Gerard Depardieu (Gerard Depardieu)

Premium vodka Gerard Depardieu (Gerard Depardieu) was presented in May 2018. The idea of ​​the release belongs to the famous French actor, who is well known in his homeland and abroad as a winemaker and owner of vineyards. According to Depardieu, he wanted to release a drink that would be made with the same skill as the best French wines.

History of the brand

The idea to try his hand at the production of strong alcohol came to Depardieu during a visit to the Minsk Grape Wine Factory in 2017. First of all, he was interested in the manufacturing technology of “Soviet Champagne”, which the company is famous for. Prior to this, the actor perceived vodka solely as diluted alcohol and was amazed by modern technologies for the production of strong drinks.

Depardieu took under his patronage all stages of the development of a new product: recipe, label design and even quality control. The result is a premium drink with a soft and harmonious taste. The international retailer Auchan received an exclusive contract for the sale of new items. According to the management of the trading network, the name Depardieu in itself serves as a guarantor of product quality. Specialists highly appreciate the export potential of the product. Gerard Depardieu vodka is already supplied to a number of French restaurants.

Features of the release

The Minsk Grape Wine Factory has been operating since 2000 and is one of the top three wine producers in the country. Belarusian strong drinks have repeatedly received high awards at prestigious international competitions. The company is known for fully providing the cycle of its own production – alcohol produces its own factory in the town of Chashniki, Vitebsk region.

Gerard Depardieu vodka is produced by the Brest branch of the company, which was completely modernized in 2008. In production, Belalfa alcohol is used, which in its qualities surpasses a similar brand of the Lux class. The raw materials are wheat, rye and a hybrid culture of triticale, which combines two types of cereals. On the purification scale, this type of alcohol occupies the highest level.

Belalfa is mixed with artesian water, which is similar in its properties to mountain spring water. The product goes through several stages of purification: through birch charcoal and relic flint. The composition of the mineral includes chalcedony, opal, quartz and petrified organic matter. The granular structure of the stone allows the liquid to slowly pass through the pores, giving it transparency and a special shine. At the same time, the product is saturated with mineral elements.

Processing with birch charcoal gives the drink the sweetness inherent in real high-quality vodka. The process uses an adsorbent obtained as a result of steam activation. At the same time, harmful substances burn out, and the coal itself acquires high sorption rates.

Products undergo quality control at all stages of production. Compliance with the established standards is monitored by employees of the plant’s own laboratory, accredited in accordance with the requirements of Belarusian legislation.

Gerard Depardieu (Gerard Depardieu)

Interesting Facts

Vodka is produced in bottles of 0,5 and 0,7 liters, liter containers are not provided. Depardieu himself initiated the restriction. The actor believes that there should not be a lot of a quality product: in order to appreciate a premium strong drink, a small amount is quite enough.

Gerard Depardieu often uses his products as a presentation to business partners. The bottle label features a pencil portrait of the actor in his younger years and a personal autograph.

The actor is confident that a high-quality product will soon be recognized not only in Russia, Belarus and France, but in other countries of the world.

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