Gender of the baby in IVF
When a couple with artificial insemination has the official right to decide whom they will give birth to: a boy or a girl

The sex of the child is determined at the stage of fertilization.

The egg contains only the X chromosome, which determines the female sex. You will have a boy or a girl, it becomes clear from the sperm chromosome. The representative of the stronger sex will be born if the fertilizing spermatozoon was a carrier of the Y chromosome. A sperm cell with an X chromosome gives rise to a female body (1).

Is it possible to choose the gender of the child

Today, only the IVF procedure can guarantee the “desired” gender of the child. However, according to federal law No. 323, “when using assisted reproductive technologies, the choice of the sex of the unborn child is not allowed” (2).

An exception is when parents have hereditary diseases that are transmitted through the female or male line. In such cases, pre-implantation diagnosis (PGD) is indicated. This method allows you to choose the gender of the unborn child.

During the procedure, the genotype of the embryo is studied for possible hereditary and genetic diseases (Down syndrome, Patau, Edwards, etc.). Only healthy embryos are transferred to the uterus.

What diseases can choose the sex of the child

IVF with determination of the sex of the child is carried out only in the presence of the following pathologies.

  1. Hemophilia. A serious hereditary disease in which blood clotting is impaired. Even a small wound can lead to severe bleeding. Patients often experience hemorrhages in the joints, muscles and internal organs, both spontaneously and as a result of trauma or surgery. Death from hemorrhage is possible even with minor trauma.
  2. color blindness. A visual impairment in which a person is unable to distinguish colors. It happens acquired and congenital, the latter is not amenable to treatment.
  3. Ichthyosis. A skin disease in which the processes of keratinization of the skin are disrupted. It is dry, constantly flaky, similar to fish scales. The skin loses some of its protective properties.
  4. Spinal muscular dystrophy. A genetic disease caused by a progressive decrease in the ability of muscles to contract. It leads to the impossibility of even the simplest actions (for example, to raise a spoon, sit down, etc.), and if left untreated, to a violation of breathing and swallowing. At the same time, the person is conscious and fully aware of what is happening.
  5. Kabuki Syndrome. A very rare genetic disorder. It is characterized by mental retardation, malformations, growth retardation. People suffering from this disease have a specific appearance. They are similar to the actors of the Japanese Kabuki theater: elongated large eyes, a flattened nose and lush eyelashes. 
  6. Morris syndrome. A disorder associated with a lack of sensitivity to testosterone. The development of the external features of a person follows the female type with a male chromosome set. It is possible to develop from a normal male physique with a mild disorder of spermatogenesis to a completely female physique.

There are also more rare pathologies associated with the sex chromosome. All of them are detected on PGD and make it possible to understand whether a choice of the sex of the child is required during IVF.

Scientific rationale

Some pseudo-scientific methods can give 50% accuracy in choosing the sex of the child. For example, there is an assumption that sperm with a Y chromosome prefer an alkaline environment. Therefore, the best time to conceive a male child is immediately after ovulation. At this time, an alkaline secret is secreted in the female genital tract, which is a favorable environment for “male” spermatozoa. Any other time is suitable for conception of a girl when the environment in the genital tract is acidic.

Spermatozoa with the X chromosome move more slowly, but they are more viable and can stay in the fallopian tubes longer. Y chromosome spermatozoa are fast, but not as viable. Thus, if sexual intercourse occurred at the time of ovulation, the egg is more likely to reach the “male” sperm first. If ovulation occurs in 1-2 days, then most likely the egg will be fertilized by the “hidden” sperm with the X chromosome. And a girl will be born.

The onset of ovulation can be judged by the temperature in the vagina. During or shortly before ovulation, the temperature rises by 0,2 degrees.

Folk methods 

There are many folk signs and recommendations on how to conceive a child of the “right” gender.

  • Diet. To conceive a boy, it is proposed to include meat dishes, fish, smoked meats and pickles in the diet and refuse dairy products. Drink coffee, tea, beer. Eat more fruits – bananas, dates, apricots and oranges. From vegetables – beans, mushrooms, potatoes.

To conceive a girl – drink tea, chocolate, mineral waters with calcium content. The diet should consist of dishes prepared from fresh meat and fish. Salt must be limited, like everything smoked and pickled.

  • calendar method. According to the Chinese, the gender of the child is influenced by the age of the mother and the month of conception. There are special tables where the age of the mother is indicated horizontally, the month is indicated vertically, and the sex of the child is indicated at the intersection.

In a special Japanese calendar, the months in which the parents were born are compared. And according to them, the time of conception is recommended. 

But we must understand that these methods do not have any clinical evidence of effectiveness.

Popular questions and answers

Obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Makarova helped us answer the most popular questions related to the sex of the child in IVF.

When the gender of the child must be chosen in advance

The sex of the child must be chosen if the parents have hereditary diseases linked to the sex. That is, their transmission is possible only through the female or only the male line (3). Such diseases include hemophilia (blood clotting disorder), color blindness. They are passed down the male line and are most common in males. In these cases, it is possible to choose the sex of the unborn child at the stage of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis of the embryo.

Why the clinic may refuse to choose the sex of the child

If there are no hereditary diseases linked to sex, the choice of the sex of the child will be denied, since this is prohibited by the legislation of the Federation.

What is preimplantation genetic testing?

This method avoids the transfer of an embryo with chromosomal abnormalities that will cause developmental anomalies or genetic diseases of the child, such as Down syndrome, hemophilia and others.

PGT is indicated for couples with genetic diseases or in late reproductive age (for women over 35). In older women, the incidence of genetic abnormalities increases dramatically. Testing may also be performed on patients who have had spontaneous abortions or who have failed IVF attempts. This is necessary in order to prevent the birth of a child with a pathology. With the help of PGT, the doctor examines the genotype of the embryo for chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to the development of Down syndrome and other diseases. If there is a risk of passing pathology with the sex, such as hemophilia (passed through the male line), PGT allows you to choose a female embryo.

How much does IVF with gender determination cost?

In Our Country, the minimum price is 一 280 thousand rubles, the maximum is 一 495 thousand. Usually the price is 300-350 thousand rubles.

Sources of

  1. Gender choice in assisted reproductive technologies: opportunities, dangers, prospects / Rusanova N.E. // 2020
  2. The role of forensics in protecting against criminal risks of assisted reproductive technologies / Kruchinina N. V. // 2021
  3. When there are already two of us / Voznesensky N. A. // 2006

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