Spring gentian (Gentiana verna) is a cosmopolitan, perennial, low-growing plant that grows everywhere. Culture is not found only in the Arctic. In Our Country, gentian is ubiquitous, but the main concentration of the species is observed in the European part. It grows in mountainous areas, in wetlands, in floodplains, in shaded glades. The culture can be seen along forest roadsides.

Gentian spring: photo and description

The plant is also known as gentian or bitter root, has medicinal properties, it is used in folk medicine.

Description of the species

The genus includes up to 700 species of plants, differing in shape, color and flowering time. Gentian spring one of the primroses. Its sprouts appear even under a layer of spring snow, the buds form immediately after it melts.

External characteristics of spring gentian:

  1. The plant is stunted, not more than 5 cm high.
  2. The root system is superficial, highly branched, can cover large areas.
  3. Stems, tubular, hollow, thick, short, erect. Formed in 1-3 pieces. from lower leaf rosettes, ending in flowers.
  4. The leaves are dark green, small, lanceolate, opposite.

Flowers for the dwarf form of the plant are large, bright blue, five-petalled.

Gentian spring: photo and description

Peak flowering of spring gentian occurs in mid-May, the duration of the cycle is within three weeks

Application in landscape design

Spring gentian is difficult to attribute to popular plants in landscape design. In ornamental gardening, hybrid varieties of culture are more often used. Primrose is used as a groundcover in combination with other plant species with early flowering periods, such as tulips or snowdrops. Create compositions with daffodils and phlox.

The decorative period of gentian is short – only during flowering, this feature is taken into account in design designs. Examples of the use of spring gentian in ornamental gardening will help with the choice of the optimal composition:

  1. Центральный цветовой акцент в рокарии.

    Gentian spring: photo and description

  2. Composition with conifers and irises.

    Gentian spring: photo and description

  3. In design, a technique based on the contrast of colors is highly valued. Blue gentian flowers are in harmony with yellow and pink crops.

    Gentian spring: photo and description

  4. Spring gentian is used for lining the linear planting of tulips.

    Gentian spring: photo and description

  5. Gentian is an ideal option in the design of a corner of the garden in the style of wildlife.

    Gentian spring: photo and description

  6. Синяя окраска цветков гармонирует с натуральным камнем. Растение используют для декорирования альпинариев.

    Gentian spring: photo and description

Features of reproduction

Spring gentian forms compact bushes. At the age of three, they can be divided into several parts so that each has one leaf rosette. Plant immediately in the designated place (in the southern regions). In colder climates, it is recommended to place the plant in flower pots or containers and leave until the start of the next season. During this period, the root system will get stronger enough and take root more easily in an open area.

Important! Work on the section of the mother plant is carried out only after the flowering phase.

Spring gentian and cultivars based on it provide a full-fledged planting material. Seeds are harvested at the end of summer, they are quite small, they require stratification before sowing. The material is mixed with moistened sand, placed in a cloth bag and placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

Seeds are laid in February in plastic or wooden containers:

  1. Peat, sand and humus are mixed, containers are filled.
  2. Seeds with sand are distributed over the surface, moistened with a spray bottle.
  3. Cover the container with gentian film and put in a room with a temperature of 15-17 0C.
  4. Periodically ventilate so that condensation does not form on the film.
  5. Water as needed, the soil should not be dry and waterlogged.
    Gentian spring: photo and description

    After germination, the containers are opened, and the plants are placed in a well-lit place.

  6. When a leaf rosette is formed, spring gentian is dived into separate containers.

Keep at a constant temperature of +20 0C in a place protected from direct sunlight. Before planting on the site, the seedlings are taken out into the open air for 1 week to adapt.

Advice! You can sow the seeds in the fall in the ground, but the gentian will bloom only the next year. Grown in seedlings will bloom in the first season.

Features of landing

Gentian spring in its natural environment grows on fertile neutral or slightly acidic soils. The soil should be with good air circulation, light. The plant is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate stagnant water. The plot is well-drained.

Растет горечавка весенняя как в полутени, так и на открытом месте. Культуру можно расположить возле декоративных кустарников, которые ее периодически затеняют. В естественной среде горечавка селится в альпийской предгорной зоне среди камней и злаковых растений. Если создать эти условия на участке, вегетация и цветение у растения будут полноценными.

Planting time depends on the material. Seedlings are determined on the plot in late May – early June. The division of the bush is carried out approximately in the second half of July. If you divide the root system in the spring, there is no guarantee that the plant will take root and bloom.

The sequence of planting spring gentian:

  1. The site is dug up, complex mineral fertilizers are applied.
  2. The root system of the plant is treated with an antifungal agent and placed in a stimulating drug.
  3. Peat, compost are mixed, fine pebbles are added.
  4. The deepening is done in accordance with the size of the root system.
  5. На дно лунки кладут питательный субстрат и устанавливают горечавку.
    Gentian spring: photo and description

    Seedlings are placed in the ground along with an earthen clod

  6. Cover with mixture and compact.
Important! Горечавку весеннюю обильно поливают и мульчируют декоративной галькой или древесной щепой.

Care instructions

Spring gentian is a crop that is quite common in the wild, but this does not mean that it will grow under any conditions. The slightest deviation from the biological requirements stops the vegetation, in the worst case leads to the death of the plant.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

The soil should always be moist, the earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out. When using mulch, the amount of watering can be reduced. Gentian is watered regularly, but do not allow stagnation of water and droplets of liquid on the flowers. It is better to water under the root. Gentian spring feels comfortable along the banks of reservoirs. If it grows near water, then the amount of watering is reduced.

Nitrogen fertilizers feed the plant in early spring, potash and phosphate – during flowering, organic – in the fall. Throughout the entire growing season, liquid organics are introduced in unlimited quantities, this can be done simultaneously with watering.

Weeding and loosening

Прополка и рыхление обязательны только для гибридных сортов, для дикорастущего вида эта мера неактуальна. Сорняки удаляют вручную, чтобы не повредить корень.

It is quite difficult to loosen the spring dwarf gentian, in this case mulch will also help, it will prevent soil compaction. The plant does not respond well to root damage, it recovers for a long time, so it is better to refuse weeding.

Preparation for winter

In autumn, the aerial part of the spring gentian dies and dries. All leftovers are cleared and hauled away. If autumn is with a sufficient amount of precipitation, then it is not necessary to water the plant abundantly before frost. In case of dry weather, 2 weeks before the temperature drops, the site is completely flooded with water.

Накрывают горечавку весеннюю торфом, смешанным с компостом. Материал должен быть сухим. Можно использовать солому или опавшие листья. В условиях южного климата весенняя горечавка зимует без дополнительных мероприятий.

Diseases and pests

Если условия для роста соответствуют требованиям агротехники, культура не болеет. В случае размещения на переувлажненном участке, растение поражается прикорневой гнилью или серой плесенью. От инфекции избавляются любым фунгицидом. Из вредителей паразитируют на горечавке весенней слизни, их собирают вручную, реже появляются трипсы в борьбе с ними подходит любой из доступных инсектицидов.


Spring gentian is a perennial dwarf plant with an early flowering period. A shade-tolerant, frost-resistant culture is used in design as a ground cover option. Subject to agricultural technology, sufficient watering and top dressing, it grows quickly on the site, occupies fairly large areas.

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