Tested on myself: what new Woman’s Day columnist has learned about her metabolism, hereditary and potential diseases, drug reactions, suitable diet, personality and her distant relative – Nicolae Copernicus.
Jolie not only removed the mammary glands and ovaries, but also spoke openly about it
Predict the future by … genetics
We did not even notice how recently cancer has become a constant topic of discussion – a wave of interest, coupled with panic, was spurred on by the stories of media people, first Zhanna Friske, then
For me, genetics has always been something like a cosmos: tempting, mysterious and somehow … not quite accessible. A kind of greetings from the future – codes, modifications, molecular markers, cloning and organs grown in flasks. And as in the case of space, it is scary that in genetics there is no end or end in sight – you can endlessly fantasize on which path humanity will lead a new study.
In the meantime, it has been proven that the advances in genetics and molecular biology of recent decades have at least had a huge impact on the understanding of the nature of malignant tumors. It was finally established that cancer is a group of diseases caused by a complex of genetic disorders. The influence of specific genetic disorders underlying tumor growth made it possible to detect specific molecular markers and develop tests for early diagnosis of tumors based on them.
Angelina Jolie reminded the world that the future has already come. It was the data of the genetic test that helped her decide on complex operations to remove healthy (!) Mammary glands and ovaries. Three women in the actress’s family died of cancer, so Jolie decided to do everything to prevent or delay the prospects of the disease for herself. Genetic tests delivered their verdict: Angelina’s probability of getting sick was extremely high – 87% out of 100% due to a mutation in the BRCA1 gene.
Kelly Osbourne is going to repeat this act on the test results
For Jolie, other stars also pulled genetic tests. For example, Kelly Osbourne said she was ready to remove the ovaries – especially after 13 years ago, Kelly’s mom Sharon Osbourne was diagnosed with rectal cancer. Since then, the female part of the Osborne family has gone through a series of studies to find out the risk of the disease. Sharon defeated the disease, but in 2012 decided to have a mastectomy to rule out breast cancer.
“This practice is popular abroad, and this is not surprising. In Russia, “surgical castration” is nonsense, ”Anna Kosovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist of the European Center for Aesthetic Medicine EAC on Yakimanka, commented on Woman’s Day.
To find out the whole truth about her health, our correspondent also decided on a special genetic test.
Take the test – just spit
Since September last year in Moscow, you can take the Atlas genetic test, and based on its results, you can draw up a prevention or treatment plan. The pleasure is not that very cheap – it costs 19 rubles. But at the same time, the test promises to determine the predisposition to 990 of the most common diseases, the carriage of 114 hereditary diseases, to tell about the ancestors, to give recommendations on nutrition and sports. And most importantly, everything is in an accessible form. The results will automatically appear in your personal account on the Atlas website. In addition, all the data will subsequently help the geneticist to interpret – in order to avoid false interpretations.
“Wow,” I thought when I had the opportunity to test the test on personal experience. True, then fears and fears arose – about mutations in my genes and terrible diagnoses. But, of course, this is a matter of my human nature – like everyone else, it seems to me that I am a special individual and something terrible is certainly happening to me. However, curiosity prevailed. Besides, who doesn’t want to feel like the hero of House Doctor? So, I decided, if I have lupus, I’d rather know about it right away.
It all started with registration on the site, which I went through quickly and smoothly – as it should be when it comes to the future. After registration, a courier came to me and handed the box. Inside is a plastic flask, instructions, and an agreement that must be signed.
According to the instructions, I filled the flask with saliva to the required level – it took about ten minutes. An important note: before this process, it was impossible to eat, drink and kiss for half an hour – in general, to somehow invade your oral cavity. Having filled the test tube, I closed it with a special stopper, from which a special preservative was poured into the contents.
All this time, the courier was patiently waiting for me to carry out all these manipulations. And then he took the box and took it back to the laboratory.
Further – thanks again to modern technologies! – I could track the movement of my valuable code in my personal account on the site: this is how I knew when my biomaterials arrived at the laboratory and so on. Everything is simple and straightforward.
Wait two weeks for the result. At first I was a little nervous, and then I forgot how it happens – they started and started things. But at the appointed time, I received a notification that the test was ready – the results are available in my personal account on the website. With excitement, I opened my profile, ran my eyes through all the results – and exhaled!
The main thing that interested me against the background of the latest news was the predisposition to cancer. And thank God! – no mutation was found in the body that could lead to disease.
