
The term “genotype” is used to describe a group of individual genes. It determines its hereditary properties and is also the genetic description of the organism. Furthermore, the term may also refer to the genes of a virus.

Genotype – properties

Genotyp during individual development, it produces a phenotype which is a set of physiological and morphological features of the organism. Information about the characteristics of an organism is stored in the DNA found in every cell, and the basis is the genetic material of the parents. Parents pass it on to their offspring with the help of gametes. Each organism has its own unique genotype. The only exception is genetically identical twins.

Genotyp is a paired allele. A common mistake is to confuse genotype with genome. The genome is the genetic makeup of the body’s basic set of chromosomes (monoploid). Three types of designations are accepted for him: aa and AA – symbolize homozygous (i.e. the same alleles of a given gene) and Aa – denote the same heterozygote.

genotype i phenotype

Phenotype is a set of organism traits that includes morphology as well as the life cycle, environmental influences, fertility, physiological properties, and more. These are also features that can be seen with the naked eye, i.e. all the physical features created in a given environment by the organism of a given species.

It is closely related to genotypembecause it arises as a result of environmental influences on the genotype. The same in different environments genotype it can produce different phenotypes, although the opposite happens – a similar phenotype may arise despite different phenotypes genotypes. However, this is considered by some scientists to be unconfirmed.

The relationship between genotypem and molecular processes and the process of development of the organism is constantly being researched due to the high level of complications, which makes it difficult to understand. The relationship between genotypem and the development of the organism and its phenotype leads to quite paradoxical observations:

  1. although organisms may have very similar phenotypes, their genotypes may be different;
  2. organisms whose genotypes are very similar may have completely different phenotypes.

What is “phenotypic plasticity”?

By the deadline “Phenotypic plasticity” the aforementioned ability of one genotype to produce distinct phenotypes is determined. This is one of the cornerstones of adaptation mechanisms. Its scope covers both morphological, physiological and behavioral changes that can be observed in a wide variety of organisms.

Phenotypic plasticity has an influence on the rate of evolution. It can both slow it down and accelerate it or not exert any influence on its pace. This topic is explored in the fields of biology, including genetics, genomics, evolutionary biology, ecology, physiology, and developmental biology.

Genotype – applying knowledge in practice

Knowledge about genotypu a given individual has many practical benefits. It enables prediction of the trait of offspring based on the characteristics of the parents by writing a genetic cross for one trait.

The easiest method genotype testing is the method of crossing with a recessive homozygous, i.e. test crossing. It is used in the breeding of various species of animals and crops.

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