Georgina Akita

It is difficult to find a flower as luxurious and unpretentious as a dahlia. It is not surprising that many flower growers collect a collection of these flowers.

Georgina Akita


Dahlia variety “Akita” bred in Japan in 1978.

Сорт «Акита» выращивают многие цветоводы, этот георгин отлично подходит для российских условий. Не боится дождя и длительной пасмурной погоды.

Dahlias of this variety are distinguished by:

  • High decorative effect;
  • Unpretentiousness;
  • Resistance to many bacterial diseases;
  • The ability to use flowers for cutting;
  • Do not require a garter;
  • Имеют продолжительное цветение.

Luxurious, multi-flowered, lush bushes of the Akita variety bloom from July until the first frost. The flower petals of this variety are resistant to shedding, which makes it possible to use dahlias of this variety for making bouquets.

Georgina Akita

Наиболее интенсивную окраску цветки этого сорта георгин имеют осенью, когда длительное время стоит пасмурная погода, но еще нет заморозков.


The aerial part of the flower is annual, the tuber can grow for several years.

The flower does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, it requires digging tubers for the winter, storage in a warm room.

Сорт относится к классу декоративных георгин, некоторые селекционеры причисляют «Акита» к смешанным, переходным или полукактусовым. Цветок крупный, махровый, при благоприятных условиях достигает 23 см.

The dahlia petals of this variety are wide, deployed, burgundy in color with a pronounced light edging. The edges of the petals are pointed and slightly twisted, which gives some breeders reason to classify this variety as semi-cactus.

The bush of this variety is branched, powerful, up to 95 cm high. The leaves are pinnate, dark green.

Suitable for growing in borders, group planting. You can use flowers for cutting, making flower arrangements.


Germinated dahlia tubers are planted when the weather is warm. It is necessary to prepare shelters in case of frost in advance.

For planting dahlias, choose a sunny area, protected from drafts and wind. Ideally, if at noon the plant will be in partial shade.

Georgina Akita

Расстояние между кустами должно быть не менее 80 см, слишком часто посаженные растения вытягиваются, имеют более мелкие цветки.

Advice! Если георгин высажен на участке, где часто бывают ветра, необходимо подвязать его к опоре. Сильный ветер может сломать стебли.

Георгины сорта «Акита» могут расти на любых почвах, кроме кислых. Эти цветы предпочитают легкие, богатые перегноем, песчаные почвы. Растущие в тяжелом глинистом грунте, георгины сорта «Акита» вырастают до 70 см, размер цветка не превышает 16 см.

Akita dahlias require a large amount of nutrients for abundant long-term flowering. Top dressing is carried out several times during the season, with a frequency of 2-3 weeks.

Important! With excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers, dahlia tubers are poorly stored in winter, often affected by various types of rot.

When the dahlia sprouts reach 20 cm, it is necessary to pinch. After pinching, the bushes grow more branched, the number of flowers increases. Pinch the top of the sprout, it is enough to remove about a centimeter of the stem.

Georgina Akita

Advice! Нежелательно выращивать цветок на одном месте более 3 лет.


Размножается сорт «Акита» клубнями и черенками. Клубни делят перед посадкой, стараясь оставить на каждой части не менее 3 глазков. Обязательно обработать срез дезинфицирующим средством.

For cuttings choose a strong, healthy dahlia tuber. It is placed in moist nutrient soil without deepening the root neck. In order for the shoots not to stretch out, the number of light hours must be at least 12.

Important! You can not cut all the cuttings from the tubers, you must leave at least two.

After the appearance of the first shoots, watering is reduced. When the shoots reach 12 – 14 cm, cuttings are carried out. You can cut or break out the cuttings, be sure to capture a small piece of the root. They are placed in moist soil to form roots.

Advice! For germination of cuttings, you can use not only soil, but also ordinary potatoes. It contains all the necessary nutrients for the growth of the root system, has optimal moisture.

Georgina Akita

Ready seedlings must be hardened off. To do this, the cups are taken out into the street, gradually increasing the length of stay. If the seedlings are planted immediately in open ground, it is advisable to cover the plants during the midday hours during the week. Plants grown from seedlings bloom in the same year.

Beautiful flowers of Akita dahlias are able to decorate any flower garden without requiring too much attention.

Dahlia in the garden

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