Gender: what changes for men after 40

As the forties set in, men often notice a drop in their sexual activity. Different factors are at the origin of this change at the sexual level.
The stress
40 years corresponds toage at which work takes an important part in men’s lives. They often face a career turn, find themselves with more responsibilities and important decisions to make.
Result ? The stress. The latter can even settle to the point of causing a real burnout. Now, it is well known that stress, associated with physical and psychological fatigue, leads to decreased sexual activity.
To remedy, sport, yoga and moments of relaxation are essential. So is restful sleep and healthy eating.
Another factor in loss of sexual appetite: andropause. Greek andros, “Man”, and pausis, « cessation », andropause should be called DALA instead: ” age-related androgen deficiency ».
Andropause is all the physiological and psychological symptoms affecting men from the age of 40. It manifests itself by decreased production of testosterone often at the origin of a decrease in libido.
Andropause can cause other inconveniences: sleep disturbances, excessive sweating, insomnia, weight gain, decalcification, fatigue, etc.. In short, bad conditions for a part of legs in the air.
Erectile dysfunction
Among the most troublesome effects of andropause for men are erectile dysfunction. These latter have a very strong impact on male sexual activity as one can imagine.
The only solution: meet a doctor for treatment. This help can be psychological as well as medication or advice for a healthier lifestyle.
In case of erectile dysfunction, it is also important todiscuss it with his partner. Establish dialogue to better experience this change in one’s sexual activity.
The body transforms
The course of forty is also difficult because the body begins to change. For some, these changes are a source of complexes and lead to loss of self-confidence which often goes hand in hand with a decrease in sexual appetite.
Most visible? Hair loss. While some live their baldness badly, others, on the contrary, adapt to it without difficulty. If a man does not assume his bald head, he will have to meet its needs in iron, copper, zinc, silicon and vitamins. He may also use minoxidil-based hair lotions or finasteride tablets.
When they are in their forties, some men start to get belly. Not easy for them then to feel sexy! Yet they can remedy it. In the program : sport and food rebalancing. Very often, an appointment with a nutritionist allows you to find a healthy diet.
Read also: Andropause