Genes rejuvenated by diet. Old age will not come?

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The Japanese live the longest, but the Italians not much shorter. What is it about their genes that although they drink a lot of wine and scream a lot, they are long-lived? Scientists have conducted research on a large Italian population for many years. They argue that the key to success lies in the molecules they call “smart” contained in food, which activate the genes for longevity. Eliana Liotta and Lucilla Titta described their effects in the book “Diet Smartfood”. Zuzanna Opolska talks to the authors of the Italian bestseller. Did you know that food can change your DNA and that nutrigenomics is the medicine of the future?

Zuzanna Opolska, Medonet: In an Italian restaurant, we usually order pizzas and pasta. How do long-lived Italians eat on a daily basis?

Eliana Liotta: In fact, we are one of the European record holders in terms of life expectancy (83 years). And Mediterranean cuisine, based on plant products, fish and olive oil, is considered the healthiest in the world. Even doctors and nutritionists treat our diet as a natural recipe for hypertension or high cholesterol.

Lucilla Watch: Italians do not give up on carbohydrates – they reach for whole grain bread, pasta and groats every day. And they are not getting fat at all. Sugar and processed foods are responsible for modern weight problems. Our ancestors did not use the “white mini-drug” – sucrose, they were completely satisfied with the taste of peaches and bananas. Unfortunately, due to the boom of the XNUMXs, sugar has become a permanent fixture in kitchens, we add it to tea, it is hidden in muesli and ketchup. Yes – it provides some energy, but it does not protect the body in any way. It is a caloric bomb that threatens with diabetes, tooth decay, overweight and obesity! White sugar in itself is not carcinogenic, but extra kilos without a doubt.

What is the matter with nutrigenomics praised in the «Diet Smartfood»? Sounds complicated …

L.T.: Nutrigenomics is the medicine of the future that deals with the effects of what we eat on DNA. It turns out that individual nutrients can change the chemical composition of DNA or attach to it, block and inactivate certain harmful DNA sequences or, on the contrary, support the expression of genes that improve the quality of life.

EL: This means that even carriers of the obesity gene can maintain a healthy weight if they eat healthy. Likewise, when we have inherited a propensity for some disease, it is only a propensity and not a sentence.

L.T.: Perhaps soon it will turn out that by regularly eating the right products, we will shape DNA and live over 120 years. We already know that certain molecules in food can inhibit aging genes (gerontogens) and activate Longevity Assurance Genes.

How does the smart diet differ from popular genodiet?

EL: Genetic diets are based on the assumptions of another field – nutrigenetics. It is a science that tries to answer the question of how genetic variation between individuals, as expressed in the genome, affects how we should eat. Unfortunately, the fashionable genodites based on saliva samples and the questionnaire with questions about lifestyle are not reliable enough to be able to judge their effectiveness. We can actually do genetic tests that show a tendency to be dairy or gluten intolerant. But we cannot investigate whether a person has a similar problem with the absorption of specific food groups and therefore suffers from migraines or gets fat. I believe, however, that it will be possible in the near future.

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Your book shows that smart molecules that inhibit aging genes activate metabolic pathways that are triggered in the hunger phase. Why is it so important?

L.T.: Yes, it is about quercetin, anthocyanins, resveratrol, curcumin, physetin, capsaicin and epigallocatechin gallate that mimic fasting, that is, tell our body that it does not eat anything. According to the research, caloric restriction extends the life of all species in which it has been tested, from yeast cells to mammals. If the animal receives 30-40 percent. calories less than what he would eat if he had unlimited access to food, it lives much longer. 30 percent in the case of mice and up to 200 percent. in flies and spiders.

EL: The explanation for this is simple – in times of hunger, the longevity genes try to keep the body in good condition to survive the hard times. Our metabolism slows down, insulin does not flow, mitochondria calms down, and no fat reserves are formed. Fasting not only promotes longevity, but also reduces the incidence of diseases of old age: cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The Smartfood team, to which we belong, aims to influence the genes of longevity without limiting the amount of calories consumed.

In which products can we find “smart particles”?

L.T.: In plant products that we call the Longevity group in the book. Physetin – a flavonoid that protects the nervous system and reduces the severe symptoms of diabetes, found in cocoa and strawberries. Quercetin, found in onions, asparagus, apples and lettuce, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, acts as an anticoagulant and regulates blood pressure. But this is not the end of its properties – it protects the eyes against harmful UV radiation and controls the level of sorbitrol, which in excess can damage the nervous system, eyesight and kidneys, especially in people with diabetes.

EL: Red grapes and dark chocolate, on the other hand, contain resveratrol, which binds and activates the Sirt gene, the first longevity gene discovered. And anthocyanins, also from the group of flavonoids, are a natural remedy for civilization diseases. They have antiallergic, antifungal and anti-cancer properties. Valuable flavone compounds are found especially in red oranges, cherries, forest fruits, eggplants and purple potatoes.

Why are oranges from Sicily so healthy? And which citrus is most similar to them?

