Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): symptoms, test, treatment

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): symptoms, test, treatment


Having generalized anxiety disorder means that you worry a lot of the time. So defined, generalized anxiety disorder may appear superficial. However, it is a real suffering for those who live it on a daily basis.

Definition of generalized anxiety disorder

Most people worry about their personal and professional life, their loved ones, less than an hour a day. People affected by generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) worry for more than 4 hours on average in a day.

The word generalized thus means that anxiety guides part of life and that it can therefore limit moments of happiness, while anticipating events whose finality we do not know.

The uncertainty

Uncertainty is the main generator of anxiety disorder. People affected by this pathology find it difficult to endure the lack of control they have over the future. It can be about the next hour, the next day or an indeterminate timeframe.


The fear that things will turn out badly in a real situation or the fear of a negative event which however has little risk of happening characterize the TAG. In this, it differs from stress or stage fright, which are one-off sensations common to most people and linked to real events that may or may not be successful (a sports competition, the results of the BAC, etc.).

Symptoms of TAG


Generalized anxiety disorder results above all in ruminations which end up weighing on the morale of the affected person.


Worry thus takes an important part of the day, preventing them from carrying out their usual activities, or limiting their interest.

Difficulty sleeping

The GAD manifests itself, consecutively, by a difficulty in falling asleep, or by frequent nocturnal awakenings.

The physical consequences

Generalized anxiety disorder also has physical consequences, with pathologies of psychosomatic origin that manifest themselves during peaks of anxiety or more episodically (clenched jaw, back pain, eczema, sweating, palpitations, tremors, stomach aches, pain intercostales, chills, loss of concentration, etc.).

These associated disorders must not remain unanswered. An attending physician can question his patient about any concerns that may be at the origin of a physical manifestation on an already favorable ground.

Other psychological pathologies

GAD can be associated with other psychological pathologies, such as depression, social anxiety, agoraphobia.

Associated dependencies

People with GAD are likely to develop these other conditions if they are not taken care of. Generalized anxiety disorder is also breeding ground for addiction to alcohol or tobacco. But that does not make all persons affected by a TAG automatically affected by dependency profiles.

Causes of generalized anxiety disorder

Causes that go back to childhood

The exact causes of TAG are difficult to determine and often multiple. The first symptoms appear around adolescence and intensify in adulthood, as the reasons for concern increase.

But people with GAD have also had concerns from childhood. A child who is very worried should therefore be followed as soon as possible to prevent this “character trait” from becoming too burdensome over the years.

After a traumatic event

In addition, generalized anxiety disorder can occur after one or more traumatic events. The death of a parent can cause a loss of bearings, for example, and cause almost constant worry. Many other difficult events can cause a TAG.

Family and professional responsibilities

In adulthood, even without having experienced tragedies, GAD can develop due to family and work responsibilities. Women are therefore more often affected than men. In addition, the loss of one’s job, financial difficulties or health problems are all possible causes of permanent anxiety. Again, it is mainly uncertainty that generates concern.

Diagnosis and testing of generalized anxiety disorder

Many people affected by GAD do not see their doctor, believing that they are experiencing a difficult personal situation, but “normal” because of the situation.

If worry is logical in case of personal difficulties, it is no longer when it creeps into all the interstices of life. Consulting your doctor becomes essential when anxiety takes on proportions that go beyond worrying. Thus, the physical manifestations are an opportunity to make an appointment and to explain his difficulties.

The attending physician can help the patient directly and may also refer him to a psychiatrist or psychologist. In all cases, it will be a question of starting from an evaluation sheet which will take into consideration priority psychosocial criteria, then behavioral criteria making it possible to diagnose GAD or another disorder.

Treatments for TAG

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Treatment for anxiety disorder first takes place on a psychological level, with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). But it is most often accompanied by an antidepressant. The doctor will assess its suitability according to the patient.

In all cases, it is for the latter to start work on himself through an evolution of his lifestyle. Stopping smoking and alcohol is important. In both cases, this can be accompanied by medical care depending on the degree of dependence.

Improved lifestyle

In addition, the improvement of the hygiene of life contributes to a reduction of the worry. Sporting activity helps, for example, to limit the physical and psychological consequences of generalized anxiety disorder. 20 minutes of exercise per day, or 1 hour, once or twice a week, are recommended for general rebalancing. Added to this is a balanced diet, which gives pride of place to fruits and vegetables, leaving aside prepared, rich, sweet and fatty dishes.

Beware of the risk of depression

Generalized anxiety disorder is not to be taken lightly, as it can develop into deep depression over time. However, not all forms of anxiety are TAGs. If in doubt, it is important to consult your doctor first. This is able to direct the patient to the right practitioner to achieve more serenity on a daily basis.

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