Genital herpes in men
Genital herpes in men is the most common viral disease of the genitourinary organs caused by the herpes simplex virus. Most often, genital herpes is asymptomatic, from which men unwittingly become carriers of the infection.

What is genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a chronic relapsing sexually transmitted disease. The causative agent is predominantly herpes simplex virus type II (or HSV-2). Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1), the so-called “cold on the lips”, causes infection around or inside the mouth and is transmitted more often by oral contact. In most cases, HSV-1 goes to the child from the mother, or in childhood through contact with sick relatives.

“The source of infection with herpes is only a person, and it doesn’t matter what form and course of the disease he has,” says doctor of the highest category, dermatologist-venereologist Elena Rastrygina. – It is believed that more than 90% of the world’s population is infected with both types of herpes simplex, and only 30% of people find their clinical manifestations.

About half a million people fall ill with genital herpes every year. The highest rates are observed in men aged 27 years. Most of the infection is asymptomatic, so it is not diagnosed. Genital herpes is a disease for life. In men, the genitourinary tract becomes the place of constant circulation of the infection.

Causes of genital herpes in men

The causes of genital herpes in men most often become a large number of sexual intercourse, since the main route of transmission of the herpes simplex virus is sexual. Infection is possible with all forms of sexual contact: genital, genital-anal, oral-genital. Sexual contact with a person who is actively shedding the virus results in an infection in 75-80% of cases.

Less commonly, infection occurs through a household or medical route – medical instruments, rubber gloves, sheets, towels, etc. There is also transmission of infection from mother to fetus. One of the unusual ways of infection is autonucleation. This is the case when the patient infects himself by transferring the infection from one place to another (for example, from the face to the genitals).

Symptoms of genital herpes in men

The main symptom of genital herpes is a rash in the genital area in men. The incubation period after infection lasts about 7 days. Most often, the glans penis, pubis, scrotum, perianal region are affected. With the localization of rashes in the urethra – burning, itching, soreness during urination, there may be a discharge of a light yellow color. Eruptions are profuse, like small white vesicles. After the vesicles burst and erosions form, the burning sensation and itching increase. This can lead to soreness during intercourse. Also, with the first clinical episode of genital herpes in men, the following symptoms of intoxication may occur:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • general malaise;
  • muscle pain, especially in the lumbosacral region;
  • enlargement and soreness of the inguinal nodes;
  • sleep disorders.

Treatment of genital herpes in men

The first step is antiviral therapy. According to the 2015 federal clinical guidelines for the treatment of patients with genital herpes, the most effective drugs for the treatment of genital herpes are acyclic nucleosides such as Acyclovir, Famciclovir and Valaciclovir. With a recurrent course of the disease, systemic interferon is used. A drying aniline dye (fukortsin) is also used locally. If a secondary infection has joined, additional antibiotics are prescribed. The duration of the rash during treatment ranges from 2-3 to 10-14 days, depending on the severity of the condition.


The diagnosis of “genital herpes” in men is made on the basis of clinical symptoms.

Laboratory research methods are used to clarify the etiology of the disease, with atypical forms of the disease, as well as for the purpose of differential diagnosis with other diseases. This is necessary to exclude other diseases!

Molecular biological methods using test systems approved for medical use in the Russian Federation examine the contents of vesicles, biological fluids and body secrets (mucus, urine, prostate secretion), scrapings, swabs from tissues and organs, swabs-imprints.

Genital herpes in men must be distinguished from scabies, drug rash, contact dermatitis, streptococcal impetigo, pemphigus, erythema fixed, Queira erythroplasia, chancriform pyoderma. Erosive and ulcerative rashes on the genitals are differentially diagnosed with syphilis, chancre, inguinal granuloma, Crohn’s disease, trichomonas balanoposthitis, Behçet’s disease, Zun’s plasma cell balanitis.

If genital herpes recurs more than 6 times within one year, an examination for the presence of HIV infection is indicated.
Elena RastryginaDermatologist-venereologist, doctor of the highest category

Modern treatments

Theoretically, patients with severe herpes virus diseases and frequent recurrences of genital herpes can resort to vaccination. Domestic herpetic vaccine is used only in remission and not earlier than 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear. Vaccination cycles take place 2 times a year and are designed for 5 injections. Treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision and prescription of a doctor!

However, studies in recent years have shown that all vaccines created at the moment are too weak to help in the fight against relapses, or do it for a short period. Unfortunately, there are no ideal options to get rid of the manifestations of the herpes virus forever.

Prevention of genital herpes in men at home

To prevent infection with HSV-1 and HSV-2, the systematic use of a condom and the restriction of sexual intercourse can. If a man lives with a partner or relatives who have a disease, it is necessary to refrain from close contact during an exacerbation of the infection, use personal utensils, personal hygiene products and keep the bathroom clean.

If a man is infected himself, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, even if you accidentally touch the rash, so as not to transfer the infection. With regular sexual contact with an infected partner, you can consult a doctor for preventive antiviral therapy.

Popular questions and answers

Can genital herpes in men go away on its own without treatment?

Treatment of genital herpes is aimed at reducing the duration of symptoms, rapid healing of erosions, as well as reducing the frequency and severity of relapses, and preventing the development of complications. If you can stabilize the symptoms within one week, why wait for everything to “go away” within a month and be a source of infection for others?

Why does it still appear after treatment of genital herpes in men?

The herpes virus is completely impossible to destroy. He will continue to be in the body all his life and with a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system, make itself felt. Its recurrence is facilitated by:

● sexual relations with an unverified partner;

● stress;

● hypothermia;

● other concomitant diseases;

● transferred medical operations.

If rashes appear in large numbers and too often, and HIV infection is excluded, consultation with an immunologist is necessary.

Is it necessary to take tests for the presence of the virus if there are no symptoms of the disease?

If you care about your health, then you should be tested for herpes regularly – for your own safety and the safety of your environment. This is especially necessary if a man plans to become a father and in order to avoid infection of a woman. HSV in women during pregnancy can lead to fetal pathologies.

Is it possible to get genital herpes by household means?

The herpes virus lives outside the human body for several hours and there is a chance of getting infected, especially if you use a common washcloth or towel. In general, in order to prevent infection in this way, it is enough to follow the basic rules of hygiene.

Is it possible to treat genital herpes with folk remedies?

At the moment, there are inexpensive and effective medicines that will help to cope with the symptoms of the disease in a short time. It makes no sense to treat genital herpes that has arisen for the first time in men with folk remedies.

Another thing is the prevention of relapses. In this case, you can pay attention to tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs that stimulate the immune system; fortified drinks (ginger tea, fruit and nut mixtures, etc.).

What are the complications of genital herpes?

Complications that require hospitalization are possible: these are aseptic meningitis and encephalitis (if the infection has gone through the spinal cord to the head), herpetic myeloradiculitis, radiculopathy (when the virus enters the nerve nodes), inflammatory lesions of the bladder and urethra. The connection of HSV-2 with HIV infection has already been proven: the risks of “catching” HIV, if once infected with genital herpes, increase 3 times. The association of this virus with the development of prostate cancer in men was also noted.

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