cells, prolonging youth and preventing the growth of malignant neoplasms. [10].
Contraindications to use
According to experimental data, it has been established that lectin proteins are present in the germinated cereal culture, which, when interacting with sugar molecules, stick together and damage the gastric mucosa, which can lead to digestive problems. In addition, these compounds have a toxic effect on the endocrine system, as they can disrupt metabolism.
Harm of germinated wheat:
- celiac disease (due to the presence of gluten in germinated wheat grains);
- diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
- children up to 12 years;
- idiosyncrasy;
- postoperative period [11], [12].
Immediately after the inclusion of the product in the diet, the following reactions from the body may occur: loose stools, increased gas formation, dizziness, weakness, which disappear within 3 days. If after a few days the symptoms do not go away, but rather increase, you should immediately stop taking the cereal, consult a doctor.
Sprouted grains contain protein, fiber, which the baby’s body digests for a long time. It is contraindicated for children under 12 years old, and from the age of 13, it is introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small doses (¼ tsp each). Milled grains are added to mashed potatoes, cereals.
Sprouted wheat can be harmful to a healthy person only in one case if it is treated with chemicals to increase the shelf life or stored in the wrong conditions. [13]. In addition, you can not abuse the product, as you can harm the body. The daily dose should not exceed 100 g. The introduction of a new product into the diet should begin with 15 g (1 tablespoon).
Grains with sprouts over 3 mm lose their healing properties, so do not chase the length. In this case, the adage “the more the merrier” has the opposite effect. It is worth eating only high-quality, freshly hatched grains with a sprout length of 1,5-2 mm, which were previously soaked for 8-10 hours.
sprout juice
In accordance with studies conducted in 1936, it was found that wheat germ juice has the maximum therapeutic effect. 30 ml of a healing drink contains as many vitamins and mineral compounds as concentrated in 1 kg of fresh vegetables. In addition, it contains lysine and tryptophan, which prevent the aging of the body and maintain the skin and hair in a healthy state.
Wheatgrass juice is a source of chlorophyll (79%), the benefits of which cannot be underestimated. The green substance contains a magnesium complex, which, in combination with tocopherol, promotes the formation of enzymes synthesized into amino acids. Subsequently, they fold and form a protein globule. In addition, chlorophyll contains ferric iron, which the human body is best able to absorb. Thus, the function of hematopoiesis is regulated and blood pressure returns to normal. Interestingly, in terms of iron content, juice from young cereal sprouts is 5 times higher than spinach.
Useful properties of chlorophyll:
- increases immunity;
- stimulates the formation of connective tissues, accelerating the healing of open wounds, erosions and ulcers;
- increases the body’s endurance;
- blocks the transformation of healthy cells into cancerous, pathological changes in DNA molecules;
- removes toxins;
- improves bowel function.
A characteristic feature of wheat germ juice is the presence of polysaccharides and carbohydrates combined with phenols, which act as antioxidants and adsorbents in the intestines. The discovery of the drink was the content of the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which ensures the smooth operation of internal organs under conditions of aging at the cellular level [14].
Medicinal properties of juice:
- Balances metabolism, normalizes intestinal peristalsis.
- Increases the production of hemoglobin, enriches the blood with oxygen.
- Prevents damage to teeth, hair loss.
- Strengthens nail plates.
- Promotes the resorption of benign and malignant neoplasms.
Juice from cereal sprouts is useful for diseases of the lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, excretory, thermoregulatory, reproductive, musculoskeletal, energy systems.
Method of use
To increase immunity, it is recommended to drink 30 ml of juice per day.
To eliminate chronic diseases and restore the body of athletes and bodybuilders after intensive sports, the dosage is doubled to 60 ml per day.
Without fail, freshly squeezed juice from sprouts is useful for the elderly and workers of extreme professions, pregnant women, in the presence of fatigue syndrome. A healing drink is prepared immediately before taking it using a screw juicer.
Wheat germ oil
Oil is a unique plant product with high biological and nutritional value. [15]. For the production of 250 g of valuable oil (by cold pressing), it is necessary to process more than 1 ton of sprouted wheat grain. The product contains essential amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine, tryptophan, methionine), vitamins E, B, omega-3, 6, 9, a substance with a pronounced anti-inflammatory property allantoin, antioxidants octacosanol, squalene, macro- and microelements.
