In her youth, Claudette Monica Powell dreamed of becoming an actress, but she became famous many years later, when she found her calling in the service of God. The nun captivated fans with her beauty and youthful appearance. They asked her to share their “experiences”, and the woman gladly went to meet them.
Claudette Monica Powell is a 55-year-old Episcopal nun in New Jersey, USA, where she is known as Sister Monica Claire. The woman took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience 10 years ago.
Before getting a haircut as a nun, Monica dreamed of becoming a famous actress. She studied theater at New York University, after which she moved to Hollywood and tried to find her place in the film industry.
In Los Angeles, an American met her future husband. The couple dated for five years before officially registering the relationship. All this time, the woman had to hide that she believed in God, since her husband was a convinced atheist. The thing is that her surroundings inspired her all her life that men do not like “too believing” women.
However, the relationship was not destroyed by different views on faith. In 1999, Monica discovered that her husband was cheating on her and filed for divorce. “It felt like my whole world was collapsing. It was at that moment that I felt that the calling of my life was to restore my connection with God, ”she shared. Then she plunged into the study of Christianity and decided to become a nun.
However, this was not as easy as she had hoped. To begin with, the woman had to fully repay the loan that she took out for education. Probably, this requirement is connected with the vow of non-possession – after all, nuns deny earthly wealth and cannot possess material property. It took Monica 10 years to give the bank about 100 thousand dollars (about 7,3 million rubles), after which she was finally able to become a nun.
The woman felt that in the monastery she had finally found her way. And at the age of 55, she fulfilled the dream of her youth and … unexpectedly became famous. At the beginning of the summer, sister Monica posted the first video on TikTok to make her followers laugh. She shared a funny story about a turkey that terrorized her convent. Subscribers were bribed by the sincerity and sense of humor of the nun, and as a result, over 75 thousand people signed up for her account in a few weeks.
“I can’t believe I’ve become so popular, especially at my age. I dreamed of becoming a famous actress when I was 20 years old,” admitted the nun.
However, users paid attention not only to the personality of Monica. They began to elicit from her the secret of radiant and smooth skin, because, looking at the woman, they could not believe that she was already 55. “All this time I thought you were 30!” — surprised one of the subscribers.
The secret of her beauty lies in simple and proper care.
Commentators have even suggested that the nun manages to stay young and fresh thanks to the lack of stress due to relationships with men. Monica ironically thanked the subscribers, but stressed that the secret of her beauty lies in simple and proper care. Here is what she advises for women who want to keep their skin firm in adulthood:
- Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Monica herself takes shelter from the sun under an umbrella, as the bright light gives her a migraine.
- Skip makeup. The nun stopped using cosmetics when she became a novice and noticed that the quality of her skin improved markedly.
- Use mild cleansers. Monika uses a baby cleanser twice a day.
- Cut down on alcohol. Even before becoming a nun, Monica did not drink due to an intolerance to alcohol. In her opinion, limiting alcohol will help give the skin a fresher look.
The nun also recalled that she worked in Hollywood for a long time, and therefore professionally builds a frame and competently works with light. So, Monica recommended recording video using warm key light or slightly subdued natural daylight. In addition, it is important not to position the camera so that shadows appear on the face – it is best to keep the light at eye level.
Monica managed to combine such, at first glance, incompatible concepts – monastic life and popularity in the youth social network. We are convinced that a woman was able to fulfill her old dream only because she had already found her calling in life.