General cleaning: how to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins

Do you constantly feel low energy? Has your complexion turned grey? Mood worsens for no reason? Maybe your body needs a detox. A naturopath knows how to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins in just a week.

A sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and bad habits lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. And no matter how well the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system work, they sometimes cannot cope. To help them, it is enough to follow 10 simple rules once every three months during the week. Some of them may well become a useful daily habit.

1. Start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon

Probably everyone has heard about this rule. But it is suitable only for those who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, drink water without lemon. Let’s reiterate why it’s good to do this. Water with lemon washes away toxins and food debris from the walls of the stomach and intestines, stimulates the liver and speeds up metabolism. In addition, it replenishes the moisture balance in cells, and vitamin C and lemon juice antioxidants help the liver turn on protective functions.

By the way, water temperature matters. Cold liquid in the morning will become a shock for the body that has just woken up and, instead of activating the metabolism, will block it.

2. Stimulate the Kidneys with Dandelion Infusion

The kidneys filter 1700 liters of blood per day, removing unnecessary substances from it and regulating the volume of fluid in the body. How to improve their work? Herbalist Maurice Mességuet recommends regularly drinking an infusion of dandelion, rosemary, nettle, and fumes. In 500 ml of hot water, you need to brew a pinch of dried leaves of these plants.

You can limit yourself to infusion only from dandelions. It is sold in any pharmacy.

3. Don’t Forget the Colon Cleansing

To effectively cleanse the digestive tract, you need to remove meat, eggs, coffee, chocolate, sugar, flour and dairy products from the menu for 3-5 days (or even better – for a week).

The basis of the diet should be white rice, to which you can add fresh vegetables, seafood and nuts, as well as dried fruits and apples (with a long detox program). Due to the high content of potassium, rice effectively eliminates toxins and excess salt.

4. Take a detox bath twice a week

In the bath, it is better to add the so-called Epsom salts – magnesium sulfate or magnesia. This ancient method helps to get rid of toxins, as well as replenish the supply of minerals in the body.

Dissolve 2 cups of magnesium sulfate (based on a standard bath and an adult weighing over 45 kg) in warm water, add a cup of baking soda and a quarter cup of sea or Himalayan salt, the same amount of apple cider vinegar and aromatic oils as desired.

You need to be in the bath for 20 to 40 minutes, while it is important to have a glass of cool clean water on hand (you will definitely want to drink) and monitor the body’s reaction. After a few minutes, you will start to sweat. This means that the body gets rid of toxins. If you get too hot, add cool water. Get out of the bath carefully and slowly. Wrap yourself up in a warm bathrobe and have a drink.

5. Exfoliate your body every night with a scrub and a stiff brush

By removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, you eliminate all the harmful substances that accumulate on it, as well as improve cellular respiration and help the lymphatic system remove waste products from the body. You can use a ready-made scrub with natural particles or make your own, such as coffee, honey and olive oil.

6. Sign up for lymphatic drainage massage or pressotherapy in the salon

These procedures allow you to get rid of edema and stagnant fluids, toxins and decomposition products of fats. The effect is usually noticeable after the first procedure. There is a feeling of lightness in the legs and a surge of strength.

You can do a simple five-minute lymphatic drainage massage yourself. To do this, place your fingers under your ears on both sides of your neck. With relaxed hands, gently pull the skin down towards the back of the neck. Repeat 10 times, gradually increasing the amplitude. Then repeat 10 more times, but already tightening the skin towards the collarbones.

7. Drink chamomile tea at night

This is a favorite secret of many French women. A cup of chamomile infusion before going to bed will make it calmer and stronger. In addition, chamomile improves digestion, relieving the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

8. Give up sugar and salt

If it is still difficult to completely refuse, minimize their consumption. So that familiar dishes do not seem too boring, season them with spices and spices. And sugar can be replaced with agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

9. Add Fennel Seeds or Oil to Your Meals

They will give salads, soups and hot dishes a piquant flavor and help cleanse the body. The substances contained in fennel seeds improve the functioning of the digestive system, lower blood sugar levels, tone up, and help the liver, kidneys and spleen.

The famous “dill water” given to children for bloating and flatulence is made from fennel seeds. And it got its name because the people call fennel “pharmaceutical dill” because of its similarity with a garden plant beloved in Russia.

10. Move more

Physical activity enhances the effect of any detox program. Movement improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. However, during the weekly detox course, it is better to give up excessive loads and exhausting workouts. Instead, do yoga, stretch, and walk more.

About the author: Odile Chabriillac is a naturopath and psychotherapist who writes a blog about healthy living.

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