German Pils

Bavarian pilsner, the quintessence of quality and flavor. Sweet tones of malt, honey, cracker, spices, hops are felt in the bouquet. The best representatives of the style have multi-component bouquets, decomposed into notes, but there are drinks in which one taste clearly dominates.

Fermentation is pure, complete. Color – light, golden or straw. In the glass it forms a very strong head of foam. On the palate, the hops prevail over the malt, but do not overwhelm it. When using high sulfate water, a sulfur taste may be felt – this is not a sign of a poor-quality product.

The drink is light-bodied, highly carbonized. Many characteristics of the German Pils depend on the region of production: the further north, the more hoppy the beer is.

German pils (short for “pilsner”, used in this form so as not to be confused with Czech varieties) appeared in the 70s of the XIX century. He remained on the sidelines until the middle of the XNUMXth century, when, thanks to modern technology, it became possible to adhere to strict quality standards.

It is made from Žatec hops, Pils malt, lager yeast. The drink turns out to be more characteristic than the Czech counterpart: the bitterness is better expressed, the beer is well attenuated. This also differs from the Munich helles: the malt flavor is present only in the background, the emphasis is on the hop component.

German Pils

Strength: 4.4-5.2%.

Density: initial 1.044-1.050, final 1.008-1.013.

Bitterness Index: 22-40 IBU.

Color: 2-5 SRM.

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