Genetic tests for food intolerances. Celiac disease and lactose and fructose intolerance

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Based on genetic tests, it can be concluded what is the likelihood of developing food intolerance. Such a test is also an effective form of diagnosis that allows you to exclude or confirm intolerance as the cause of digestive ailments. Therefore, genetic tests should be performed when we suspect celiac disease, as well as lactose or fructose intolerance.

Food intolerance – is it in your genes?

Genetic mutations are responsible not only for the increased likelihood of developing hereditary diseases or cancer. On their basis, it can also be determined whether we have a predisposition to food intolerances. Appropriate genetic tests will be performed by selected laboratories, analyzing a sample of the patient’s genetic material.

The food intolerance itself can be acquired (indicated by IgG or IgE antibodies) or inherited (confirmed by DNA tests). As a result of this disease, the body is hypersensitive to a certain food component. Its consumption leads to a reaction of the immune system. As a result, we can experience different, often quite non-specific symptomsThese include nausea, diarrhea, malaise, skin changes, fatigue and headaches.

It should be mentioned here that food intolerance is different from allergy. In the case of food allergy, the body reacts much more violently, and the result can even be anaphylactic shock. The symptoms of food intolerance are sometimes difficult to link to their root cause, which makes it more difficult to detect the disease.

When to perform a genetic test for food intolerances?

Genetic testing makes it possible to detect changes in DNAwhich increase the likelihood of lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance and celiac disease. The tests are performed if someone in your family has had any of these conditions. This will allow you to estimate the likelihood of developing ailments and adjust the diet accordingly.

Genetic testing for food intolerance is especially useful if other diagnostic tests are showing inconclusive results. If it is uncertain whether a patient has celiac disease and needs to modify their diet, DNA testing will clear up the doubts. High accuracy of genetic tests enables the exclusion of specific diseases and more accurate diagnosis.

An indication for performance blood tests for intolerance there are also symptoms the cause of which we cannot establish. This applies to frequent bloating, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, weakened immunity, constant fatigue, repeated migraines or skin problems.

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  1. Read more about what genetic tests are and how they work.

Genetic tests – what food intolerances do they detect?

If we suspect a food intolerance or want to check whether it may affect us, we can use the services of selected laboratories. Usually it is possible to be tested for the selected condition or to use a wider package. Its price may reach approx. PLN 500. We can choose from:

  1. genetic test for celiac disease – celiac disease, i.e. gluten intolerance, very often occurs in people whose DNA contains the HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 alleles. Gluten is a protein found in cereal seeds, which makes its complete elimination from the diet quite troublesome.
  2. genetic test for lactose intolerance – allows to detect changes in the LCT gene and verify the predisposition to the common lactose intolerance, the sugar present in milk.
  3. fructose intolerance test – focuses on the ALDOB gene and its analysis for specific mutations. Congenital fructose intolerance, or fructosemia, is quite rare. However, it requires excluding fruit from the diet and caution in some medical procedures – this sugar is used, for example, during anesthesia before some procedures.

Genetic testing is a form of verifying the diagnosis of food intolerance. On their basis and after receiving appropriate medical recommendations, it becomes possible to introduce appropriate changes to the menu. Adjusting the diet to the body’s requirements is a step towards improving well-being and eliminating the cause of a number of bothersome symptoms.

  1. Are you planning a lifestyle change? Read: Genetic testing before weight loss and diet selection – what is the DNA diet?

How is food intolerance detected?

Genetic testing involves analyzing a blood or saliva sample. The same procedure applies to food intolerances, paternity tests and cancer predisposition tests. DNA test results usually takes up to two weeks. You should consult them with your doctor, who will interpret them based on the conversation with the patient and the results of any other tests.

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