Gerdela and apricot: the difference

Gerdela and apricot: the difference

Zherdela is an unvaccinated form of apricot. Such a tree can be grown almost everywhere, because it is not afraid of frost at all. In terms of care, this is one of the most unpretentious fruit plants.

What is the difference between apricot and vents

It is difficult to understand on the fly which tree is in front of you.

Gerdela is smaller than apricot

Let’s take a look at all the differences point by point:

  • Fruit size. Apricots are much larger than their unvaccinated counterparts.
  • Taste. Apricot is juicier and sweeter, as it contains a higher sugar content. However, his smaller “sister” has different varieties and some of them are also very tasty.
  • The bone. This is the surest way to determine the type of plant. Colored apricots have kernels in the pit that are very tasty and healthy. But in unvaccinated plants, they are acidic, since there is a lot of acid in the composition. Their bones are unfit for food.
  • Pulp. In apricots, it is quite hard, but at the same time tender and easily separates from the stone. Also, the pulp is not fibrous. The second plant is exactly the opposite.
  • Aroma. The fruits of a grafted plant have a pronounced aroma, while in an unvaccinated plant they are practically odorless.

To determine which plant is in front of you, carefully examine its fruit. If there are no fruits, it will be more difficult to determine, because both trees bloom equally beautifully, there is also no difference in the foliage.

There is nothing easier than growing this tree. It takes root easily. Just dig up the growth from the trunk and plant it in your area. But take your time to do this, first try the fruits of the tree from which you are going to take shoots. They can be very different from each other. Choose trees with larger, sweeter, less stringy fruits.

Choose a planting site taking into account that the adult plant will be about 5-6 m tall

There are no requirements for a site for planting this tree. It will grow on almost any soil. The exception is marshy and excessively moist soil. However, you will get the maximum yield if you plant the shoots in a sunny, elevated area.

Further care is practically not required. Water the young tree in the first year if the season is dry. The plant is not afraid of pests and diseases, but as a preventive measure, you can treat it with the basic agent with which you process the rest of the garden.

Gerdela and apricot at first glance seem to be the same plant, but on closer inspection they have many differences. Both trees have the right to live in your garden.

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