Recently, we hear more and more about detox programs. Hollywood and Russian stars on their social media pages proudly talk about a particular detox course they have taken and post photos with beautiful colorful drinks that help them preserve their beauty and health.
Following the trend, we decided to find out in more detail what detox is, and asked Margarita Koroleva, a well-known nutritionist, author and head of the “Royal Diet” healthy food delivery project, to tell about it.
General cleaning of the body
Detoxification programs for the body are necessary for residents of megalopolises in order to improve immunity and general well-being, to gain high efficiency. Especially detox programs are recommended for those who work hard, are under stress, do not have time to rest, eat chaotically and erratically, and even have bad habits. The purpose of body detoxification programs is to help get rid of toxins and toxins, to resist their accumulation and the formation of intermediate toxic products.
Our body has a unique ability to resist the accumulation of toxins and timely gets rid of them in a natural way.
However, at some point, the body’s self-purification system fails: toxins accumulate in the composition of cells and intercellular spaces. Some of the toxins can cause significant health damage. Their accumulation is the reason not only for weakness and decreased performance, but also for many diseases, allergic reactions, and weakening of the immune system.
It is here that well-designed detox programs can come to the rescue, with the help of which the body’s ability to cleanse is gradually restored, the work of all its systems, including the digestive organs, is normalized. That is, detox is a kind of general cleaning of the body, as a result of which a person’s well-being improves, his skin is cleansed, and immunity is increased. Detoxification programs allow you to get a boost of energy, regain lost performance and even partially get rid of extra pounds.
Unloading or cleaning
Many people confuse detox and fasting days. Detoxification is getting rid of toxins at the cellular level, which is necessary for people of various physiques, including those without excess weight, who work a lot, have frequent stress, lack of sleep, hectic eating, where periods of daytime hunger alternate with evening or nighttime overeating, which sometimes a hefty dose of alcohol and nicotine is added. A fasting day is a short-term and significant decrease in the calorie content of the usual diet, that is, micro-stress for the body, which stimulates the use of energy resources from fat depots.
Fasting days are needed to give dynamics to the process of reducing excess body weight in overweight people or in order to maintain the result obtained. To enhance the effect of contrast with the usual diet, the use of one or several products is often taken as the basis of the fasting day, for example, rice, kefir, pineapple cooked in a special way.
However, it should be noted that periodically conducted non-starving days of fasting stimulate the natural processes of cleansing the body, preventing the accumulation of excess fat deposits and, accordingly, toxins in them.
The purpose of detox is not to reduce body weight, but, as we have already said, to get rid of “garbage”: during the detox course, you reduce to zero the intake of harmful substances into the body that lead to oxidative stress, and at the same time eat food that helps to cleanse the body at the cellular level.
Which detox to choose
To achieve the maximum effect, preference should be given to detox courses in which a professional medical approach is combined with high-tech cooking. After all, to correctly draw up a detox program, ensure the sequence and mode of intake of the required and correctly processed food components, their combination and ratio, determine the duration of such a program – this is the highest mathematics, which is mastered only by an experienced doctor who deeply knows the physiology and biochemistry of the biotransformation of toxins in the body. Only with such a responsible approach can you get good results without harming the body.
For example, the Royal Diet detox line
Detox rules
In preparation for a detox course, it is necessary to exclude food components from the diet that interfere with cleansing, and introduce natural products that promote detoxification into the diet with minimal culinary processing in order to obtain the necessary nutrients and a sufficient amount of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Minimize the consumption of sugar, salt, white cereals, flour products, refined oils, canned food. Refuse carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, dairy foods, and animal products, with the exception of fish and skinless chicken breast.
I recommend gradually adding unprocessed almonds, beans, chickpeas, lentils, green salads, which are high in dietary fiber and healthy minerals, and fresh juices to your diet. During this period, it is necessary to switch to fractional nutrition, consume a lot of plain water and herbal tea. This preparation should last from ten days to a month, which will minimize the body’s negative response to detox.
Contraindications to detoxification are inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, pancreas, diabetes mellitus, serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. It is not recommended to use cleansing programs in the presence of ARVI or acute infectious diseases.
Be healthy!
Margarita Koroleva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the clinic, author and leader of the “Royal Diet” healthy food delivery project.