
Those who are 20-30 years old today do not want to work according to the old schemes: a career is not so important for them, but an interest in it and a feeling that you are working among like-minded people.

The new generation — generation Y — is ready to challenge modern ideas about careers. Recruiting company Hay’s decided to find out what «Generation Y» thinks about work. Many people in their 20s and 30s are no longer enamored with the idea of ​​moving upward towards success. A quarter of them in their lives would like to work in seven or even ten places, and possibly in different areas, in order to gain diverse experience*. They are more likely to be interested in a vacancy in a small company consisting of like-minded people than in a large corporation with a high and stable salary. Representatives of generation Y prefer flexible schedules and the opportunity to spend more time with family, friends, and travel more. Half of the “Greeks” are still tuned in to the “boss-subordinate” relationship format, but the same number want to see the leader as more of a guru and inspirer. “It’s not just about age differences,” says coach and career consultant Alexei Ulanovsky. – Technology is rapidly becoming obsolete, the structure of society is changing. The experience of predecessors no longer helps in solving new problems. Under these conditions, traditional models of corporate structure simply do not work.”

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* Published on the company’s official website

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