L.T.: None – our oranges are unique. Numerous studies show that they not only affect longevity genes and protect against cardiovascular disease, but also alter lipid metabolism in such a way that even with a high-fat diet, adipose tissue is not formed. At the moment, the European Cancer Institute is running the STAR (Smart Trial Arancia Rossa – Smart Red Oranges Test) project, which will assess the effects of Sicilian citrus juice in women who have undergone surgery for breast cancer and undergoing therapy, the side effect of which is hypercholesterolaemia and weight gain. Huge amounts of anthocyanins aren’t the only benefits of oranges, however, which also contain carotenoids, polyphenols, magnesium, potassium and selenium.

EL: These are bombs when it comes to vitamin C (50 mg of vitamin in 100 g of fruit).

You mentioned purple potatoes, aren’t sweet potatoes the healthiest?

EL: Purple potatoes are their variety, native to South America. However, they beat their cousins ​​in terms of the content of anthocyanins, which give them an intense color. They promote longevity, fight cancer and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are great for athletes – as research shows, their consumption lowers markers related to the occurrence of inflammation and oxidative stress caused by physical activity.

Some of us try to outsmart nature by ingesting resveratrol tablets or drinking red wine.

EL: Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. A 2013 American meta-analysis showed that the seed extract in a pill had no effect on cholesterol or triglyceride levels, but eating grapes whole did. It is probably about the interaction of many substances, including the fiber from the pulp.

L.T.: When it comes to wine, in fact, some studies suggest that small amounts may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease through the effects of polyphenols, including resveratrol. The problem, however, is excess ethanol which is toxic to the body and increases the risk of cancer.

We already know that “smart particles” extend life, but do we know the right dose?

L.T.: No, there is no scientific basis to say that a gram of chili or four onions a day will keep us from getting old. But undoubtedly including them in the menu does not involve any risk, and conversely is a “smart – investment”.

Among the products from the Longevity group we can find kakis, grapes, plums and cherries – we don’t have to be afraid of fruit?

L.T.: A healthy menu is about more than just an energy bill. A cereal bar may have the same calories as two apples. But this is the only similarity – the nutritional values ​​of both products are completely different. Yes, apples contain sugar, but they also contain valuable fiber, which is like fertilizer for the gut flora – it provides the bacteria with nutrients and promotes the development of beneficial strains.

The «Smarfood Diet», outside the Longevity group, is based on the Protective group. What are these products?

EL: These are vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, grains, whole grains and seeds. Spices include oil, garlic and herbs. The substances contained in them, unlike the Longevity group, do not communicate directly with the genetic pathways of longevity, but regulate metabolism and protect us against diseases.

Low-carbohydrate diets are still very popular – can this diet harm us in the long run?

EL: Yes, all low carb diets like Dukan or Atkins can do more harm than good. An example is the famous American doctor himself, who lived shorter than the average Italian. I think we should end the myth of carbohydrates that are fattening once and for all. Complex carbohydrates such as bread, whole grain pasta and rice are essential to life and are the main source of energy. Without which we would not be able to walk, think or talk. We can only limit their consumption to one portion a day, and not completely eliminate them from the diet.

L.T: It is the excess of red meat that increases the risk of diabetes, heart attack, hypercholesterolaemia and obesity. The scientific community advises you not to eat more than 500 g of it a week and to give up cold meats. The World Health Organization included processed and preserved meat on the list of carcinogens in addition to smoking and asbestos two years ago.

EL: In fact, high-protein diets can help us lose weight in the short term, but they are ineffective in the long term. Additionally, they are associated with tremendous metabolic stress for the body. Not to mention the fact that Tor, one of the aging genes, is activated by amino acids when we eat a protein-rich meal.

What does the “smart plate” look like then?

L.T.: First of all, it should consist of a balanced amount: proteins, carbohydrates and fats – in this way, we will not only stay fuller for longer, but also limit the absorption of sugars. Vegetables should take up half the plate, and grains, fruit and protein should take up a quarter. Proteins are not only meat, they can be found in fish, eggs and dairy products – and we personally encourage you to do so in legumes and nuts.

I will take the opportunity to have experts in front of me and ask for a recipe for «smart pizza».

L.T: We can afford it once a week without fear. It all depends on the additives, amount and preparation method. The best choice will be a simple Margherita. A few kitchen tricks are enough – instead of white flour, it is worth using wholegrain flour, and turning brewer’s yeast into sourdough. Let’s not overdo it with salt, let’s experiment with other spices such as oregano, basil, thyme. Mozzarella is a great addition, only the portion size matters. If we order pizza in a restaurant and we have no influence on its composition, I suggest starting with a vegetable dish with fiber, which will slow down the absorption of glucose.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Can we add olive oil and how to choose the right one?

L.T.: I recommend extra virgin olive oil. Numerous publications have shown that it not only protects our hearts and arteries, but also effectively affects hypertension and atherosclerosis. The gigantic PREDIMED study proves that the Mediterranean diet with plenty of extra virgin olive oil reduces the incidence of breast cancer. Which one should you choose? It is worth remembering that the older it is, the more vitamins and polyphenols it loses, so it is worth checking the date of harvesting / pressing on the bottle. The bitter or pungent taste of the oil is not a fault, as is the color, which ranges from vivid green to straw yellow. Italian national dietary advice says 4 tablespoons a day for men and 3 for women, but personally I am in favor of increasing the serving size.

EL: Definitely – Italians do not recognize limitations in life and cuisine. Salute! (Bless you)

The photo shows Elian Liotta and Lucilla Titta, the author of the book

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