Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

Georgian green tomatoes are an original appetizer that allows you to add variety to your winter diet. Hot peppers, garlic, herbs, nuts and special seasonings (hops-suneli, oregano) help to give ordinary preparations a Georgian flavor. These snacks are spicy and rich in taste.

The blanks intended for winter storage are distributed among the jars that have been sterilized. To do this, the containers are treated with boiling water or hot steam. Then the jars filled with vegetables are placed in a pot of boiling water to be sterilized. The processing period depends on the capacity of the cans and ranges from 15 minutes to half an hour.

Georgian Green Tomato Recipes

You can cook unripe tomatoes in Georgian in various ways. Usually tomatoes are stuffed with herbs, garlic or vegetable mixture. Hot or cold marinade is used as a fill.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

From green tomatoes, you can cook spicy adjika, which is stored for a long time without sterilizing the jars. If red tomatoes are available, then an unusual salad dressing is obtained on their basis.

stuffed tomatoes

An unusual appetizer is obtained from green tomatoes, which are stuffed with a special filling. Georgian-style stuffed green tomatoes are prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. From green tomatoes, you need to choose about 15 medium-sized fruits. They make cross-shaped incisions.
  2. One carrot and bell pepper must be chopped in a blender.
  3. The garlic head is divided into cloves and placed under the press.
  4. Finely chop the chili pepper pod and add to the total vegetable mass.
  5. Spices are poured into the resulting filling to taste: suneli hops and oregano.
  6. Tomatoes need to be stuffed with the cooked mass, then put them in glass jars.
  7. Marinade filling is prepared by boiling water. For each liter, add 20 g of table salt and 80 g of granulated sugar.
  8. At the boiling stage, add 70 ml of vinegar to the marinade.
  9. Hot liquid is poured into jars, which are pasteurized in containers with boiling water for no more than 20 minutes.
  10. The containers are sealed with tin lids.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

pickled tomatoes

In combination with spicy herbs, pickled tomatoes are obtained, which have a spicy taste. The recipe for their preparation without sterilization is as follows:

  1. In unripe tomatoes, the stalk is cut out, and in the fruits themselves I make small cuts.
  2. For the filling, a mixture of chopped garlic (0,1 kg), dill, tarragon and parsley is prepared (each ingredient is taken in 10 g).
  3. Horseradish root, which is scrolled in a meat grinder, will help to make the appetizer spicier.
  4. Fill the place of the incision in the tomatoes with the filling, after which they put the fruits in a wooden or enamel bowl.
  5. A few peas of pepper, currant leaves or cherries are also placed in a jar.
  6. For brine, boil a liter of water and add 60 g of table salt.
  7. Tomatoes are completely poured with cooled brine, an inverted plate and load are placed on top.
  8. Simmer vegetables at room temperature for a week.
  9. Then the sharp green tomatoes are rearranged in the refrigerator for winter storage.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

Recipe with garlic and herbs

To prepare a delicious Georgian-style snack for the winter, unripe tomatoes of small sizes are chosen. The recipe for further cooking pickled green tomatoes with garlic and herbs is shown below:

  1. About a kilogram of tomatoes need to be washed and longitudinal cuts made in the fruits with a knife.
  2. For the filling, finely chop or grind five cloves of garlic and a pod of hot pepper in a blender.
  3. Be sure to chop the greens: parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, celery.
  4. The ingredients are mixed to form a homogeneous mass, which is filled with tomatoes.
  5. Boiling water serves as a marinade, in which a couple of tablespoons of salt and one spoon of granulated sugar are dissolved.
  6. Boiling water is removed from the fire and a teaspoon of vinegar is added to it.
  7. Tomatoes are placed in jars, which are poured with marinade.
  8. For 25 minutes, the containers must be put in boiling water, then canned with a key.
  9. Green tomatoes for the winter are best removed in a cool place.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

Vegetable salad with nuts

A delicious salad for the winter is prepared from green tomatoes with nuts and other vegetables, which are harvested at the end of the season. Thanks to nuts and spices, the appetizer acquires a bright taste and aroma.

You can prepare Georgian vegetable salad according to the recipe:

  1. Unripe tomatoes (2 kg) must be chopped into slices, covered with salt and kept at room conditions for 3 hours.
  2. Half a kilogram of onions must be peeled and fried in a pan.
  3. Half a kilogram of carrots is chopped into narrow bars, after which they are fried in a pan after onions.
  4. A kilogram of sweet pepper is cut into half rings and stewed in oil over low heat.
  5. Half of the garlic head is divided into cloves, which are pressed through the press.
  6. Walnuts (0,2 kg) must be crushed in a mortar.
  7. The juice is drained from the tomatoes and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Add 1/2 tablespoon of dry red pepper, suneli hops and saffron to the vegetable mass. Salt is added to taste.
  9. Vegetables put to stew over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  10. Hot salad is distributed in jars, covered with sterilized lids on top.
  11. Put jars in a deep saucepan, pour water and sterilize them for 20 minutes.
  12. The next step is to preserve the blanks with a key.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

Raw adjika

From green tomatoes, you get spicy instant adjika with garlic and horseradish. This appetizer goes well with barbecue and various meat dishes.

The simplest process of making green adjika includes the following steps:

  1. First, green tomatoes are selected. In total, they will need about 3 kg. Places of damage and decay should be cut out.
  2. Chili peppers (0,4 kg) are also prepared, in which the stalk is removed.
  3. Horseradish root (0,2 kg) must be peeled and cut into large pieces.
  4. Garlic (0,2 kg) is divided into cloves.
  5. The ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and mixed well.
  6. If desired, you can add a little salt and a finely chopped bunch of cilantro to the mass.
  7. Green adjika is laid out in jars, corked with lids and put in the refrigerator.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter

Tomatoes in adjika

Spicy adjika can act as a marinade for unripe tomatoes. The recipe for green pickled tomatoes is as follows:

  1. First you need to cook spicy adjika. For her, take 0,5 kg of red tomatoes and sweet peppers. They are ground in a meat grinder with the addition of 0,3 kg of garlic.
  2. In the resulting mass, you need to add a tablespoon of suneli hops and salt.
  3. Green tomatoes (4 kg) are cut into slices and placed in containers with adjika.
  4. The mass is put on fire and after boiling, it is stewed over low heat for 20 minutes.
  5. At the stage of readiness, finely chopped parsley and dill are added to the green tomato salad.
  6. Hot blanks are distributed into jars, sterilized and sealed with lids.
  7. Canned salad is kept refrigerated.

Georgian stuffed green tomatoes for the winter


Georgian-style green tomatoes are pickled with chili, horseradish, nuts, spices and herbs. Georgian cuisine involves the use of herbs, the quantity and variety of which can be adjusted to taste. Most often add cilantro, basil and parsley.

The resulting snack is very spicy, so it is used with meat or fish dishes. For long-term storage, it is recommended to remove the blanks in the cellar or refrigerator.


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