Wheat germ oil contains the highest amount of tocopherol compared to other vegetable oils. 100 mg of “youth vitamin” E is concentrated in 400 ml of the composition. Due to the high content of a powerful natural antioxidant, germinated cereal oil is very popular in the cosmetic industry. When applied externally, the product softens chapped lips, improves skin tone, has an anti-cellulite effect, accelerates the healing of jam in the corners of the mouth, nourishes dry dermis, and reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles.
Germ oil is recommended to be consumed as a dietary supplement, 15 ml per day, without heat treatment. It stops inflammatory processes in the body, exhibits wound healing, immunostimulating, antifungal, bactericidal properties, prevents the deposition of harmful cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, and maintains normal hormonal balance.
Used in cosmetics
Wheat germ is used to make regenerating masks for dry and aging skin, as well as strengthening compositions for hair. To prepare homemade beauty recipes, freshly hatched grains with sprouts must be ground in a blender until a soft mixture is formed, to which the necessary ingredients are added. To nourish dry skin, chicken yolk (1 pc), yeast (5 g), olive oil (30 ml) are additionally added to the composition. The components are thoroughly mixed, applied to the face, left to dry completely, washed off with warm water.
To maintain the tone of aging skin, wheat germ oil is heated in a water bath, soaked with a mass of a napkin, which is applied to the dermis for half an hour.
To nourish dry ends and eliminate dandruff, a hair mask is prepared from the following components: chicken yolks (2 pcs), olive oil (5 ml), sour cream (15 ml), cognac (25 ml), crushed germinated wheat germ (50 g). The product is applied to wet clean hair for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.
To combat cellulite, wheat germ oil (50 ml) is mixed with lavender essential oil (20 drops) and rubbed into problem areas.
Sprouted wheat is a natural cocktail of vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B, C, E and magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese. This is an ideal product, well absorbed by the human body, which is able to restore the affected tissue, serves as the basis for obtaining amino acids, nucleotides. The latter, in turn, break down into the nucleic acids necessary to build genes. During the pecking period, under the influence of enzymes, a biochemical degeneration of the grain occurs. As a result, the product is a set of all the nutrients necessary for the further growth of cereals. Sprouted wheat normalizes the intestinal microflora, removes toxins, toxins, poisons, increases visual acuity, suppresses inflammatory processes in the body, normalizes metabolism, rejuvenates the skin, saturates the blood with oxygen. Due to the abundance of useful properties, the product is recommended for daily use of 50-100 g, with the exception of people suffering from stomach ulcers, gluten allergies.
Healing juice is obtained from wheat germ, which has a vasodilating, softening, restorative, anti-inflammatory effect. The daily norm of the drink depends on the state of health, lifestyle and age and varies from 30 to 60 ml.
- Sources of
- ↑ ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Wheatgrass: green blood can help to fight cancer.
- ↑ Scientific journal “Basic Research”. – Studies of the chemical composition of germinated seeds of buckwheat, oats, barley and wheat.
- ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Study of the mineral and amino acid composition of sprouted and canned wheat grains.
- ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Wheat, sprouted.
- ↑ Taylor & Francis open journal. – Anti-obesity effect of Triticum aestivum sprout extract in high-fat-diet-induced obese mice.
- ↑ The Oldways Whole Grains Council. – Health benefits of sprouted grains.
- ↑ The Journal of Dental Research and Review. – Evaluation of the anti-microbial activity of various concentration of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum) extract against Gram-positive bacteria.
- ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Sprouted grains: a comprehensive review.
- ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Changes of folates, dietary fiber, and proteins in wheat as affected by germination.
- ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Studies on germination conditions and antioxidant contents of wheat grain.
- ↑ The College of Agricultural Sciences of the Pennsylvania State University. – Sprouting the truth about sprouted grains.
- ↑ Health website Healthline. – Raw sprouts: benefits and potential risks.
- ↑ WebMD Internet resource. – Sprouts: are they good for you?
- ↑ Wiley online library. – Nutritional quality and antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) unwrap by proteome profiling and DPPH and FRAP assays.
- ↑ Wikipedia. – Wheat germ oil.
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