My genes are all right, except for a small breakdown. The test revealed a mutation in one of my genes, but in the form when I am only a carrier of this, I will not name which disease. As I read in the explanation, it will never show up.
Although on the site any word with a suspicion of complexity is immediately deciphered in an intelligible language – just click on the help window – I wanted to delve deeper into the essence of things. And in order to thoroughly understand all the nuances of the universe, which is my body, I came for a consultation with geneticist Irina Zhegulina.
And from her I learned a very important detail: although the mutation of my gene does not manifest itself for me in any way, it can affect the child. That is, the husband will need to be tested for the same mutation. It depends on whether the baby develops a disease. Well, that turned out to be really important information for me. I was not found to have any other genetic diseases.
“Modern genetics is developing dynamically. Today it allows us to be aware of the most varied features of our body, up to the predisposition to a particular sport. The task of Atlas is to make genetics understandable to everyone. Our genetic test is based on the most relevant and relevant research. Using its results, the doctor can determine the most effective treatment for a particular person and give effective recommendations on the way of life, ”explains geneticist Irina Zhegulina.
Going further: the risks of potential osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are the highest. Together with Irina, we compiled a family tree of all my close relatives and their diseases in order to trace the line along which parallels can be observed. Found a match with my paternal grandfather. The doctor advised to pay attention to, for example, knee joints now – when playing sports, wear special support pads for the knees. By the way, my knee joints really hurt – even with light loads. At the same time, the trainers in the fitness club blamed everything on salt. In addition, Irina advised me to take a picture for initial changes. As for prevention, I was advised to strengthen my back muscles, because the first thing that suffers with osteoporosis is the spine.
Also, the geneticist traced a hereditary kidney problem – and got to the point! Quite recently, I started having problems with these organs. To prevent the situation from escalating, Irina advised several solutions. I will not go into details as they involve many personal details. The main thing is that the predictions of the test really coincided with the symptoms of the diseases I have. Some of the geneticist’s remarks were generally vital – for example, those concerning the connection between my kidney problems and pregnancy.
If you look closely, in our Dasha you can find the features of a distant relative 🙂
At the end of the consultation, the doctor and I outlined a plan for additional examinations and tests in order to additionally check the weaknesses of my body, which were indicated by the genetic test.
The “entertaining” part of the genetic test surprised me no less – it turns out that 40 percent of my genes came to me from the inhabitants of Northern Europe, and my haplogroup was formed 25 years ago. I also learned that my percentage of Neanderthal genes is 000, while in Europe as a whole, 1,4. I was also found to have a gene for longevity, which is generally encouraging in light of the rest of the news. Among my personality traits, I have a temperament inclined towards “harm avoidance”, long-term memory is better than most, and I should not expect menopause before 2,6 years old.
Surprisingly, the results in the personal account are constantly refracted under the influence of the latest discoveries and research in genetics. As in a living organism. That is, you passed the test today, and in a year you will learn even more about yourself – an update will be applied to your data. So, just recently I found out that my distant relative is Nicolaus Copernicus.
“Over the past couple of months, the personal account has generally undergone several important changes. In it, you can now see the entire history of human health, including the results of analyzes and the conclusion of the doctors of our clinic. In addition, we have included in the Guidelines new scientific evidence to reduce the risks of some common diseases such as coronary heart disease. To reduce the likelihood of this ailment, it is important to change the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the diet. Thanks to the latest research, the proportions can be calculated with high precision. The most striking update concerns the origin. More recently, an option has become available that allows you to find out with which of the famous personalities you have common maternal or paternal haplogroups, ”explains geneticist Irina Zhegulina.
As for sports, the test assures me that I am a strong man: “Your genetics contributes to a significant development of strength.” Perhaps it’s time to find out empirically. A disappointing verdict was the fact that the test revealed a genetic predisposition to slow fat burning during exercise – but I was immediately offered a way out. According to the results, the most effective way for me to fight extra pounds is through aerobic exercise.
This, of course, is only a small part of the information that becomes available after processing the results. For example, in the “Sports” section, you can specify a goal – weight loss, gain muscle mass – and find out which activities will be most effective from the point of view of genetics. In general, I was impressed by the test and its results. To say that he was useful to me is to say nothing. The information that I received made important adjustments to my life and plans – which, I must admit, I did not expect from the beginning. In addition, after a conversation with the wonderful Irina, my world has changed – after all her inspired stories about how our body works from the point of view of genetics. I learned so many fascinating things that now, if I hear something like “chromosome theory of heredity” in conversations, I will nod my head competently.